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  1. I purchased Padloper some minutes ago. I´ve the same problem like Juergen. I hope you can help us.
  2. Hey guys, i got big issues using multilanguage-support on my website. I installed the Language Support, Languages Support - Fields,Languages Support - Page Names, Languages Support -Tabs. I set two languages "default" and "spanish" with the prefix "de" and "es". If i try to open my Website with www.websitename.com/de/ or www.websitename.com/es/ I only get forwarded to my 404-page. Did i forget something? Do i have to edit something in the .htaccess? I really don´t know whats wrong. Please help me. I used the processwire-docs step by step. Thank you very much! Mats
  3. Hey guys, i´m new in working with processwire, so please be patient Is it possible to define global variables? For example: In the upper part of my website is the phone-number and adress of a client. It is the same on every page. Usually i would write it static into my template. But is there a possibility that my client can edit it in the backend? Sorry for my bad english. I´m from germany. Best regards Mats
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