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  1. @ukyo I'm sorry, that I wasn't clear. I meant the classes are not appearing in the markup. All I get is <h3>Hello World!</h3> while I expected it to be <h3 class="uk-text-large">Hello World!</h3>
  2. Hello @ukyo, thanks for sharing this. I tried the module with your example code. The content and tag params work fine, but others like size etc. didn't output anything. Shouldn't they appear as CSS classes? Am I missing something? (PW 3.0.229, PHP 8.1 & 8.2) <?php echo component('heading', [ 'content' => 'Hello World!', 'tag' => 'h3', 'size' => 'text-large', ]);?>
  3. Just a guess: I'd assume there will be a conflict when you visit your homepage (like domain.com) which then wouldn't know if English or Suomi should be served. Maybe it would help if you deactivate Suomi or English, just for the Homepage. The pages below might then just work.
  4. aagd


    There are site profiles with breadcrumbs like the site-languages profile. There you can see how it's implemented in the _main.php (if you have one). Have a look at: https://github.com/processwire/site-languages/blob/main/templates/_main.php#L109-L117
  5. About handling the hardcoded URLs in WP, there was this: WordPress sucks and I want to kick you in your teeth! - Page 5 - Beer Garden - ProcessWire Support Forums I'm still using MAMP PRO with .local URLs. It has it's limits, eg. with the choice of DBs, PHP versions etc. I guess I'll switch to DDEV, too, one day...
  6. Have you tried with simpler content for body? Seems like table is stripped from the output. Possibly the body field needs to allow some extra html tags (see body field settings).
  7. Did you enter some test content in that repeater?
  8. For very complex templates I (miss)use the Auto Template Stubs module, to manually copy/paste a list of all used fields to the template head comments, so if there are a lot of generic fieldnames (as flydev recommended above), I don't have to look them up all the time. The module creates the whole info in separate files, very easy to copy & paste. If you need fields inside a Repeater, they're also available in separate files. Looks something like this then: /** * Template: contact (Contact) * * @property string $title Page Title * @property string $text_ml_01 Headline * @property string $textarea_ml_01 Body * @property Pageimages $images_01 Images * @property Pagefiles $files_ml_01 Files */
  9. orientation_session_item is a separate repeater field which has its own settings page, where you can define the label.
  10. In your screenshot under Item Headers, where you wrote {address_2} - That's where you define it. Make sure to save the field settings page, and reload the page editor of the content page to update. Also you have to set it for each matrix type separately. It looks like the field editor and the page editor don't match here, maybe you're editing the wrong field or matrix type here.
  11. Hi, just wanted to add, that hyphenation is also possible via CSS, so adding a class (via a custom entry in Styles) might also be an option. Here's a good intro: All you need to know about hyphenation in CSS | by Richard Rutter | Clearleft Thinking | Medium
  12. Is "für" a really stopword? Try $database->getStopwords() method - ProcessWire API to find out.
  13. Do you have a custom MySQL config? Because it seems to me that by default it shouldn't find für or der: Source: Using selectors in ProcessWire CMS
  14. I'm just guessing, but I think "für" is simply too short to get indexed, but you expect to match the exact phrase by using the `*=` selector operator. You might try `%=` instead. See also @BitPoet's post in Help understanding search results - General Support - ProcessWire Support Forums
  15. Post removed - Hasn't been a problem of the module...
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