Hi Adrian, thank you so much for the work you put into this module! It's really making life a lot easier.
I've read through this thread and seen that you considered setting the CSV field pairings per template rather than per page. Could you re-consider this option, or point me into the right direction of what I need to tweak to use the module this way? Alternatively it'd already be really helpful if it weren't necessary to add each configurable page separately, but to allow all children, grandchildren etc. of a page to be configurable too.
Since that probably helps understanding my issue, here's a little background: I work with a nested page structure in which the parent (A) has a number of children (B) which I'd like to import. Each of these children (B) will have between, on average, one and ten child elements (C), each of which again has at least one child. The current module settings would require me to add each of the children (B) and grandchildren (C) separately to the list of configurable pages in the module settings. Which also means my colleagues - who're not superusers - cannot import anything but the children on the first level (A) on their own, as they have no access to the module configuration and the settings tab, and B and C are only created with the imports.
(The easiest solution of course would be to import the pages without field pairings. However, that failed on my local testing environment every way I tried it. Even if the fields were all present in the CSV, and in the same order as in the template settings, the title field never imported correctly.)