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Posts posted by breezer

  1. Hello all, is there a way to create a totally blank template? I need to house an ajax processor which returns a result, but with regular templates it gives me the whole page as the return value which kaboshes the response message.

    I need to have the ajax processor as a site page so that it has access to to specific variables before processing.

    Any guidance is appreciated.


  2. Thanks @bernhard, I'm digging into module creation as we speak. I've been lurking the forums here for a minute and soaking up all the useful tidbits I can to be sure.

    As far as front end flexibility goes, the way it works now is all the content sections are templated and language translatable ( template can be switched in admin ). Most sections are set up as blocks to be placed wherever you need. Of course there will be quite a few changes which will be made to bring it into line with PW and hopefully be attractive to most audiences.  

    Thanks for the offer to help, if I decide to go the open route I will surely give you a shout ?

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  3. Thanks for the welcome, I think I will give it a shot and move forward with the rewrite. Since I have so much time invested already it would be a shame to abandon my project. That being said it will take at least a few months or more due to the way I had to work around the previous cms but I feel sure that once I'm more familiar with PW a really nice forum module will emerge. Wish me luck lol and I'll post updates here sporadically ?

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  4. Hello all ?

    First I would like to say PW is a wonderful CMS and a very helpful and friendly community, which is rare these days.

    I was doing web dev as a hobby while I cared for elderly parents but now it's time to move forward and get serious ( it's getting cold here so I'll be trapped indoors lol ). A while back I created a full featured built in forum system for Evolution CMS which I could rewrite for PW if there is enough interest, although it would have to be a paid module. At the moment I only have a working version on my local wamp, I can put it online next week and send anyone interested a link via PM.

    What do ya'll think?

    I removed the old screenshots as they are not relevant any more ?

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