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Everything posted by PWaddict

  1. In a website I'm building where I have CroppableImage3 field (Maximum files allowed = 1 and Formatted value = Automatic) inside a repeater here is how I'm displaying the image (thumbnail). <?php foreach($page->team_members_repeater as $team_member) { $photo = $team_member->team_member_photo->getCrop("thumbnail"); ?> <img width="<?= $photo->width ?>" height="<?= $photo->height ?>" src="<?= $photo->url . "?v=" . $photo->mtime ?>" alt="<?= $team_member->team_member_name ?>"> <?php } ?>
  2. Sorry for my mistake. I'm sure with your example op will understand much better how to do it.
  3. @ryanC Here is how you can do that: <?php foreach($page->your_repeater_field as $image) { echo "<img src='$image->your_image_field->url'>"; } ?>
  4. PWaddict

    How Much To Make

    The suggested costs from that website is probably for another earth and definitely not the one we are living in!
  5. You're right. I replaced "published" with "added" and it's even better cause now the unpublished ones are getting sorted properly too. Thank you. What AOS means?
  6. I just test it and it works great. I replaced "saved" with "published" otherwise everytime my client will edit the pages sorting will applied. So for PW 3.0.46+ no need this module.
  7. I'm gonna test this soon. How can I apply it only to 1 or 2 specific templates?
  8. So I can't use this module on a production site? What if I unpublish the children?
  9. Even a bank is using ProcessWire Checkout the International Bank of Azerbaijan.
  10. @horst If the CroppableImage3 field is inside a repeater the hover on predefined Crops isn't working.
  11. To get the correct locales for YOUR server (each server might use different ones) just use the below code. <pre><?php passthru("locale -a"); ?></pre> It will show you a list with all locales installed on your server.
  12. Yes the repeater items (shows_date) have the following dates: 3 Aug 2017 9 Aug 2017 4 Sep 2017 15 Sep 2017 So with this selector: shows_date>=today it should display all the dates except the first one (3 Aug 2017) but nothing gets displayed. It's like that the today selector isn't working on repeaters EDIT: I replaced the "today" selector with today's hardcoded unix timestamp and it worked So here is the solution: $today = strtotime("today"); $dates = $page->shows_dates_repeater->find("shows_date>=$today, sort=shows_date");
  13. @Zeka I followed your example but it doesn't work. I want to get all the upcoming dates from the current's page repeater: <?php if(count($page->shows_dates_repeater)) { $dates = $page->shows_dates_repeater->find("shows_date>=today, sort=shows_date"); foreach($dates as $date) { ?> <?= $date->getFormatted("shows_date") ?> <?php } } ?> I get nothing with the above code, not even an error. If I change the shows_date field operator to < then I get all the dates (past & upcoming).
  14. You can use jquery to remove the text.
  15. @szabesz I'm using a page reference field "countries.title"on name format for children without problem. What is your page field value type? I have it on "Single page Page or boolean false when none selected". Have you tried with ONLY set_part_image.title on the name format to see if it works? Make sure that you're using the template's Name format for children and NOT the Automatic Page Name Format of a Page Table.
  16. I did that and it auto replace the slashes properly but at the same time it erased my translations strings. But that was already happening before editing the public function saveTextdomain().
  17. You should load your css file from within <head> cause currently you get quickly a version of the pages without css before the css is loaded.
  18. Ok got it. I had to access children of children. The $release is from another foreach loop where I'm getting the page's children and with the below code I'm getting the children of children with only one and lowest value from a float field. <?php foreach($release->children("limit=1, sort=pad_price") as $p) { ?> <?= $cart->renderPriceAndCurrency($p->pad_price) ?> <?php } ?>
  19. Nice! Do you have to change your module version from 1.2.1 to 1.2.2 to appear on ProcessWire Upgrades?
  20. @Wanze Just sent you a pull request. Thank you.
  21. How to echo only one value (the lowest one) of a float field from a Page Table?
  22. I've tested the new 3.0.68 version and the problem still exists. I have to manually replace the slashes.
  23. You're right. Both parts of the problem are caused by the core. Can you please forward it to @ryan so maybe he can fix it on the next dev release?
  24. I had the same problem. Everything was fine on XAMPP but not on the live server. The reason is that on the server there is an apache module installed called mod_security. Add the following code on top of your .htaccess file and the problem will be fixed. <IfModule mod_security.c> SecFilterEngine Off SecFilterScanPOST Off </IfModule>
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