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Everything posted by jimmy

  1. Im on 3.0.155 and still are able to create a new role named "edit". thereby replicating the issue mentioned above. glad to have found this post!
  2. wihtin a repeater field (composers) i am using a second nested repeater field (works). For the first repeater item labels show up correctly as defined in the "details" Tab ( "#n: {lastname}" ). The second (sub) repeater constantly displays the label of the repeater field itself ("works") as labels of the items ( ignoring my user definition "#n: {work_title}" ). All items of the nested repeater are labeled in the same way ("works") Is it a bug or have i misunderstood anything? EDIT: meanwhile i found an identical issue reported on https://github.com/processwire/processwire-issues/issues/173 seems to be a bug, a possible workaround can be found in the link
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