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Everything posted by Marudor

  1. I tough this is the module to change the meta title tag and meta description tag. It changes the description and keyword all right...but the meta title stays the same. I have the article title - Employer branding - pracownik staje się klientem But I want the meta title Employer branding - pracownik staje się klientem - Poznań, Warszawa At the moment the meta title on every psgr is a mix of 2 - the article title and the suffix from the homepage title Agencja PR Q&A Communications – Poznań, Warszawa I have even changed it in the code from <title><?php if($page->id > 1) { echo $page->title .' - '; } echo $home->title ?></title> TO <title><?php echo $page->title; ?></title> BUT still the same. The mix of title with the suffix Agencja PR Q&A Communications – Poznań, Warszawa added to all article titles makes the meta tag title too long. It Is more than 70 characters on every page. which is no good.
  2. Ok I have chosen the template to MarkupSEO module. I does change the meta description and meta keyword which is very handy. But it didn't change the meta title tag. It's still the one withe the suffix added that comes from the homepage title Eventhough i have type in the short one Employer branding - pracownik staje się klientem - Poznań, Warszawa I still have Employer branding - pracownik staje się klientem - Agencja PR Q&A Communications – Poznań, Warszawa Where is the problem ? Why id doesn't change the title tag????
  3. OK thanks Just to clarify - The author here - means the author of the module or the author of the website or it doesn't matter what I type in there. I don't want to blow up the site...
  4. Can I revive the subject ? I want to use this module for a website I inherited, (I didn't use the processwire before) There is one thing that makes me uncertain. In: Choose the templates which should get a SEO tab There is a note Be careful with this field. If you remove an entry all of it's "seo_*" fields get deleted (including the data). Is there any risk there An do I have to type in the Author and Sitename?
  5. Id dit not get any error. It just did't change a thing i swaped <title><?php if($page->id > 1) { echo $page->title .' - '; } echo $home->title ?></title> for <title><?php echo $page->title; ?></title> In the code of the file where head section is - in my case - blog-main.inc . And no change .... the meta tag title is still with the suffix that comes from the home page : Employer branding - pracownik staje się klientem - Agencja PR Q&A Communications – Poznań, Warszawa And no this is no cache. The other thing is that my input tab in the field edditng panel looks different... There is no minimum or maximum field there....
  6. Hi I have change that to <title><?php echo $page->title; ?></title> in blog-main.inc - the only place with head section I could find. It didn't work . I inherited that site, and I will change it for a wordpress someday but in the meantime I have to fix few things. I added there GoogleAnalytics tag and it's not working either.
  7. I chose type - TextareaLanguage An I will use this one, Just that 70 characters setup
  8. Hi. How can I setup 70 characters in the input tab an how to add character counter?
  9. Ok thank's , I will try that .... Ideally I would like to have something added to the title tag. So the title meta tag would be diiferent that title field and up to 70 characters long. The added text to title field would be exactly the one I would need, different on every page. You see what I am trying to do. I need to have a possibility to have a different title tag than the tilte field on every page (up 70 characters long but not more. Now they are all too long)
  10. I do have an acces to the admin panel. That's what I'm talkin about, I want to have the meta tag without the added suffix ( Agencja PR Q&A Communications – Poznań, Gdańsk, Warszawa, Bristol that comes from the home page. How can I change it just on one page Not on every page. Later if it will work I would change the title meta tag for other pages manually. Can I find that code and just cancel Agencja PR Q&A Communications – Poznań, Gdańsk, Warszawa, Bristol <title>Employer branding - pracownik staje się klientem - Agencja PR Q&A Communications – Poznań, Gdańsk, Warszawa, Bristol</title>
  11. The only code with head section is in blog-main.inc , there is a bit with title tag bit: <!doctype html> <html lang="pl" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/html"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"/> <title><?php if($page->id > 1) { echo $page->title .' - '; } echo $home->title ?></title> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="<?php echo $config->urls->templates; ?>css/main.css?4"/> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="<?php echo $config->urls->templates; ?>css/page.css?4"/> <link rel="stylesheet" href="<?php echo $config->urls->templates; ?>vendor/magnific-popup/magnific-popup.css"> <link rel="stylesheet" href="<?php echo $config->urls->templates; ?>vendor/owl-carousel/owl.carousel.css"> <link rel="stylesheet" href="<?php echo $config->urls->templates; ?>vendor/owl-carousel/owl.theme.css"> <link href="<?php echo $config->urls->templates; ?>vendor/custom-scrollbar-plugin/jquery.mCustomScrollbar.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" /> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1, user-scalable=no"/> <meta name="description" content="<?php echo (strlen($page->meta_description) > 0) ? $page->meta_description : $configuration->meta_description ; ?>"> <meta name="keywords" content="<?php echo (strlen($page->meta_keywords) > 0) ? $page->meta_keywords : $configuration->meta_keywords; ?>"> <meta name="robots" content="NOODP"> <link href="<?php echo $config->urls->templates; ?>vendor/bxslider/jquery.bxslider.css" rel="stylesheet"/> <base href="<?php echo $config->urls->root; ?>"> <script> var URL = "<?php echo $config->urls->root; ?>"; </script> Would I change <title><?php if($page->id > 1) { echo $page->title .' - '; } echo $home->title ?></title> for <title><?= $page->get("windowTitle|headingSubtitle"); ?></title> I dont want to blow the site....is there any risk
  12. hmm. I had very little time to read this tutorial, Is it possible to do it without knowledge of php. I know only basic html and that's enough for wordpress to create nice websites..... it seems like it's not enough here. Where can i find that code You are talking about? Is it It in the admin panel or in some folder on the server ? Person who was a developer of that site changed the job , and there's noone whoo can do it in the firm. I just want to make the meta tags right it should not be that compilacated.
  13. Thanks I wiil read the tutos tommorow and that wiil clarify the whole thing.
  14. I don't understand how they work that's true, that's why I am asking for tips. Yesterday I have seen the processwire for the first time, and it's very much differnt from wordpress where everything is simple. I was asked to optimize the text and correct the meta tags for this page and I am indded having a problems with this title tag.
  15. Meta tag title is not allways the same as title. here http://www.qacommunications.com/pl/case-study/employer-branding-pracownik-staje-sie-klientem/ The title is Employer branding - pracownik staje się klientem And the Meta title tag is Employer branding - pracownik staje się klientem - Agencja PR Q&A Communications – Poznań, Gdańsk, Warszawa, Bristol .........which is too long The processwire is adding automatically - Agencja PR Q&A Communications – Poznań, Gdańsk, Warszawa, Bristol I want to set up a title tag manualy for each page for SEO reasons.
  16. Will Markup SEO work for ProcessWire 2.7.3 ...is it safe to install ? And will it do the trick of adding the field for title tag?
  17. Is there any easier way to do it for example installing some module like MarkupSEO It should basic stuff - setting up a title tag for a page.
  18. Ok I've created a windowTitle field. It doesn't show up in the allready existing case study page. I still dont' know where to put the code. in details, input, actions? help:)
  19. Thanks for You answers, but processwire is new to me ( I was working before on Wordpress) . Do I have to create a new field in edit template ? Where would I add that code. I have an acces to the serwer if it's not possible through the admin panel. http://www.qacommunications.com/pl/case-study/employer-branding-pracownik-staje-sie-klientem/
  20. Hi How can I change the title meta tag for an individual tag , so I could set up a different one for each page. I need to improve SEO and this is important. Thanks in advance Marek
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