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  1. Hi! Sorry, I know this has already been discussed and clarified but I can't find it. I use pw on localhost and it is too common for me the auto log off and have to re log in. How can I control this and spend more time logged in but inactive? (I think Ryan already has an article about this... a link?) Thanks
  2. Yes, the same nightmare! Yes, a lot, I was about to give up on DIVs!
  3. Hi, even in my sloppy and irresponsible tinyMCE field (without htmlpurifier, without pastefilter, with <div> to <p> conversion disabled) I can't introduce a <div> in real time. If I modify Ryan's examples and try #Blocks p.ms-4 { } /* Outline paragraph */ works well. But neither #Blocks div.card { } /* Card */ nor #Blocks div { } /* Card */ work. This, { "extended_valid_elements": "article div" } and this { "extended_valid_elements": "div" } does nothing. How to insert a <div> is in the most basic examples of the tinyMCE docs, I thought it was easy... and it should be but not for me... Does anyone have a clue? Thanks SOLUTION (EDIT: the BAD one, see post above from virtualgadjio) Solution starts here:https://www.tiny.cloud/docs/tinymce/6/user-formatting-options/#style_formats with the lines { title: 'Blocks', items: [ { title: 'Paragraph', format: 'p' }, { title: 'Blockquote', format: 'blockquote' }, { title: 'Div', format: 'div' }, /* <-- here */ { title: 'Pre', format: 'pre' } ]}, so, I just drop the { title: 'Div', format: 'div' }, in the defaults.json and works. Now let's clean the mess and drop tha line on the wp right place ?
  4. Hello! I've just start learning the use of tinyMCE in processwire and, therefore, I should postpone my question. But, sorry, I got a bit nervous. I need a field that allows total or almost total pasting, that maintains styles, without eliminating <td>s because they are empty, that allows injecting div.whatever-class (only injects paragraphs), in short, a sloppy and irresponsible tinyMCE field. Other text fields will be more cautious. Ryan starts (and very well) by the cautious side... Can anyone give me a clue? Thanks
  5. Thank you guys, seems that Joss is not around anymore... I always thought that every good piece of software needs a tutorial with his style... and maybe a few suggestions were enough for an update to pw novelties ? thanks again
  6. Hi! Joss Sanglier's funny tutorials, like «but what if i dont know how to code?», were eradicated? Or ...? Thanks
  7. Same here, but I'm using ProcessWire 3.0.98 © 2018 locks seemed random but i'll check it
  8. Hi, No, not problem solved, but seems I have news (or I am totally confused). After some try I become suspicious about the server and softaculous. (Yep I started my pw install with the same softaculous.) Went on a new softaculous install of Minimal Site Profile just for testing. After the install, without any login or change, I gave a few clicks on the menu. And the browser starts showing things like: http://julio.x10host.com/home/juliox15/public_html/pw2nd/ and the right would be http://julio.x10host.com/pw2nd/ without the anoying home/juliox15/public_html/ right? (pw2nd is a subdir where softaculous installed pw Minimal Site Profile) If you are curious, you can follow one or both of those links, not in a hurry to kill it. Besides leave softaculous alone or give another server a try, any suggestion? (Meanwhile I messed up the previous install but that's life) Thanks
  9. OK, thanks for the tips, I'll re chek in a few hours. It was working on my localhost and I presume my check was too lazy before the upload... ? Don't get mad I'll give notice, maybe it will be good for other lazy people...
  10. Hi, After 2 or 3 cliks on my nav bar the browser starts to show http://julio.x10host.com/home/juliox15/public_html/logos/ instead of http://julio.x10host.com/logos/ Where or what should I start the fixing? Thanks
  11. Hi! Just reading "Inputfield dependencies enable you to specify the conditions under which a particular field in the page editor is shown or required." at https://processwire.com/api/selectors/inputfield-dependencies/ but the text talks like an ongoing work. So: we now have more on inputfield dependencies or the text is up to date? Thanks js
  12. Hi, thanks for the nice module, I like HoT. About this: HoT fields are stored as a json string, so seems that there are no chances of being easy queriable :/ I would like to see some workarounds or some clues on that subject. Thanks again
  13. ! Interesting. You use a «complete copy»? Is it handy? can you, please, give some more tips? thanks
  14. You are right (of course you are). I prepended <?php namespace ProcessWire; ?> and works fine. thanks again
  15. Hi! Sorry for being again with a silly question.... Look at that code: <div pw-append="pageContent"> <?php //include("./scripts/_func.php"); //include("./scripts/_func.php"); function renderNav(PageArray $items) { blah, blah pasted code... } if($page->hasChildren) { echo renderNav($page->children); } clumsy isn’t it? Here is the thing: Function renderNav is defined on the file _func.php, so I tried to include _func.php . Then I get a php error - renderNav() is undefined! (what!?grrr) Then, as you see, I duplicate the include line and run. BUT got the php error msg: "Can't redefine function renderNav()" - What!? the f***g bastard already knew renderNav()! Then, I temporary gave up, commented out the include lines and did a copy + paste the renderNav(). And, ugly enough, it works, sure. What's wrong with my include? Thanks EDIT: solved thanks to LostKobrakai remark. I forgot the <?php namespace ProcessWire; ?> thing
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