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  1. cb2004's post in Expiry date field, create a selector to return all articles if they havent expired was marked as the answer   
    Good work tpr
    foreach ($page->children("(date_1=), (date_1>today)") as $news)
  2. cb2004's post in Using hooks to populate a field, how do you stop an error message was marked as the answer   
    Ben provided the correct hook here:
    So we end up with:
    $pages->addHookBefore("ProcessPageEdit::processInput", function($event) { $page = $event->object->getPage(); // apply job title if a quote is selected, apply customer address if customer selected if ($page->template->id == 48) { if ($page->page_quote && empty($page->title)) { $page->setAndSave("title", $page->page_quote->title); } if ($page->page_customer && empty($page->textarea_1)) { $page->setAndSave("textarea_1", $page->page_customer->textarea_1); } } });
  3. cb2004's post in Overall state of Processwire ecosystem was marked as the answer   
    There is a new development release of Processwire every week that you can download. The upcoming version 3 (currently in alpha) will allow for composer support and lots of other things. Its a good time to get involved. I made the switch about 6 months ago and I haven't looked back. I feel I have only just scratched the surface with what this system could potentially do.
  4. cb2004's post in Can you change the field labels per template? was marked as the answer   
    Its ok, I found it in the templates section, nice.
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