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Everything posted by danielecatalanotto

  1. Hoï guys! thanks a lot for your great help! The links are quiet helpfull and the code just perfect ) Thank you so much for your kind and so quick help! p.s @Soma: nice to see an other swiss guy. p.s. you can tag this topic as "Solved" as I don't know how to do that.
  2. Hello, I'm really sorry to ask you this kind of very simple question, I'm discovering processwire and have not so much php knowledge. Until know I'm able to get the data from text fields without any problem and that's great But have some problem with multiple images. I've read a lot but didn't find the solution by myself so here am I. How can I display multiple images from the same images field? That's basically my question. My code: <?php foreach($page->children as $project) echo "<h2>{$project->title}</h2> <p>{$project->body}</p> <img src='{$project->images->url}'>"; ?> http://catalanotto.ch/processwire/print/ For know the images isn't displaying (seems the path isn't ok) and it's just displaying one image result. If it helps, more informations: I have pages like that: category > project > project > project category >project >project In the project page and template I use the images field provided by default with the processwire installation. There I have one or more images. Thanks for reading and hope I'm not bothering you too much with this very simple question.
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