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Everything posted by cboetens

  1. Hi guys So I'm building a little search index for a client with this recipe I've found on the ProcessWire Recipes website (more info: https://processwire-recipes.com/recipes/set-up-search-index-with-fieldtypecache/) I've followed the exact steps in the recipe and the script appears to be working, except for Profields: Repeater Matrix. ? This is the code I've got so far: <?php include('includes/header.php') ?> <?php $q = $sanitizer->selectorValue($input->get->q); if($q) { $results = $pages->find('search_cache%='. $q); } else { $results = new stdClass(); $results->count = 0; } ?> <section class="partners-block-consul mb-5"> <div class="container"> <div class="row"> <div class="col-sm-10 offset-sm-1"> <div class="partners-head sec-p-lg"> <?php if($page->headline) { ?> <h1 class="highlight"><?= $page->headline ?></h1> <?php } ?> <div class="cms text-left"> <p>Er werden <?= $results->count ?> resultaten gevonden.</p> <?php if($results->count > 0){ ?> <ul> <?php foreach($results as $result){ if($result->template->name == "faq_item") { $category = $pages->get("id=".$result->faq_category); $parent_template = $category->rootParent(); ?> <li><?= $result->title ?> - <a href="<?= $parent_template->url . $category->name . "/"; ?>" title="<?= $result->title ?>"><?= $labels->read_more ?></a></li> <?php } elseif($result->template->name == "faq_category") { $parent_template = $result->rootParent(); $faqCategoryUrl = $parent_template->url . $result->name . "/"; ?> <li><?= $result->title ?> - <a href="<?= $faqCategoryUrl; ?>" title="<?= $result->title ?>"><?= $labels->read_more ?></a></li> <?php } else { ?> <li><?= $result->title ?> - <a href="<?= $result->url; ?>" title="<?= $result->title ?>"><?= $labels->read_more ?></a></li> <?php } ?> <?php } ?> </ul> <?php } ?> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> <?php include('includes/cta.php'); ?> <?php include('includes/footer.php'); ?> In the ProcessWire admin the "search_cache" field is being build as follows (see image 1). Then, the field 'search_cache' is being used on the following templates (see image 2 and 3). So, let's say I'm searching the word 'kinderen', which should get a hit on the template 'Kind', the script isn't returning this page as one of the hits (the result should return 'migraine'). If someone has any idea why the script is not looking for the data that is being put in the field "Profields: Repeater Matrix", he/ she would be my personal hero! ? Greetings Cédric
  2. Hi gebeer Thanks for the excellent suggestions! I am going to test these out immediately. In the meanwhile I've adjusted both of the if-statements. It's the little tips that make a lot of difference to me, thanks for that! As I'm gaining more and more experience, I am sure I will discover a lot of other small tips. Thanks again!
  3. Hi Gebeer! Thanks for the kind words! Indirectly that line indeed caused the problem. If you have a look at the two if-statements just above this line, you will see that I don't check if the values "$category->id" and "$subcategory->id" are set or not and if they are empty or not. With the faulty code the variable "$selector" in the line of code that you mentioned above is empty. That way, the products are not being loaded when a category is selected. This was problem 1. I've made a second adjustment. In my code I have renamed the template "products_categories.php" to "products.php". As an alternate template name for "products_categories.php" I have set "products.php". I don't really know if an alternate file name is necessary tough? That way I can easily grab a category and select all products linking to that category, I guess? The code that resolved my problem was the following: if(isset($category->id) && !empty($category->id)){ $selector .= ", products_categories=" . $category; } if(isset($subcategory->id) && !empty($subcategory->id)){ $selector .= ", products_categories=" . $subcategory; } Feel free to post any feedback. It's an interesting subject. Greetings.
  4. Hi everybody This topic can be closed. I have found the solution. Thanks anyway!
  5. Hi guys I guess this is the right forum to post my question. If not, do let me know. Ok, I'm fairly new to ProcessWire and so far I really like the CMS! It's magnificent to use and really straight forward. Big thanks to Ryan for that. Now, the question I have. I have a template called 'products_categories.php' in which I collect and render all the different categories (the categories basically act as a filter) for a variety of products and next to the categories, I render all the products, like so: <?php include('includes/header.php') ?> <?php $categoryName = $sanitizer->pageName($input->urlSegment(1)); $subcategoryName = $sanitizer->pageName($input->urlSegment(2)); pre($categoryName); pre($subcategoryName); $categories = $page->get("template=products_categories"); $category = $categories->get("template=products_categories_item, name=" . $categoryName); if($category->id){ $session->category = $category->id; $subcategory = $category->get("template=products_categories_item, name=" . $subcategoryName); if($subcategory->id){ $session->subcategory = $subcategory->id; } } $selector = "template=products_item"; if($category->id){ $selector .= ", products_categories=" . $category; } if(isset($subcategory->id)){ $selector .= ", products_categories=" . $subcategory; } $products_items = $page->find($selector); ?> <div class="uk-section"> <div class="uk-container"> <?php if(!empty($page->headline)) { ?> <h1><?= $page->headline ?></h1> <?php } ?> <!-- **** COMMENT: create grid for products **** ---> <div class="row"> <div class="col-md-3"> <div class="uk-card mr-3 uk-card-default uk-card-body"> <h3 class="uk-card-title">Productcategorieën</h3> <ul class="uk-list"> <?php foreach($categories->children() as $c){ ?> <li class="<?= ($category->id===$c->id ? 'active ' : '') ?>"> <a href="<?= $page->url . $c->name . '/' ?>"><?= $c->title; ?></a> <?php if($c->hasChildren){ ?> <ul> <?php foreach($c->children() as $sc) {?> <li class="<?= ($category->id==$c->id && $subcategory->id==$sc->id ? 'active ' : '') ?>"> <a href="<?= $page->url . $c->name . '/' . $sc->name . '/' ?>"><?= $sc->title; ?></a> </li> <?php } ?> </ul> <?php } ?> </li> <?php } ?> </ul> </div> </div> <div class="col-md-9"> <div class="uk-child-width-1-3@s uk-grid-match uk-grid-margin-small uk-grid-small" uk-grid> <?php foreach($products_items as $product) { ?> <div class="uk-card"> <?php if(isset($product->image)) { ?> <div class="uk-card-media-top"> <img src="<?= $product->image->URL; ?>" title="<?= $product->title; ?>" alt="<?= $product->intro; ?>"> </div> <?php } ?> <?php if(!empty($product->title) || !empty($product->intro)) { ?> <div class="uk-card-body uk-card-default"> <?php if(!empty($product->title)) { ?> <h3 class="uk-card-title"><?= $product->title; ?></h3> <?php } ?> <?php if(!empty($product->intro)) { ?> <p><?= $product->intro; ?></p> <?php } ?> <?php if (!empty($product->price)): ?> <h3 class="uk-card-title">&euro;&nbsp;<?= $product->price; ?>&nbsp;(excl. btw)</h3> <?php endif; ?> <a class="uk-button uk-button-primary" href="<?= $product->url; ?>">Bekijk</a> </div> <?php } ?> </div> <?php } ?> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <?php include('includes/footer.php'); ?> Now, I can't seem to get the filter to work. The URL behind every (sub)category should go straight back to the template 'products_categories.php', that way I can get a range of products according to the selected/ clicked URL. What am I missing here? Is this not the correct way to handle things? Any help is welcome! Thanks. Cédric
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