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  1. Hi, I have installed ckeditor addon "LayoutManager". I can view that it is installed properly and enabled in Field's Plugins list. But on page when that field is appears blank. I can't view ckeditor. I am using processwire 2.5.3 version and 1.2.8 ckeditor version. Also, i have installed all dependent add ons. Also i have tested some other addons, they are working perfectly. Plz Help Me. Regards Peter
  2. Hi, Can i make repeater inside repeater? If yes, how to call it? Plz help. Regards Peterpp
  3. Hi, Is there a way to place url for an image? I am uploading images through image field, i want to place some external as well as internal url for image. Second, when i insert image throught image field, i found two rows table like structure named Descritpion. What is purpose of that second row? I am able to call description entered in 1st row. Regards Peterpp
  4. Hi Martin, Ok...With my config its not working. I will try on your configuration.. Regards, Peterpp
  5. Hi Martin, Below are my system details: Apache/2.4.7 (Ubuntu) PHP Version 5.5.9-1ubuntu4 processwire 2.5.3 folder rights i set to 777. I dont think folder issue is their. Because all other pages/attachments are doing well. When i try to save a page under Downloads page, i am getting "session: Could not create .htaccess for at the needed location." error. when i am trying to upload a pdf to this page, i am getting "Session: Could not create .htaccess for filename.pdf at the needed location." error. Regards, Peterpp
  6. Hi Martin, Below are my system details: Apache/2.4.7 (Ubuntu) PHP Version 5.5.9-1ubuntu4 processwire 2.5.3 folder rights i set to 777. I dont think folder issue is their. Because all other pages/attachments are doing well. When i try to save a page under Downloads page, i am getting "session: Could not create .htaccess for at the needed location." error. when i am trying to upload a pdf to this page, i am getting "Session: Could not create .htaccess for filename.pdf at the needed location." error. Regards, Peterpp
  7. Hi Martin, Other uploads are working fine. assets folder is writable. Regards, Peterpp
  8. Hi, I am getting error while uploading a pdf. I tried with several pdfs. Session: Could not create .htaccess for quick_start_guide_for_woocommerce_with_wootax.pdf at the needed location. Downloads page is created . When creating child page i am getting error Session: Could not create .htaccess for at the needed location.. Settings of module are defaults, nothing is changed. Plz help me. Regards, Peterpp
  9. HI Esrch, Thanx for your help. One client can have multiple categories. Regards, Pravin
  10. Hi, I have a parent page named Clients. It has several child pages. I have listed all my clients under Clients. I have another page as named Categories. It also has several child pages. I have placed technologies used for clients , sectors etc. I have created a PageField for Clients child pages, so that i can select Categories child pages. I am displaying all Categories as a button or tab. When i click on any button or tab(Categories child page), i want to display all Clients child pages of that category. For example if i click Processwire tab or button, all pages that have PageField value processwire should be displayed. I am using isotope. My code is as below: page_select is a pagefield. <script type="text/javascript"> $(document).ready(function() { $('#filterOptions li a').click(function() { // fetch the class of the clicked item var ourClass = $(this).attr('class'); var category = $(ourClass).val(); console.log("'."+ourClass+"'"); // reset the active class on all the buttons $('#filterOptions li').removeClass('active'); // update the active state on our clicked button $(this).parent().addClass('active'); if(ourClass == 'all-clients-1') { // show all our items $('#ourHolder').children('div.item').show(1000); } else { // hide all elements that don't share ourClass $('#ourHolder').children('div:not(.' + ourClass + ')').hide(1000); // show all elements that do share ourClass $('#ourHolder').children('div.' + ourClass).show(1000); } return false; }); }); </script> <div class="wrapper"> <div class="row body-padding"> <?php $p=$pages->get(1151)->children("include=all"); $i=1; echo "<ul id='filterOptions'>"; foreach ($p as $k) { echo "<li><a href='#' class='all-clients-$i'>$k->title</a></li>"; $i++; } echo "</ul>"; ?> <div id="ourHolder"> <div class="row item all-clients-1"> <?php $posts = $pages->find("template=clients-detail,include=all, page_select=All"); echo "<ul>"; foreach ($posts as $k) { $image=$k->landing_page_image; echo "<a href='{$image->description}' target='_blank'> <li class='large-2 columns clients'><img src='{$image->httpUrl}' /></li></a>"; } echo "</ul>"; ?> </div> <div class="row item all-clients-2"> <?php $posts = $pages->find("template=clients-detail, include=all, page_select=Processwire"); echo "<ul>"; foreach ($posts as $k) { $image=$k->landing_page_image; echo "<a href='{$image->description}' target='_blank'> <li class='large-3 columns clients'><img src='{$image->httpUrl}' /></li></a>"; } echo "</ul>"; ?> </div> <div class="item all-clients-3"> <?php $posts = $pages->find("template=clients-detail, include=all, page_select=PHP"); echo "<ul>"; foreach ($posts as $k) { $image=$k->landing_page_image; echo "<a href='{$image->description}' target='_blank'> <li class='large-3 columns clients'><img src='{$image->httpUrl}' /></li></a>"; } echo "</ul>"; ?> </div> </div> </div> </div> It is working fine but everytime i have to write a block for each category, like above, i have to write for All, Processwire, PHP and so on.... I want it to happen using foreach loop. So that i dont have write code for each pagefield value. Plz help me.. Regards, Pravin
  11. Hi all, I did it as i described in last post.. <?php $posts = $pages->find("page_select=Processwire"); echo "<ul>"; foreach ($posts as $k) { echo "<li>$k->title</li>"; } echo "</ul>"; ?> where page_select is pagefiled type. Thanx for everybody's help.. Regards, Pravin
  12. Thanx for solutions. What i am thinking is i will display child pages based on field value. i.e when i click Processwire button, all child pages that have pagefiled value "Processwire". Is it possible and best way to achieve this functionality? Regards, Pravin
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