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Status Updates posted by einsteinsboi

  1. RT @WeldPond: Python devs take note. Malicious software libraries found in PyPI posing as well known libraries. https://t.co/OmtoHJGcdZ

  2. RT @theintercept: The @Intercepted podcast will be back tomorrow with special guests @ShaunKing and Edward @Snowden. Subscribe: https://t.c…

  3. RT @SwiftOnSecurity: Fun fact: .docx and .xlsx are actually zip files - you can open and look at the raw data structures. Very useful for b…

  4. RT @sebastianhahn: If you use Firefox or Tor Browser, please disable automatic addon updates for now. Cert pinning is broken, mitm with CA…

  5. @TomashKhamlai thank you for the follow and I'm glad you find the MODX tutorials helpful. I'm hoping to start posting more soon :)

  6. RT @WeldPond: NY issues cyber regs for banks, insurers. "first of their kind in the United States by any state or federal agency" https://t…

  7. RT @teppokoivula: ProcessWire Weekly #122 – https://t.co/3bXUdrelox #ProcessWire #PHP #CMS #CMF

  8. RT @rootsecdev: If anyone wants to brush up on their social engineering tactics. Feel free to call this support number https://t.co/2m4PU1a…

  9. RT @WeldPond: Turns Out You Can’t Trust Russian Hackers Anymore. Leaked documents edited. Can we trust leaked docs content? https://t.co/QE…

  10. RT @rootsecdev: This is freaking hilarious https://t.co/hscNsIPJLu

  11. RT @lostinsecurity: Hmmm things are about to get interesting #ShadowBrokers https://t.co/UgKPvD1Hib

  12. RT @s7ephen: No matter which side of the debate you're on about recent InfoSec news. You can no longer deny the importance of embedded devi…

  13. RT @EventsLF: Celebrate the 25th anniversary of #Linux and open source at LinuxCon + ContainerCon in Toronto on Aug 22 - 24! https://t.co/S…

  14. RT @Jose_Pagliery: Honestly, if I'm going to finally buy a drone, it's going to be a Starship Enterprise. #STLV50 https://t.co/ZtuEo55RqR

  15. RT @DMBisson: Linux bug leaves USA Today, other sites vulnerable to serious hijacking attacks https://t.co/P6cPBWONwP @arstechnica https://…

  16. RT @internetofshit: 2016: when your dildo can spy on you https://t.co/eQdrGdIes0 https://t.co/g5DT18MIYk

  17. RT @switch_d: Artificial Intelligence Drone Defeats Fighter Pilot: The Future? #dronecon https://t.co/FoXwb5WDUG

  18. RT @SwiftOnSecurity: Government contractor employed foreign national who returned to China with multiple company laptops, hard drives https…

  19. RT @SwiftOnSecurity: PSA: If you walk in to your hotel room and someone has your laptop hooked up like this, they're not running a defrag h…

  20. RT @DMBisson: New Python ransomware called HolyCrypt Discovered https://t.co/5gqzlWbnls @BleepinComputer @FightRansomware #malware https://…

  21. RT @SwedishCanary: You can be overwhelmed and you can be underwhelmed but is anyone ever just whelmed?

  22. RT @SecureSamurai: Stop freaking out and whining. Order --> Disorder --> Order is the natural way of things. https://t.co/SLmtRoCO0Y

  23. RT @bigkev308: Never thought I'd say this but, "Hats off to @marcorubio " Sounding like a leader. Unusual in the #GOP . #BLM https://t.co…

  24. @EssentialsofEM I think no ED

  25. RT @dpaola2: This reminds of “The Cave” @rands describes. https://t.co/mhSkGVK2jD

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