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Everything posted by bluellyr

  1. Hi, I didn't manage to understand exactly what happened but a college of mine did installed some modules that were not for this PW version. This error was shown when we tried to upload an image with the image field type. This is a small site and we manage to setup all the work in a few hours. Thank you for your replies.
  2. Hi, I don't know if this is the right forum but, anyone knows what to do when this error happens? SyntaxError: Unexpected token < #4 http://dev.producoesindependentes.pt/beltain/beltain/page/edit/?id=1040:1:1 #3 Object.parse (native) #2 http://b.mxpnl.net/cs/dca.js?pid=39266&cid=49544_680_:3:21148 Function.na.parseJSON() #1 http://dev.producoesindependentes.pt/beltain/wire/modules/Inputfield/InputfieldFile/InputfieldFile.js?v=124-1454520337:207:23 XMLHttpRequest.() Thank you
  3. Hi, I manage to build the menu in a bootstrap navigation bar, thank for your help. Now I have other problem, when creating menu items in the Menu builder admin, the pages I had created and want to add to the menu I can not find them on the pages dropdown. The pages are publish and are like others, it is possible a config problem? Can you give me some hints about this? Thank you.
  4. Hi, can I get the menu array items from the menu builder? or it is to difficult? If possible I could construct the menu manualy. Thank you.
  5. Hi, I am new using PW and I am building my first website. I am trying to use the menu builder to create the a dropdown menu using bootstrap and not getting menu to work. I don't know if it is a programing problem or a css problem. Where can I find some example with Menu Builder and bootstrap to build a dropdown? How can I insert new attributes into the menu tag or into the children's tags, like 'role=""' or other attribute? Thank you.
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