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  1. @FireWire Thank you very much for your detailed information. It is very useful to us. One more question: please find the attachment and suggest which pricing will suit us in the google Cloud Translation Api. AutoML Translation Model Training Operations AutoML Translation Online Predictions Operations AutoML Translation Model Online Prediction In Translation V3 Document Translation. Language Detection Adaptive MT Translation Input Characters Adaptive MT Translation Output Characters Neural Translation Model Predictions Neural Translation Model Predictions In Translation V3 Neural Translation Model Online Prediction In Translation V3 Document Translation.
  2. @FireWire Thanks for your information. We have a few queries regarding Cloud Translation API pricing and translation for our website. We have approximately 400,000 to 500,000 words. Currently, we are looking to translate the site into Tamil. Please find the attachment and suggest which pricing option would suit us. Does the Cloud Translation API offer a one-time purchase option for translating the entire website? If yes, could you kindly provide details regarding this option? Additionally, if we enable the Cloud Translation API for the first month, will the translated content remain accessible if we disable the Cloud Translation API after the first month? How many words can we do translation freely using Cloud Translation API. Lastly, is there an option for manual translation?
  3. @FireWire Hi, Henceforth, we will post it in the Fluency support thread. We found some logs under Setup > Logs > fluency-engine. Please advise. We have cURL installed on our server. Please find the attachment.
  4. Thank you @Sanyaissues Any other suggestions please
  5. Hi, We added the Fluency Module and installed it in our ProcessWire setup. We have two languages: Default and Tamil. We are using the "Google Cloud Translation" engine in the Fluency Module and have added the Google Cloud API key. However, we are seeing the following message: "ProcessWire: The translation service is not available, please try again later." (Please find the attachments below.) Could you please suggest how to proceed further?
  6. Hi, Can you please suggest if we have the possibility to do automatic translation on the website? Thank you
  7. @poljpocket You are absolutely correct. After configuring the homepage URLs like you suggested. Language translation is working fine. Thanks for the help. Thank you all.
  8. When selecting Tamil, the page reloads and displays the default language again. No Tamil translation is happening. Please suggest a solution.
  9. No, @da² Not to specific user. Guests have the option to change the language themselves. How to fix this.
  10. Hi, @da² user()->setLanguage("Tamil"); It is working. We need to provide users with the option to change the language themselves foreach($languages as $language) { if(!$page->viewable($language)) continue; echo "<a href='{$page->localUrl($language)}'>{$language->title}</a>"; } The above code provides links to the languages, but after the page redirects, it shows the default language only. Do you have any suggestions?
  11. Hi, Thank you. I added it at the beginning of the file, and now it works without errors. However, translating to Tamil is not working; it remains in the default language. Please find the screenshot of output and my code below. <?php namespace ProcessWire; foreach($languages as $language) { if(!$page->viewable($language)) continue; echo "<a href='{$page->localUrl($language)}'>{$language->title}</a>"; echo "<br>"; } echo __("Welcome to our website"); ?> Can you please suggest a solution?
  12. Hi Our simple code: <?php echo __("Welcome to our website"); ?> I have installed the following core modules: Language Support Language Support - Fields Language Support - Page Names Language Support - Tabs Translation export/import I added the translation text for both the default and Tamil languages for the sentence "Welcome to our website" in the admin interface. Please find the screenshots PW-dash1.png and PW-dash2.png However, we are facing an error when call this sentence in the following template file site/templates/test-lang.php. Error: Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function __() in E:\wamp\www\processwire-dev\site\templates\test-lang.php on line 3 ( ! ) Error: Call to undefined function __() in E:\wamp\www\processwire-dev\site\templates\test-lang.php on line 3 Please find the screenshot of PW-error.png Please suggest how to resolve this.
  13. Hi, How to display PDF document on the website. While displaying the document, we should not provide provision to download or print the document. Please suggest any plugin.
  14. Hi, We have a website developed using the ProcessWire framework. We have applied the Padhai HTML Template as the theme to this website. Now we are doing page speed optimization where PageSpeed Insights suggested fixing the errors related to eliminating render-blocking resources. (Please find the screenshot: rendor-blocking.png) However, we do not face many errors in eliminating render-blocking resources when we test the Padhai HTML Template alone. (Please find the screenshot: rendor-blocking-padhai.png). We kept these template files outside the project directory. We finally found that when we have the same files inside the site/templates/ folder, we face this issue. Please suggest any plugin to resolve this or suggest how to resolve this?
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