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Status Updates posted by einsteinsboi

  1. RT @teppokoivula: ProcessWire weekly #8: latest core updates, Dynamic Roles by @rc_d and much more! http://t.co/8BTRWZrZkF #processwire #cms

  2. RT @processwire: New module: Pagination Textformatter by @rc_d enables splitting 1-page of text into multiple linked pages– https://t.co/8E…

  3. Python is an absolutely delicious programming language… I get all sorts of happy… #ilovepython

  4. RT @teppokoivula: It’s Saturday and ProcessWire weekly #6 is out. Check it out at http://t.co/s3qyEpBt28 #processwire #cms

  5. Darn!! I think I'm going to memorize this - love it! http://t.co/eyWkBjVyZM

  6. RT @AthIeteFitness: Even if you are on the right track, you'll get run over if you just sit there.

  7. "...remember that every new day is a new opportunity. You can't rest on yesterday's accomplishments, and you... http://t.co/LB6rok4r9r

  8. RT @derStadtpirat: It's like waiting for presents on christmas eve. Every Saturday until @teppokoivula releases a new @processwire weekly p…

  9. RT @teppokoivula: Another Saturday, another issue of ProcessWire weekly: http://t.co/onAVjnyWHZ #processwire #cms

  10. In case you ever wondered about your spleen... exceptionally well done parody :)http://t.co/7nq7TKkcyK

  11. RT @AthIeteLife: The real glory is being knocked to your knees and then coming back. That's real glory. -Vince Lombardi

  12. RT @processwire: New module: Parsedown by @owzim –a Textformatter w/better markdown parser in PHP: http://t.co/CW0itCFyv3, see also: http:/…

  13. RT @teppokoivula: It’s Saturday again, which means that issue 4 of ProcessWire weekly is out: http://t.co/ynHVN7mRqa

  14. This... this is the best thing after a long shift... this is medicine. http://t.co/GKvNLZidca

  15. Random find while browsing the NY Times - interesting read http://t.co/CPgUUX6DYO

  16. RT @drumshaman: My perspective on the #MODX "Community Concerns" thread http://t.co/E2b01ZqcX9

  17. RT @dalepartridge: A word of encouragement after failure is worth more than an hour of praise after success.

  18. RT @splittingred: My thoughts on #modx, the product, and the future of the project: http://t.co/napXMwCj7T

  19. RT @derbatzen: @brad_frost @chriscoyier I may be using it entirely wrong, but CMSs like Processwire just feel a lot more clean to me..

  20. RT @teppokoivula: ProcessWire weekly #3 is out right now with some pretty hot topics — core enhancements, 3rd party modules and more: http:…

  21. RT @apeisa: Another day, another huge feature for @processwire selector engine OR something: https://t.co/9VxHv2HXnB

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