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  1. Holy frick, thank you. That does exactly what I want. I've been fiddling with this crap for hours.
  2. Kind of new to the process wire environment. I've tried for hours to figure this out. I want a menu entry (page) that goes to an external site. This seems to be much easier said than done. I made a field called redirectTo of type URL. I added it to a template I made called redirectPage. In the redirectPage.php, this is what I put: <?php $session->redirect( $page->redirectTo->url ); ?> Apparently this isn't good enough, or I'm just doing something wrong. Forgive any ignorance on my part. All it seems to want to do is redirect to itself over and over again, or something. I even tried changing it to something like... <?php echo $page->redirectTo->url; ?> I don't remember if this was the exact thing I tried, but it just returns nothing. Can someone help me here? I was trying to base it off of this, but it just does not work for me: https://processwire.com/talk/topic/341-uri-redirect/ Thanks all.
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