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Everything posted by einsteinsboi

  1. Guy Fawkes day = way way too much noise and ill-advised people setting off fireworks in tiny spaces... argh! There shall be fires tonight

  2. RT @phpizer: 21 Really Useful & Handy PHP Code Snippets http://t.co/7MbBAZJx

  3. I find it really fascinating that my #modx evo tuts still get loads of visits and the occasional comment to this day.

  4. Maybe I'm a tad paranoid, but before I click on any links, especially in emails, I always hover over them to see where they actually lead

  5. RT @Sports_HQ: Nothing in this world can take the place of persistence.

  6. Watching Mikko Hypponen, Cybersecurity Jedi on http://t.co/0psuViF3

  7. RT @Sports_HQ: Just keep going. Everybody gets better if they keep at it. -Ted Williams

  8. RT @envatowebdesign: .@chriscoyier blogged about a

    which reports your http://t.co/UYsw09bE well worth checking out..

  9. #MODX Anyone know of any dashboard widgets for managing articles, adding new articles, etc?

  10. What would I do without internet search and people's willingness to document their solutions to problems? #thankyou

  11. RT @3drockz: Powerful Command Line Tools For Developers http://t.co/eDA7bosV

  12. RT @dimensionmedia: A jQuery plugin that "helps you serve different content to different devices" http://t.co/2aNRGCkd

  13. RT @mattcutts: When I see spammers trolling other spammers on blackhat SEO forums, I never know who to root for. It is hilarious though.

  14. RT @smashingmag: Faker: a PHP library that generates fake data for you - http://t.co/ISzpl3XM

  15. RT @jpdevries: [Web Dev] - use Linux command line to recursively search and replace within an entire folder of files http://t.co/QLI9Ylda

  16. RT @Sports_HQ: When your legs can't run anymore, run with your heart.

  17. Yii or Symfony2? With rationales please. Thank you :)#php #frameworks

  18. RT @TheHackersNews: Warning: DON'T click any link like "http://t.co/5CEXNTaY" Spammers r using this to spread malware http://t.co/niNNhZOe

  19. RT @Sports_HQ: Nobody's a natural. You work hard to get good and then work to get better. -Paul Coffey

  20. RT @clatko: How Google Cools Its 1 Million Servers http://t.co/gmsEccvV

  21. RT @Itangalo: Great checklist for site building with Views on a professional level http://t.co/tnLA1uYW (thnks @jodyhamilton @theweeklydrop)

  22. RT @haymaker72: If at first you don't succeed, try again. After that drink vodka and post shit on Twitter.

  23. RT @zefrank: there's gonna be a debate tonight. in your pants. #PoliticalPickupLinesFail

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