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Everything posted by Tom.

  1. I started making this so it puts it in an anchor tag <a href="mailto:"> but then I realised I was guessing what "link text" and what "The subject line" is. Instead I've just done the function what will split them up into an array. For simplicity it also adds the `$matches[0]["attr"]` and `$matches[0]["value"]`. You can foreach them and just use `$match["attr"]`. function mailtoArray($input) { preg_match_all('/(?<attr>[\w]+)=\"(?<value>.[^\"]+)\"/i', $input, $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER); return $matches; } $matches = mailtoArray('{mailto address="someone@domain.com" encode="javascript" text="link text" subject="The subject line"}'); print_r($matches);
  2. For selectors you can't use '->' as that is reserved for things like $page->title (Array). Instead you use 'upload.description'.
  3. The editor should be "namespaced". Are you able to provide a screenshot of the conflict (with inspect element on the issue).
  4. The main reason I prefer ProcessWire over Craft is down to simplicity. ProcessWire's API is head and shoulders over the competition. Statamic and Craft both have templating systems, which I know is to combat the whole, PHP in HTML, but I don't believe using a templating system is any better. Often its more confusing as you have to use modifiers to get anything done and even then you can't do everything PHP can do. Sure it's cleaner but not by much. I also really didn't like the user interface for creating fields on Craft, it seemed way out of place. We did a few tests and found clients actually understand everything being in the page tree more than Taxonomies, Page Types and Post Types. Initially I thought it would be neater to have them separated out. If you feel like something needs it's own section you can use Lister Pro but it's rarely needed. I was building an eCommerce system for ProcessWire, which all the product related things is complete. Such as product variations etc. It was an R&D project at work in which I was going to complete in my spare time. I predicted to complete it at the start of the year, well, have Beta ready. As work started to pick up again, I haven't been able to work on it and I've been way more busy than usual, which is great! But also means projects like this sadly have to take the back burner. I would like to start it up again soon, but would like an extra pair of hands on it to get it done in any decent time frame.
  5. I would like to just show my appreciation to ProcessWire and all the guys that have put work in to make it what it is now. I have use many, many CMS's in my time. Statamic, Drupal, WordPress, ConcreteCMS, CraftCMS etc... And they all have their strengths and weaknesses. But I can honestly say, ProcessWire is by FAR the best Content Management System I've ever, EVER used. I can honestly say the only weakness ProcessWire is the lack on eCommerce. But, that isn't even a weakness of ProcessWire. The tools are there for us to create an eCommerce system. I'm a front-end developer but with ProcessWire it empowers me to realise anything. Honestly, when one of the designers asks "Can we do this?" it feels so great to say YES! I, with very little backend experience built a real-estate system that completely runs on ProcessWire pulling in from an external feed (Vebra) and I did it with ease! I just wanted to say thank you, thank you for creating a framework in which, people like myself, who love front-end but find back-end daunting can pick it up and literally do anything with EASE. ProcessWire gives me so much confidence and makes me feel so good about myself. I've recently been working on an WooCommerce website, and I can't tell you how much I've been missing ProcessWire. Thank you @ryan for making a system that is so simple, even simpletons like myself can dream big. Lots of love, Tom Edit: Interestingly I feel like it would be easier to build an eCommerce system using ProcessWire than it would trying to completely reskin WooCommerce, like seriously, WooCommerce stop injecting markup and putting them in core functions.
  6. Same reasons as CMS Critic probably... People don't like spending money on developers these days. You can just install a plugin... That's why the internet is full of Frankenstein websites.
