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Everything posted by Daniel Berman
RT @mattdarby: Every single time I go to setup Logstash it ends in a massive dumpster fire.
An interesting take on #Docker security following @Vine's registry fiasco https://t.co/SY7FPQTlWx #DevOps
#Windows event log analysis with the #ELK Stack https://t.co/0pZmj9Qtna #DevOps https://t.co/jcohzt3zwp
Great resource for troubleshooting and working with #Elasticsearch https://t.co/z553LLYCTX #DevOps
RT @PopCrave: Person climbing #Trump Tower in New York City detained by police. https://t.co/bNUPqtRtDU
If you haven't yet, fill in the @logzio #DevOps survey! https://t.co/TdTAdox1XS We've got some #AWS gift cards to give out!
RT @prelert: Dive into the series "#Anomaly Detection in Elasticsearch 101" and start detecting anomalies in #Elasticsearch #data https://t…
The story of why @uber switched from #Postgres to #MySQL https://t.co/viTCPfqGeN #DevOps
Monitoring #Elasticsearch on scale https://t.co/Q0UgT1fhj2 via @InstanaHQ https://t.co/XH6nhzQQ8Y
RT @rhein_wein: DockerTip: a file/dir in .dockerignore will only be ignored at build time. .dockerignore won't prevent files from being mou…
RT @vishne0: #kibana 4 for Log Analysis | @CloudExpo @Logzio #DevOps #Microservices https://t.co/LdWo8lfrEq https://t.co/N64kBXAOLU
A faulty Regex - #StackExchange postmortem on their outage from last week https://t.co/HR4Pz8l2yj
How #DevOps Can Help Improve #Security https://t.co/M1UmC8oYVH via @devopsdotcom https://t.co/dQfMpvdnuI
The underlying architecture of @uber tech stack. Cool stuff #Docker #Elasticsearch and more https://t.co/Xxmgafvdjj https://t.co/77FEsYNQIe
RT @mdsanti: My new post about #Logstash #Kibana #Elsaticsearch and #Elasticbeanstalk ! https://t.co/2Udd8pnAqw
@roiravhon with some great tips on building #Logback appenders https://t.co/LSw18KJ9uc
Global Languages Support at @netflix - Testing Search Queries https://t.co/aFFFHohJr3 #Elasticsearch #Solr
Right Now, Artificial Intelligence Is The Only Thing That Matters: Look Around You via @forbes https://t.co/H034l8CPIa #AI
How to be a #DevOps hero without creating new silos https://t.co/bxJqJGSsZw via @TechBeaconCOM
RT @jremes84: 10 Essential Skills for Novice, Junior and Senior SysAdmins https://t.co/tx40mk1nVT #SysAdmin #Linux