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About eangulo@spiria

  • Birthday 09/26/1991

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  1. Hi Wanze, Thank you for the answer, if it can help someone I just put this at the end of my "main.html.twig" file: {# FileCompiler=0 #} Cheers!
  2. Hello, (sorry for my english! ) I created a custom file field input (InputfieldFile) on my custom XML importer process module, but when I select a file my field do not show information about the selected file before upload. InputfieldFile code: $file = $this->modules->get("InputfieldFile"); $file->name = 'upload_xml_file'; $file->id = 'field_upload_xml_file'; $file->inputfieldClass = 'InputfieldFile'; $file->label = $this->_('Upload XML File'); $file->extensions = 'xml natfis'; $file->destinationPath = $this->destinationPath; $file->maxFiles = 1; $file->required = 1; $file->type = "file"; $file->icon = 'fa-upload'; $file->attr('onchange', 'return validateFileExtension(this)'); // validate filename $fieldset->add($file); Actually (custom inputfieldFile): What I want (field file created on fields administration): Thank you very much!
  3. Hello, I am doing my first steps in Processwire and the first thing I tried is this module. Let me tell you guys that this is a very interesting module. I like it very much. For the moment I just found something very strange, please let me know if you can help me with this. Sorry for my english :/ I am using the module Template Engine Factory and Template Engine Twig as main template engine. My files structure /templates /controllers home.php basic-page.php /views home.html basic-page.html /structure main.html head.html foot.html home.html {% extends "structure/main.html" %} {% block content %} <div id="home-content"> {{ page.body }} </div> {% endblock content %} /structure/main.html <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <!-- head --> {% include 'structure/head.html' %} <body> <div id="main"> <h1> {% block title %} {{ page.title }} {% endblock title %} </h1> {% block content %} No content {% endblock content %} </div><!--/#main--> <!-- footer --> {% include "structure/foot.html" %} </body> </html> My problem: When I reload the page everything is ok (please see the screenshot home.png), but when I reload the page one more time, after the page is cached I think, I got the following error (please see the screenshot error.png). content of cached page on line 88 (please see the screenshot cached_page.png and dir_FileCompiler_cached_page.png) If I change the include Twig function to include my header.html and footer.html for this one embed everything is ok. But I need to use include instead of embed. Thank you for your patience and I hope someone can help me :).
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