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Everything posted by fraga

  1. Perfect, many thanks. I was only looking at Pageimages. Is there any reason why the API Docu is only dispaying specific hooks, or none at all? (e.g. https://processwire.com/api/ref/pagefiles/)
  2. Hi, currently working on my first module. I want to split large images into smaller tiles and display those tiles via a Js-Map like Leaflet. I already finished up all the main parts. I added an image action which takes the image name and creates a corresponding folder in which all the tiles are stored. Currently the deletion of the folder is handled with just another image action. I would want to automatically delete the folder and the tiles when the main image is deleted from the post. How could I achieve that? (If you want to take a look the source-code can be found here: https://github.com/tri-fraga/ImageTiler/blob/master/ImageTiler.module Would love some feedback ?
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