I got it working! Thank you Robin so much for the help. Instead of using:
I used
and it appears to be working the correct way now. (idea from here)
Kongondo, I had a d'oh moment, but I appreciate the quick response. I really felt dumb there ha ha . I realized I wasn't actually comparing it to anything so I changed it to:
$styleSwitcher = $pages->get('/url-one/');
$baseURL = $page->url;
if($styleSwitcher == $baseURL){
echo "<link rel='stylesheet' href='{$config->urls->templates}css/one.css' />";
echo "<link rel='stylesheet' href='{$config->urls->templates}css/two.css' />";
And with that, problem solved. I actually think I understand the find/get for $pages a lot better as well (did a lot more reading).