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Everything posted by ChriWolf

  1. thanks for your replay, I tried this but it doesn't work. "link_type" or "link_intern_content" must have "1" to show the red marked fieldset.
  2. Hallo together, I find the possibility to show fields in the admin panel dependence on the value of an another field. Is there a possibility to do that with an or operator like this: link_type=1 || link_intern_content=1 ?? i searched a long time, but i don't find a solution thanks a lot
  3. thanks for your fast answer. thats it. it's not nice but ok Thank you
  4. Hallo, I have a problem withe the module Fieldtype RangeSlider. When I add the Fieltype to a normal template i works great. But If I add the RangeSlider Field to a repeater it dosen't work. here how it looks. I added the Field normal und above the same field in a repeater. Dose anybody know how to use the rangslider in a repeater???
  5. Thanks a lot trying to help me.... i solved the problem. I deleted the field lang_icon an created a new one with a different name. renamed the images. and it work. don't know why, maybe pw have problems with the fieldname or the filename.
  6. I only get the path but not the filename. in the images you'll see the rendered html code.
  7. hank you for your answer, The fieldtype is an 'image'. i can't find any MultiLang-Attributes for the file in the backend.
  8. Good morning, I started to create a new website. This website must be multi-language. I want to use icons to select the language. So i created a new fiel and added this to the language Template. But now: 1. Select default Language (here english) alle Icons are shown 2. Select german language i only get the url of the german icon <ul class="langList DropContent" style="background-color: #<?php echo $themecolor ?>"> <?php foreach($languages as $language) { echo '<a hreflang="'.$homepage->getLanguageValue($language, 'name').'" href="'.$page->localHttpUrl($language).'"><li>'.$language->title.'<img src="'.$language->lang_icon->url.'" alt="'.$language->title.'" /></li></a>'; } ?> </ul>
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