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Everything posted by thomas

  1. Hello, I am bulding a site that uses the "Pages" fieldtype for categories and tags. Now I'd like to include this information in the search. Can I search the pages fieldtype without iterating over each page? Like if someone searches for "news", it finds any page where the field "tags" contains the page with the title "news"? Thanks! thomas
  2. Hello Ryan, thanks for the quick reply. That's pretty much what I did (I have a module pulling JSON data of the video server). My error was, that 'video_image' was a text field and not an image field! Thanks for the great work, thomas
  3. Hello everyone, I'm new to Process Wire and I'm trying to set up a website for a magazine. My first task was to import a bunch of videos from another site into PW and it actually worked out quite good. Now I've got a bunch of pages with an external image reference in the image field. My idea was *not* to copy the whole lot of images, but to download and resize the ones that are requested. The first naiive attempt was this: <img src="<?=$article->video_image->size(350,88)->url; ?>"> With 'video_image' being a full path to an image on another remote server. Soo ... that didn't work. Do I need to copy the image to my server before resizing it? Or is there a trick to resize it and save only the "new" image on my server? Thanks for any help! Loving PW so far! thomas
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