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Martijn Geerts

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Everything posted by Martijn Geerts

  1. Awesome!!!, just what I need today!
  2. I wouldn't use a formula for this I would use a 'pecentage value' and use HSL color. hsl(0, 100%, 50%) is red, hsl(100, 100%, 50%) is green the color traverses over yellow. http://hslpicker.com/#5f0
  3. Thanks @adrian, issue should be fixed right now.
  4. @matjazp If you need the old AdminCustomFiles: https://github.com/Da-Fecto/AdminCustomFilesLegacy There's so much changed in the admin of PW3 so AdminCustomFiles (the old) would not fully work in PW3 without a lot of extra code. Thereby I think we should move on and drop non namespaced PW. Then there's the reason I have/had ~~almost~~ no spare time this year. We restaurated our old house (stripped bare & build up), next I had a job, for 40 hours a week plus the insane driving hours to the job.
  5. Thanks @bernhard, think I will rty that route. Hopefully have some spare time this week to manage that.
  6. @PWaddict I think i'm locked in... don't know how to solve this one. $config->scripts and $config->styles are echoed before those admin scripts are echoed. I don't know what I can do about that.
  7. @PWaddict Thanks for your report, I've added an extra hook (after AdminTheme::getExtraMarkup) and updated the version number. Changes are uploaded to GitHub. https://github.com/Da-Fecto/AdminCustomFiles
  8. Hi PWaddict, I see. There're changes in the way themes are handled. I gonna investigate.
  9. ProcessWire's database abstraction is the best of all CMS systems I know.
  10. Don't know if it still functions: https://github.com/Da-Fecto/LimitChildren/blob/master/LimitChildren.module
  11. @Peejay there are some more little improvements coming up but there are still a few annoyances. But there will be updates soon, sorry guys for the delays, but free time is sparse these days.
  12. Hee PeeJay, I will see if I have time soon and if I can reproduce and fix it. Thanks for the report.
  13. You could take a look at http://php.net/manual/en/class.numberformatter.php
  14. To be fair I haven't test this field with together with a matrix field on the page or within a matrix field. Is the Issue in the Admin, or in the front-end, doesn't it return anything or something else? Can you tell me more about your specific issue ?
  15. @PWaddict, do you use the dependencies or the default injection method?
  16. That's correct. Doc & do are used for %1$s and %2$s.
  17. Never used it with text domains but probably something like this would work. sprintf(__('Hello %1$s how do you %2$s?', '/path/to/'), 'Doc', 'do')
  18. @LostKobrakai It's dirty: Unless you write to a file... I even had running progress bar with that...
  19. I've done a thing like this: Here (not in this part of the script) I test for all variables, when oké, I'll post to the same URL with an added URLSegment called 'curl'. So the the script will be executed again, but then over shell_exec an out of the session. You should note that all output even errors will have a nice journey into /dev/null so they are gone. For error handling you're on your own. // Success if (!count($this->errors)) { $query = http_build_query($this->postArray); // point output to /dev/null/ shell_exec("curl --data '$query' " . $this->page->httpUrl . "curl/ 2>/dev/null >/dev/null &"); $this->json['success'] = true; // Show errors, abort } else { $this->json['errors'] = $this->errors; }
  20. Just to chime in: Fantastic Module @adrian
  21. Thanks Guys... I like @tpr's suggestion...
  22. A brand new AdminCustomFiles! That's what I have, but it's NameSpaced, and I'm not keen to make it compatible with ProcessWire2.8 or lower. Essentially it looks like the same Module, but it's rewritten, nothing of the old have survived, although all features work foor 99% the same. I don't want to loose the name, but don't want the older version gets lost. So, now I'm in trouble I'm not sure how bring this version up to the public. What do you guys think... Should I zip the old and put it in to the Module, of create a new Name...
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