  7. Gutenberg is.. okay. It's getting mixed reviews https://en-gb.wordpress.org/plugins/gutenberg/#reviews. The trouble is, it allows the user to do too much. It's trying to sit in the middle ground of a page builder and an editor. I think giving the user everything even if they don't need it isn't inline with ProcessWire. Things like being able to make columns etc. I actually much prefer Statamic's implementation with it's Bard field - https://docs.statamic.com/fieldtypes/bard
  8. The truth is, a simple WordPress theme modified and used in the correct way is good enough for most companies. Are they being ripped off? Probably. Will they be able to do it themselves? Unlikely. It still takes a designers eye to get the absolute best out of a theme. I worked for a company like that. 9-5, using a WordPress theme and just slightly modifying it or sometimes not at all. There's not absolute creative freedom but not everyone needs an artisan website. I enjoyed working there, the work was easy. But I wasn't crafting my skills. I now work at an established creative agency where people pay a lot of money for the designs and our designers are genius, as an aspiring designer, I'm envious. But it would never be an option for us to just use a theme. It would be dishonest to our clients that go to us for our design prowess. We find our clients find ProcessWire easier than WordPress to edit. I understand with ACF there isn't much difference between the two. But actually it's less about the forms and more about what is unique to ProcessWire - everything is a "page". The thing that threw me the most when I first moved from WordPress to ProcessWire became the absolute greatest thing about the CMS. It gives everything a level of consistency and doesn't lock you down to "taxonomy", "tags", "post types", "terms". You aren't locked down to a relationship structure and you can make a relationship structure that works for you, your clients and the website.
  9. At giving me an absolute headache! Sorry for the clickbait title, I just need some emotional support. Currently working on a website using WordPress as we needed eCommerce and their current platform is WordPress, didn't make sense to change them to a platform such as SnipCart that would take a percentage of their sales. WordPress is horrible! WooCommerce is horrible! ProcessWire things make sense, you only have to read the documentation for like a second and everything makes sense. WordPress, I'm sieving though WP_Query, the_post, the_loop, the_row, the_title. And stuff like getting an image size like $image['sizes']['large'] then in other cases you have to do $post->the_title() sometimes you do the_title(). Now I'm working with WooCommerce. the_type() returns "Simple" the_price() returns nothing, printing what $product is returning and everything is there. I'm going to pull my hair out. ??
  10. @Soma Yeah this is my issue with Vue.JS - I use Vue.JS often for two way data-binding which is amazing to be able to easily update content and do visual changes to the site based on those updates. For example adding something to a basket. It's much easier with Vue than jQuery or JavaScript. My issue with Vue is exactly that. You can use it just on a component basis or you can use it to render your entire UI. To me it just doesn't make sense to use it to render an entire UI with a website. A web app sure, but a website it's often overkill and introduces that exact problem. You can introduce server side rendering of Vue with Nuxt but then it just seems like another layer of 'over complication'. I personally stopped using Vue for websites unless I absolutely needed two way binding. It just didn't make sense and the extra complication of implementing it such as having to convert everything from ProcessWire into a JSON feed. EDIT: Noticed this post still gets likes, so what's changed since then? AlpineJS. AlpineJS is a solution to this exact problem, worth a look for anyone wanting to do some cool UI stuff without including all of Vue features and overhead.
  11. I think you can also do: $selector = "title|field_a|field_b~=foo|bar";
  12. Hi @Soma It's for an internal project management system I'm working on. There are categories that let you know how many projects belong to that system. Archiving a project sets it to unpublished. However, it still shows as it exists in the count. I'm planning on finishing my eCommerce system I'm building for ProcessWire soon and that also will suffer if it has a count of the amount of products in each category.
  13. Shot in the dark, but is '</html>' rendered in 'InputfieldTextarea::render'? I know it's rendered in 'Page::render'. Might be worth taking a look at what $event->return is actually outputting. Maybe just echo $event->return.
  14. From what I can tell the selector children.count includes unpublished pages. However, I'm unsure if this is intended functionality? If it is, is there a way around it?
