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Everything posted by SebastianP

  1. Hi, I have such a structure in my template folder (ProcessWire 3.0.58): main.php // the template file views/ views/snippets/ In the main.php I include a php-file from the "views"-folder. In this included file are sometimes also files from the "snippets"-folder included. So far, so good:-) But sometimes, after changing und saving a file in the "snippets"-folder, the following error occurs: Fatal error: Call to undefined function wire() in /site/assets/cache/FileCompiler/views/snippets/the_included_file.snippet.php on line 3 But there ist no wrong code. Also changing the file (for example comment out the complete code) does'nt effect something, the error is still the same. Only the manually empty of the "caches"-table in the database fixes the problem and the code runs correctly again. Can someone help me with this? Thank You, regards Sebastian
  2. Ok, sorry - I've defined a button by the RuntimeMarkup module which opens the page by "window.open(...)". The page I open by this way has an own template and template file; there is the script located. Regards Sebastian PS: Now I use "pwModalWindow(...)" instead of "window.open"; the only needed change in the script above is "top.opener" to "window.parent".
  3. In the page opened as a popup window (which shows the available properties as checkboxes). There are a save button and a close button; the close button executes the script above.
  4. Solved! The properties which can be added by the InputfieldPage have a hierachical structure (page with subpages with subpages and so on) - that's why I can't use checkboxes directly. But at last it was very easy to solve the problem:-) First step: In the PageListSelectMultiple element you can find a hidden list item with the class "itemTemplate". This element can be cloned, prepared with the new data (id, label) and apended to its parent element. Second step: In the PageListSelectMultiple element you can find an input element with the id "Inputfield_YOUR_FIELD_NAME"; its value hold the ID's of the selected pages as a comma separated string. This value must also be updated. That's all:-) Here are my script to do the steps above: // get the selected properties for my page via ajax $.post("my_ajax_file", {"page_id": "my_page_id"}, function(success){ if(success){ var json = JSON.parse(success); // create json from string var id_string = ""; // holds the id's for field value var ol = top.opener.document.getElementById("Inputfield_MY_FIELD_NAME_items"); // get the list with the selected page items $(ol).find("li").not("li.itemTemplate").remove(); // remove all items except the template item for(var i in json){ // loop through json elements var prop = json[i]; var li = $(ol).find("li.itemTemplate").first().clone(true); // get the template item and clone it li.removeClass("itemTemplate"); li.find("span.itemValue").text(prop['prop_id']); // set new id li.find("span.itemLabel").text(prop['prop_title']); // set new label $(ol).append(li); // append to parent element id_string+= prop['prop_id'] + ","; // add id to comma separated string } id_string = id_string.substr(0, id_string.length - 1); // remove last "," var input = top.opener.document.getElementById("Inputfield_MY_FIELD_NAME"); // get the field with the id string value $(input).val(id_string); // set the new/updated id's } });
  5. Thank you for the suggestion! The page in the popup is a normal page (the checkboxes are created via the API). I've had alllready in mind to reload the entire page, but if there are unsaved changes... The website is edited by several people - I always have to fear the worst;-). That's why I wan't to refresh only the one field.
  6. Hi, I'm wondering if it's possible to refresh an InputfieldPage element by javascript. Background: I use an InputfieldPage element (PageListSelectMultiple) to add properties to a page. Some pages have 20+ properties, so it's a long way and many clicks to add them. That's why I've created a page with an own template, which shows all properties at once as checkboxes. This page is opened as a popup and saves the selection of the properties for the current page. But when I close the popup, the InputfieldPage element of course not shows changes of the properties. Is there a way to refresh the InputfieldPage element from the popup by javascript, by example: top.opener.document.getElementById("MyInputfieldPageElement").refreshFunction... Thank you, sincerely Sebastian
  7. Hi, I'm wondering if it's possible to add a custom button or link to a backend template. Example: The orders of my online shop are saved as pages with the template "shop". Now it would be nice to have a button (or a link) in this template, which opens a page, which creates the invoice as PDF file. Is there a way to add such a button or link? Thank You, regards SebastianP
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