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    Augsburg, Germany

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  1. Hi Robin, wow, it worked. I'm so happy . And that's a really easy and elegant solution . Really great. Thank you so much I think, I have to rebuild my structure now...
  2. Hello Robin, thanks for your answer. I'm so sorry it wasn't clear. The datas in the first post are only imported data. The pages of this template will only contain imported data. They are used by an other template which references with a Page Reference field to the title (=customer-ID) CSV-Data of the first post looks like this: title,VKGRP,KUNNR,ANRED,NAME1,NAME2,STRAS,LAND1,PSTLZ,ORT01,ORT02,TELF1,TELF2,TELFX,AUFSD,BRSCH,KATR7 1000010,42,1000010,Firma,Mustermann GmbH,Schreinerei,Dorfstr. 77,DE,77777,Dorsten,Lembeck,02369 / 7777,,02369/7777,,12,NE2 You see, the value NE2 is already existing. But most of the editors doesn't know the label of NE2, that's why I want to display it.
  3. Thanks for your answer. I should explain the problem a little bit more: My editors should not add any new option - the data are from a leading system. In the leading system is data maintenance. If I use page reference somebody has to make the reference, it's not automatically. New pages are generated by import, so the page to reference is not known before. There are severals thousands data sets, so a manually reference is not possible. If I make a select inputfield, Processwire saves the number of the option into the database. After save, an ID number is assigned to each of the options. 1: JA1 2: NE1 3: NE2 But I get JA1 from the leading system with import. And I want the text of JA1, NE1 and NE2. I think I have a big problem...
  4. Hello, in my first Processwire-site I need a periodical import of data. One imported dataset saved as a page looks like this: In this dataset I have a field with values like "JA1, NE1, NE2". But the backend-user should see the values "Bestätigt, o.Datenschutzerklär, n. Endkundenrelevant" That's why I made a ProField Table: After that I created a field with this FieldType: Finally I wanted zu label the values. But unfortunately I need an integer field: With the field "Branche" in the first picture of this post, it worked, but with non integer values I failed. Is there any other way to solve this problem? Many thanks in advance! Best regards, Harry
  5. Hello, thanks for your answers. There were very useful things. Thanks a lot. Yes, my problem is this way: The leading system allows only to export ALL data. And I don't have an unique identifier for new, updates and inactive. That's why I'm searching for the perfect fieldtype. While testing I always have a look into MySQL with PHPMyadmin. I want to see the data structure. If direct import over PHPMydmin would work - yes, this would be great. But I've seen, with the normal fieldtypes this is not possible. EVENTS fieldtyp looks good but it's only an example. MATRIX could be perfect but I'm not able to set up this fieldtyp correctly. I always get an error. That's why I'll buy the Profields and hope fieldtype TABLE can solve this. Ryan wrote, the data is stored directly in the MySQL database. I will see. But I don't know if it is possible to store 10.000 rows of entries to one page.
  6. Thank you for your answer. Now I know a little bit more. How can I import and manage my data? I've got a table with fields like "Customer-ID, name, country" and so on. I have to import the data periodically because there will be updates (e.g. a customer change his residence). How can I solve this? Perhaps I can use fieldtypes like Matrix or Profield: Table for that? I think, if I can save all data in one database-table, the update would be much more easier... Which modules are recommend for my project? For example I think Formbuilder would be more flexible than the forms.api especially I need input indepencies.
  7. Hi, I’m a newbie with Processwire and I want to ask you if Processwire is the right software to solve our problem: We need a database for our sales representatives: They should document their work with a daily report. So they have to fill out a form. The sales representatives visit different customers every day and they talk about different products (one or more) with every customer. If they have time, they should start to fill out the form. Later they should be able to continue. Export and import as a periodic process: There is a leading system with data like customer data (name, address,…) or name and ID of the sales representatives. We want to export the data (CSV) and import them in Processwire. But there will be updates of the data in the leading system, so we want to update (or delete and import new) this data. But the linking of the data to the Processwire-fields may not be lost. The daily report contains fields like this: Part 1: Sales representative / Day The name of the sales representative (he should pick his name or ID out of a drop down list). The type of the report (Drop Down) Some fields with dates and time. Part 2: Customer Customer-ID or name (perfect would be an AJAX-Search) – after pressing enter, there should be automatic loaded other customers data like address Select boxes Comments about the conversation Part 3: Products Product Actions (Select boxes) Comments Attachements (Upload) Summary: The sales representative visits several customers and talks with them about several products. Front-page-editing would be great My questions: Will this work with Processwire? Can I solve the daily report requirements (Part 1-3) with one big form and with repeater fields? Which modules do I need for this project? Input, Lists,... (Note: I’m not a good programmer and the money for Pro-Modules ist available). Access rights: Is this possible: Every sales representative can only see and edit his own daily reports? Perhaps there is someone who can give at least the answer for question 1 and how to go on. Otherwise my bosses will decide to take a commercial solution which I will not prefer because it is far away from the power of Processwire (and it runs on Windows. In my opinion a no go for an internet solution). Many thanks for your help! Best regards, Harry
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