  15. Post them on here if you want @bernhard I don't mind having a crack at fixing them ?
  16. Hey, I've been working with UIKit for about 4-5 years now. There are a few IE11 bugs relating to flex box. I would try changing your markup from: <div class="uk-child-width-1-1 uk-child-width-expand@m uk-child-width-1-2@s uk-flex-center uk-grid" uk-grid=""> <div class="uk-flex uk-flex-center uk-flex-middle uk-first-column"> <div> <div class="uk-inline "> <img data-src="/site/assets/files/1262/imageedit_5_5811401713.600x400.jpg" width="" height="" alt="" uk-img="" src="https://www.hrdiamonds.com/site/assets/files/1262/imageedit_5_5811401713.600x400.jpg"> </div> </div> </div> <div> <p style="text-align:justify;"><strong>Qualität - Begeisterung</strong><br> Wir setzen neue Maßstäbe mit unseren lösungsorientierten und umsetzungsstarken Konzepten. Vor Ort begleiten wir Sie bei der erfolgreichen Durchführung der gemeinsam beschlossenen Maßnahmen. Wir begeistern Sie mit unseren Ideen und unserer engagierten Arbeitsweise.</p> </div> <div class="uk-flex uk-flex-center uk-flex-middle "> <div> <div class="uk-inline "> <img data-src="/site/assets/files/1264/imageedit_2_9167790703.600x400.jpg" width="" height="" alt="" uk-img="" src="https://www.hrdiamonds.com/site/assets/files/1264/imageedit_2_9167790703.600x400.jpg"> </div> </div> </div> <div> <p style="text-align:justify;"><strong>KundIn - Familie</strong><br> Wir gestalten mit Ihnen eine individuelle und persönliche Arbeitsatmosphäre. Sie als KundIn sind Dreh- und Angelpunkt und stehen im Zentrum unserer Aufmerksamkeit. Trotzdem wollen wir eine Balance zwischen Beruf und Familie schaffen – für Sie und für uns.</p> </div> </div> To: <div class="uk-flex-middle uk-child-width-1-1 uk-child-width-1-2@s uk-child-width-1-4@m" uk-grid> <div> <img data-src="/site/assets/files/1262/imageedit_5_5811401713.600x400.jpg" uk-img> </div> <div> <p style="text-align:justify;"><strong>Qualität - Begeisterung</strong><br> Wir setzen neue Maßstäbe mit unseren lösungsorientierten und umsetzungsstarken Konzepten. Vor Ort begleiten wir Sie bei der erfolgreichen Durchführung der gemeinsam beschlossenen Maßnahmen. Wir begeistern Sie mit unseren Ideen und unserer engagierten Arbeitsweise.</p> </div> <div> <img data-src="/site/assets/files/1264/imageedit_2_9167790703.600x400.jpg" uk-img> </div> <div> <p style="text-align:justify;"><strong>KundIn - Familie</strong><br> Wir gestalten mit Ihnen eine individuelle und persönliche Arbeitsatmosphäre. Sie als KundIn sind Dreh- und Angelpunkt und stehen im Zentrum unserer Aufmerksamkeit. Trotzdem wollen wir eine Balance zwischen Beruf und Familie schaffen – für Sie und für uns.</p> </div> </div>
  17. Hi, Are you able to check if a Mod_Security is being hit?
  18. This looks like a bug? I don't believe that Crop or Focus is a permission based thing. I would post this on Github.
  19. This is probably your best and easiest option - https://developers.google.com/sheets/api/reference/rest/
  20. Looks very polished. Are the animations very slow or is that the video framerate? Looking great so far!
  21. Hi, ProcessWire does not compete with the WordPress market... Thank the lord. ProcessWire is for developers with basic to advanced knowladge who need a tool to make their vision a reality, easier. A framework. Much like jQuery. You must have some knowledge of JavaScript to fully understand jQuery. Just like if you were to develop for WordPress, you'll need PHP knowledge. Well, unless you are looking to sell themes. I don't know why a PHP developer would touch WordPress. ProcessWire's API is so much easier. So to answer your question, in ProcessWire you start here - http://php.net/docs.php then here - https://processwire.com/docs/ In WordPress you start here - https://wordpress.org/plugins/ then here - https://codex.wordpress.org/FAQ_My_site_was_hacked Edit: Notice how the 'My site was hacked' question was in the Frequently Asked Question section... Should it really be a frequently asked question? Because I don't think I've seen it asked once on the ProcessWire forum. Edit2: Most people here just use the blank profile and see the other profiles as bloat.
  22. Do you have any PHP Caching software on the other install? It seems to me like there is an issue with your second server.
  23. You will have to change your typo3 htaccess file. This doesn't really have much to do with ProcessWire. Which one of the htaccess files are you using: https://docs.typo3.org/typo3cms/extensions/nc_staticfilecache/2.4.1/ExtStaticFileCache/Configuration/HtaccessConfiguration/Index.html
  24. @adrian I guess if it's working, he must have a page called Home? Maybe he has a splash screen before hand. Strange one.
  25. Looks fine to me. I wouldn't worry about it if it's working. If you wanted to take the $pages->get('/home/')->ozadje_strani and put it in a variable that might fix it, but I'm not sure because it looks fine.
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