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Everything posted by cstevensjr

  1. That's the same result I got originally with Firefox. When I refreshed, it then displayed correctly.
  2. Looks normal on Safari and Chrome on a Mac (10.11.6). There seems to be a slight problem with the display on Firefox with the copyright showing under some content. Can you please provide at least a screenshot of what you think is wrong, so we have an idea of what problem you are seeing? Any other information that you can provide would be helpful for someone to help you.
  3. I don't believe any of these IDs are reused.
  4. Can you please be more descriptive and elaborate on the modules that are affected by this problem? The more information you can provide about your issue the better someone will be able to help you.
  5. Are you able to update to the current devns version (3.0.30)? If so, do you continue having the same problem?
  6. What ProcessWire version are you using with this module and it would greatly help if you would go into more detail about your problem?
  7. I found this website to be very interesting take on pricing websites and other development tasks. http://howmuchtomake.com/ I will be referencing this link to my clients so that they can get a realistic view of how things are priced. Depending on where you live, this may or may not be much help to web developers/designers. Good Day.
  8. Running 3.0.29 and when Ryan fixed the latest commit (fix for Issue #1965), I ran it again (as the example shows) to update to the latest version of 3.0.29
  9. I believe you can click on the red link to get the latest update (commit) for that version
  10. You can also make a change in your .htaccess file From To
  11. Did this problem happen suddenly or has been occurring for some time? Have you recently updated/changed something? Can you please be more specific and give some background on when this started happening?
  12. That was the best introduction/explanation of ProcessWire that I have ever read. You have an excellent grasp of how things work and know how to convey it in a very enjoyable writing style. A link to this article should be somewhere on the main ProcessWire website. Simply amazing writing!
  13. I believe that is strictly determined by your PHP settings.
  14. Here are a few background links on SmartyPants, if that will be of any help: https://daringfireball.net/projects/smartypants/ https://michelf.ca/projects/php-smartypants/ https://michelf.ca/projects/php-smartypants/typographer/
  15. @horst, Yes! My clients love that ALIF shows up on the front-end. It makes it easier for them and me to get to the back-end. It's very visual and simple to explain to anyone. I've been very happy ever since you made the ALIF module available. Excellent work on having the Tracy toggle! You and @adrian are to be greatly commended for doing some remarkable work on all of your modules. Thanks.
  16. I respectfully disagree, unless you are only talking about depreciating the user switching part of ALIF. I use ALIF all of the time when logged in as an administrator. I only turn-on Tracy Debugger whenever I need to debug something. I have great use for both tools and would not like to see either one of them depreciated. My opinion.
  17. @ian, I would strongly suggest that you provide information (to include Version of PW/PHP, any 3rd party modules installed). It would greatly help if your can also provide a detailed explanation of how you believe things should be working, to include any code segments/site structure/custom templates that would aid anyone trying to provide assistance. You stated that your development system is fine, so the first thing you could explain is the differences between your production and dev setups (if any)? Any assistance that you can provide is greatly appreciated. For historical purposes, I am providing the link to your original Showcase post about this website:
  18. You seem to be stuck on sass and I am talking about having PW profiles that a basic beginner (who may or may not know anything about sass) can utilize. We are coming together from two totally different planes. Yes, I believe it was fantastic and a good trend that @flydev augmented the profiles by including the precompiled version. It should be a great learning tool for all.
  19. While I agree with you that one needs to expand their horizons, we also need to understand that not everyone uses the latest technology. We should strive to make these profiles accessible to everyone, no matter their knowledge/skill level. My push will always be about accessibility to technology by all. I firmly believe that's how things will spread.
  20. @ryan, committed an update this morning that I can confirm fixes this problem. Now works great on an updated 3.0.23 commit.
  21. @krisj, You may want to post this information in the support forum for that Module.
  22. Updated to PW 3.0.23 and the same problem exists. Had to downgrade back down to 3.0.20 to properly use PageTable fields. Updated the Github issue with this status.
  23. Follow-up I tested with PW 3.0.20 and PHP 5.6.19. Then I then upgraded the PHP to 7.0.6. With both PHP versions everything worked as normal. I setup a new cron job and that is working without any problems.
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