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Everything posted by beate-neu

  1. just now: no image ? But thanks.
  2. Hello, I wanted to use Pages2Pdf to create a pdf in a module. It nearly works, but Images which I store in the same folder as the templates aren't shown. Neither <img src="/site/templates/pages2pdf/logo.png" alt="" width="700"> nor <img src="logo.png" alt="" width="700"> I need to display some data from my method in the module: public function ___executeTickets_Pdf() { $data = $this->ticket; $pdf = $this->modules->get('WirePDF'); .... } <?php $data['prename'] ?> don't work... Does someone have a hint? Thanks!
  3. Just for the records: There is a simpler solution now: $siblings = $page->siblings(false);
  4. Zeka, thanks, this worked, also with save in foreach. ?
  5. Hello, I'm importing pages from the last CMS into PW. This works very well with a database dump. But I'm having problems saving the images and downloads for each page. I copied all of the files in a folter I specified in $upload_path: ... $page->save(); $imagegallery = explode(",", $value['filelist1']); foreach($imagegallery as $filename) { //$page->imagegallery[] = $upload_path . $filename; //$page->imagegallery->add((string)$upload_path . $filename); $page->set("imagegallery", $upload_path . $filename); } $page->save(); none of the lines worked :( Is there a trick I don't know? Thanks, Beate
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