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Sergio last won the day on June 16 2020

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About Sergio

  • Birthday 04/13/1979

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    Leiria, Portugal

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Community Answers

  1. Hello there friends, As a learning challenge, with Claude Sonnet AI's help, I installed the PEST testing framework and created a bunch of tests for Ryan's Invoices site profile. I'm pretty happy with it. 🙂🙂 You can check the project on GitHub: https://github.com/sjardim/processwire-invoices-with-pest To try it, just install the site profile on a fresh PW project as instructed here: https://processwire.com/blog/posts/invoices-site-profile/ and copy my project's : the entire /test folder, phpunit.xml file and composer.json file and install composer dependencies. Next, in your terminal, run `./vendor/bin/pest --filter=InvoicePageTest` to see the magic. Here's a preview of the InvoicePageTest class: I hope this help you in your testing journey!
  2. Both. ? In the end we didn't need to link to the copied files on S3, kept the local ones. S3 works as backup only in this case.
  3. We upgraded a big multi language site to 3.0.200 and to PHP 8* + MySQL 8 a couple of days ago, several thousands pages, lots of templates and fields (120MB DB). The upgrade went fine, and the site is running super fast! I didn't measure with tools, but just by reaching the URLs of some complex pages and you can see it loading waaay faster. The client could not be happier. ? Fantastic job, Ryan and the other contributors! Thank you, Sergio --- * I used RectorPHP to help upgrading my custom modules, which was nice.
  4. Hey Helder, I think this will help you: TL:DR: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/8831183/error-mysqlnd-cannot-connect-to-mysql-4-1-using-the-old-insecure-authenticatio Try on MySQL console: SET PASSWORD FOR 'campaigns'@'localhost' = PASSWORD('MyNewPass'); Good luck!
  5. Great tips from Diogo and I'd like to suggest Hugo (https://gohugo.io/) as a great SSG, specially if you want to explore alternatives to javascript-based ones for two basic reasons: 1. You don't want to mess with a lot of javascript dependencies fatigue, specially as you go back to edit the project in a few months/years, and things start to break when you try to run the project. 2. The project will have 100s or 1000s of pages and you want to generate it as fast as possible.
  6. Hi! I think this post can help you:
  7. Greetings! Webflow has an super nice tutorial on implementing this using their app, BUT it's totally fine to just learn from it and to it by hand, so if you are more of a visual learner, like me, you'll enjoy it:
  8. This looks amazing!! Thank you for your hard work and generosity! Super contribution to ProcessWire!
  9. Hi Daniel! It sure is. A simple way to do it is to have the field on only ONE page, like the homepage or a "settings" page and get this page's field content in your footer template. For instance, if you have this field on your homepage, called "footer_text", you can get it this way: // On your footer.php file //Get the homepage reference $homepage = $pages->get('/'); // Let's say your field is called "footer_text" echo $homepage->footer_text; // Docs: https://processwire.com/api/ref/pages/get/
  10. Your code seems to be missing one line: $wire->addHookAfter("Pages::saveReady", function(HookEvent $event) { $page = $event->object; //this line if($page->template->name != 'mytemplate') return; $defaultLang = wire("languages")->get("default"); $page->title->setLanguageValue($defaultLang, "New Value"); });
  11. 25,000 per hour/day/week? It all depends. From what you described about the app, even 25k users a day should be fine to start with a VPS with 2GB of RAM. If its usage increase a lot you can move the database to another VPS on its own AND/OR increase the VPS CPU and RAM resources very quick. My advice is to keep things simple and not try to over-engineer the application performance from the start. But if you feel "adventurous" ? or think that the project will have this many users right away on day one (which I doubt) you can start with a "serverless" approach where the infrastructure is scaled on-demand, using https://vapor.laravel.com/ and you don't have to worry. There's a course about this approach that is very interesting: https://serverlesslaravelcourse.com/
  12. Although doable, I'd only recommend a system like this to be implemented using ProcessWire if the rest of the project must (or already is) be highly coupled with PW and it doesn't make sense to decouple it for whatever reason. Otherwise I'd recommend you to implement it using another framework. PW shines in the content management part, and I love it, but it may present you with some limitations in its developer-experience department when you need to implement some business logic that relies heavily on integration of payment systems, user data input, generation of reports and especially tests. There's also a myriad of similar systems like this already implemented that you can use as a base, like this one https://github.com/LaravelDaily/Laravel-Test-Result-PDF (demo: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GmLFHGud7I8).
  13. Try to unpublish the page where you put the iframe using the API or directly on the database 'pages' table by changing its status to "2049".
  14. Strange problem. Can you try increase the maximum memory for PHP (memory_limit) by editing the file php.ini in your server directly or using a control panel? Look for a line like this: memory_limit = 512M
  15. Hi @Youbility, yes I did. It's working on production at https://www.brightline.org/ Here's a slightly different version of that one: https://gist.github.com/sjardim/d74fae71b5bfe6a44ab88efc9aaa5279 Hope that helps!
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