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  1. Dear kongondo No problem at all. I'm not building anything yet, I don't know if I even could. I just had the same idea and found this post, so I wanted to ask what's going on. I took a look at other builders like Elementor, js_composer, YooTheme and others. But to get something to work really well, it has to be a destinct solution for ProcessWire in the end. That takes a lot of time and skill, but it would bring ProcessWire to a lower threshold for users. I think a builder would only make sense, if you finally could dynamically load fields and use selectors to get data for your builder elements like YooTheme is doing. I personally would do it for a commercial use, but I don't think it's viable. Thanks
  2. Hey guys I wanted to ask what the state of the Page Builder is. I had the same thought a Builder would be great for the accessability of ProcessWire to more casual or professional users. I doesn't make sense though to invest a lot of time programming such a thing, when someone else is doing it already. Regards, Simon
  3. Solution The problem was that the function renderCheckActions() was not triggered by the ukComments function. I put in following solution and it works for me: $commentList = new Commentlist($comments); $out = $commentList->renderCheckActions();
  4. Update The problem seems to occur only with the UIKit install profile. When I include the form with the normal <?php echo $page->comments->renderAll(); ?> it works. The comment section with echo ukComments($comments); and echo ukCommentForm($comments); have the problem.
  5. For comments you can enable an admin notification email. That works for me. What's not working are the actions, that come with the email. Namely Approve a comment or Disable Notifications. I have a fresh install of 3.0.165. The unsub link parameter looks ok like: ?comment_success=unsub&subcode=3c1Kl3U8vleTFQ4pjpC_sIwLrqqK9VAUsspaaLlD The approval link looks like: ?field=comments&page_id=1597&code=msmoOqZ5cQhmmarWOzCIjSx1C3ICY8HUDVDaR29VlrnelCJeypmGzOG26nM7FJ_9VfqnTqbEORol4dmjjnHcLD9zT4HoQThVokY4N6ST5K2SDm_TpmyY8uZFR_zcsFxC&comment_success=approve The problem is none of the actions work for me. There is no error anywhere in the logs though, so I'm blind. Does anyone have any insight on this? It seems like I only can change the comment notification directly in the database now.
  6. i looked at it briefly at some point. As far as I know, you need a SSO solution for that like SAML.
  7. Has this been solved? I wish to know the solution.
  8. I made a quick test to try the different options to get an instance of WireMail. Like https://processwire.com/api/ref/wire-mail/ tells us, there are three options: $m = $mail->new(); // option A $m = wireMail(); // option B $m = new WireMail(); // option C With WireMailMailGun installed, option A and B are going out with WireMailMailGun. Option C uses the native WireMail. So for anyone using WireMailMailGun and wanting to send mails outside of MailGun, new WireMail() is the way to go.
  9. The Tracking of Mailgun did not work on my installation. I had to change the following: private function clickTracking() { return ($this->trackClicks == 1) ? true : false; } private function openTracking() { return ($this->trackOpens == 1) ? true : false; } Don't know why it's a problem though. I'm using ProcessWire 3.0.123.
  10. How can I separate the api $mail->new call to the default wireMail when the MailGun Module is installed? I use MailGun for the ProMailer Module, but have a few instances on the site, where mails are sent through the API. For instance the contact form now is using mailgun as well, but I don't want that. Is there an option to set the mailer to the default wireMail?
  11. How do I inline the css of the HTML Email? Is there a best practise with ProMailer? Other tools like Campagin Monitor or MailChimp use a css inliner.
  12. If you used the install process at some point there appears a message, that the database has fields that get overwritten. In fact it is very red and clear. If you followed the process through, you deleted your existing templates in the database. Time to import a database backup I guess.
  13. Did you have a look at https://processwire.com/docs/start/install/upgrade/ for the upgrade? I suggest you add $config->debug = true; to your config.php to get more specific alerts.
  14. The template files in /site/templates are for the frontend. The templates in the backend are created in the Processwire backend and are written into the database. You then assign the frontend template to the backend template. If you have no templates in your backend appearing, it means that they are not found in the database. So your problem may be the database.
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