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Status Updates posted by einsteinsboi

  1. NICE RT @DylanStorey: Here's Bond Street Bridge live on the the television this morning - http://t.co/TiiXzZqqaI

  2. RT @processwire: A quick tutorial on how to create file downloads using pages in ProcessWire, by @somartisthttp://t.co/G5lU81yfyi

  3. WordPress Websites - Hosted Vs Self Hosted - The Pros and Cons #wordpress #hosting http://t.co/6LxLmpVu9b

  4. LOL RT @picturecool: I would suggest that all men avoid Kohl’s stores until this cruelty is stopped. #photo http://t.co/TOYFje8q8r

  5. RT @seh: Updating OS overnight may mean a pain in the OS in the morning.

  6. RT @lauras: Hyper useful, ready to use HTML5 snippets http://t.co/7pJxwN2kT9 Including one that crashes #ie6.

  7. RT @processwire: Video demonstrates web app built using ProcessWire for a mining company – nice work by @tinaciousdesignhttp://t.co/RzE…

  8. RT @infosecjerk: Treat your computer like your body - put all kinds of crap into it and then bitch about it when it doesn't perform the way…

  9. RT @Sports_HQ: Whether I fail or succeed shall be no man's doing but my own. -Elain Maxwell

  10. RT @splittingred: Don't think those quiet, calm software engineers are competitive? Think again. Coding is competitive art at its heart.

  11. RT @mattcutts: If you missed it, Google just made Quickoffice app free: http://t.co/B6wF1QVZx5 (And get 10GB extra storage before Sept. 26)

  12. Great read: {$HELLO} OR Tagscript-style syntax vs. PHP syntax http://t.co/c7batxRMsO #php #templating #processwire

  13. RT @Sports_HQ: It's a funny thing, the more I practice the luckier I get. - Arnold Palmer

  14. RT @somartist: @MattWilcox if you install ModulesManager http://t.co/2Vr2ZUNh9a you can install themes or modules right from the admin

  15. RT @Sports_HQ: “It always seems impossible, until it’s done.” -Nelson Mandela

  16. RT @JanneFI: Why We Post Nothing—Nothing—About Our Kid Online. http://t.co/3GsNBRwoUY via @slate

  17. RT @Sports_HQ: The secret of happiness is to count your blessings while others are adding up their troubles.

  18. RT @Sports_HQ: Some people dream of success... others stay awake to achieve it. -Unknown

  19. RT @mikko: Your computer either runs Microsoft, Apple or Linux.Your phone either runs Microsoft, Apple or Linux (but we call it Android).

  20. RT @Sports_HQ: I hated every minute of training, but I said, “Don’t quit. Suffer now and live the rest of your life as a champion. -Muhamma…

  21. RT @modx: MODX Revolution 2.2.9 is out now. Performance improvements and a new SDK download: http://t.co/KcO7Zw3Hvi

  22. RT @Sports_HQ: Show class, have pride, and display character. If you do, winning takes care of itself. -Paul Bryant

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