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Everything posted by heldercervantes

  1. I was looking back at this and I'm wondering, was this feature removed? This post is from 2021, I bought ProFields a little over a year ago, and my copy doesn't have these options. I'm also not finding any info on the blog. @ryan?
  2. Still interested. I agree the site doesn't do justice to the product. Wordpress is looking pretty good these days, and the only other alternative I've seen deserving of notice, CraftCMS, is also looking pretty good. I think our site is directed too much at the developer audience, and I often found myself having to convince my clients that this is a better option than Wordpress or whatever platform they have in mind. And the site doesn't help much at that. If you guys want to consider a redesign, I'll gladly join that effort.
  3. Yeah it's clear now that I was confusing RockPageBuilder with RepeaterMatrix. I probably saw the conversation in its early stages and that's why I wasn't finding anything. At some point I hacked the file selector module to a similar effect. The user experience was great, but it was a pain to set up using the standard repeater module (had to add all possible fields and then control visibility of each one depending on the chosen file). Eventually I started using RepeaterMatrix instead. I might have a look at Rock's module in a future project, as this one's too far ahead in development and it's hard to add the cost now.
  4. I think I might be thinking of RockPageBuilder: https://www.baumrock.com/en/processwire/modules/rockpagebuilder/docs/quickstart/
  5. Apologies if this is redundant, I'm convinced I've seen this discussed here but I just can't find it. If my memory isn't failing me, I'm sure there's a way of replacing the text links for adding new entries with thumbnails on RepeaterMatrix. I'm using it to create a content blocks solution and want to have a better visual cue of what the block the admin is adding looks like. Or maybe I'm losing my mind, which is quite possible.
  6. Thanks for your replies. It was most likely a false positive. After updating and requesting a new review, the site was cleared. @ryan I don't think the file was modified. That would be too weirdly specific and discreet for a hack. It was probably something harmless the code that was raising suspicion. Sucks that without any fault a site that's running campaigns and paying to grab traffic would get such an alarming message from Google. Hard hit on the brand. On a side note: First time ever that I had to update something on a published project. I have sites published almost 10 years ago that had zero issues of this sort.
  7. @bernhard you might want to have a look at this. One of my sites is displaying the red screen of extermination, saying that the site is dangerous and contains malware. Google itself wasn't much help with search console just giving me a vague answer, but using other tools it comes down to Rockfrontend's JS: Has anyone had this issue? Any ideas? Edit: I was on version Rockfrontend version 3.2.2. After updating to the current version, Sucuri's SiteCheck doesn't seem to complain about RF anymore and only says the site is blacklisted by GSF. I've requested a new review from Google and I'm awaiting a response.
  8. Hi guys. Check out my latest project Casa Douro Guesthouses. As the name implies, Casa Douro offers a few guesthouses in historic Porto and on the Douro Region. They came to us looking for a well built website that would fit their marketing efforts and grab direct reservations, instead of relying only on Booking.com and Airbnb. Since their channel manager (CM) software only offers a cookie-cutter website and no API, ours does all the presentation and jumps straight to the booking system when the user decides to make a reservation. As usual on my sites, pages are built using a blocks system (Profields Repeater Matrix), allowing the admin to change things up a little bit between the different units. Plus the usual WireMailSMTP, SEOMestro, and Rockfrontend because I love using Latte templates. The frontend is a mix of Tailwind + SCSS on more complicated components, and JS over Vite which allows me to keep it as vanilla as possible. We already have plans for new sections, and maybe upgrade the booking system in the future.
  9. Page loads on every step. Adding to a repeater is a lot quicker and less frustrating than creating a page. I usually add a "Global settings" tab to the homepage where I put a repeater for the social networks, email for form submissions and stuff like that, so I was wondering if I could have a field there to manage this list instead of pages. It would also seem more tidy and even intuitive for the admin than using pages on the tree. The idea that pages on the tree might not be actual pages but also the options for a field is super weird to me. This is what I mean. The amenities are grouped in sections, but those are lost when selecting them on the page. Not an issue with the 9 or 10 that I have now, but considering in the end there will be 50 of them, it won't be very user-friendly. Oh, as I was writing this, @BitPoet pointed out the solution. Thanks man, great timing ?
  10. Happy new year, everyone! I'm working on a BnB website and I need to have an anemities list like this: How would you approach something like this in the admin? I need to create a global list of amenities, with sections, each with a title, icon and optional note, that in each unit I can just select with checkboxes. The most viable option is probably to create separate pages for each + a multi-page select field. But there are a couple of things I don't quite like in that approach. One is creating / managing the options. Having to create these as pages one by one makes my skin crawl, and I'd much rather have someting like a repeater on a global config section of the homepage. The other is selecting them. I've created amenities/section/amenty templates, the pages select field looks for the amenity template, and in the end the sections aren't accounted for when I'm selecting in the unit page. I'll probably have to grind a bit to get them to display organised by section in the end, now that I think about that. Any better ideas?
  11. Has this been deprecated? Just tried this module on a site, trying to get watermarks on its opengraph images, and I'm getting this error: Compile Error: Array and string offset access syntax with curly braces is no longer supported (line 2385 of site/modules/PageImageManipulator/ImageManipulator.class.php) (My server is running PHP 8.0)
  12. The directory is writable and there's stuff there. It's weird that the older version works. I'll probably just leave it at that
  13. Here I am doing maintenance on a site that seems to have went through some hard times and had multiple issues. I started off by updating to version 3.0.229 and then went ahead to finding crap and cleaning up, replacing the old SEO module with the new one, refactoring some stuff, yadda yadda. Most of it's done but now I'm getting a weird error on WireMailSmtp. I can configure it fine, but when I send a test email or uninstall the module I'm getting this: Class "WireMailSmtp" not found in site/modules/WireMailSmtp/WireMailSmtpAdaptor.php:143 Any idea what's going on? I've already removed the module manually from the file system, refreshed modules to remove it from the database and installed it again, but the same thing happens. **EDIT** I've downgraded from version 0.6.3 to 0.6.0 (just copied the folder from another site) and I don't get this error anymore ?‍♂️
  14. The problem isn't breaking the boilerplate, but rather breaking my habits ? I mean I'm so used to just making my own vanilla js and getting it doing what I want that needing to flip the switch to Alpine's way is enough to make me postpone the decision to the next project.
  15. Love this! Makes total sense. Although I did try to make AlpineJS part of my boilerplate and quickly gave up. Just easier for me to add a JS file and do my stuff with vanilla. Right now I just have a Vite thing, a js that imports and inits scripts from a file (like the one that Bernhard mentioned). Effects like my text reveal thing require adding the type of ready-made JS and CSS that I tend to avoid. However if it could be part of a library of stuff a developer can browse and easily add to their project, it might be a cool idea. Alpine might help with this.
  16. It's my own script. Basically I'm identifying every text to animate with a data-attribute. Then my JS starts by breaking each word into a div with overflow:hidden and each letter in a span shifted down and incremented css transition-delay. Then, an intersectionObserver detects when it comes into view and adds a css class that changes each letter's position back to zero and the transition-delay makes them appear one by one. It's a cool approach and practically a snap-on script that I can reuse (and have done so already) on other pages. It still has that error @netcarver pointed out, though. I also have something similar for the images that makes a fade-in reveal effect.
  17. That's a glitch on my animation script that I still have to improve ? It's on my todo list
  18. http://shift-up.pt/ Shift-Up is a consultancy company from Portugal that specializes in government incentives and financing. This is my first project using ProFields and RockFrontend, and I can't really believe how long it took me to start using both. Profields' InputMatrix is a huge step up from my previous custom module that I hacked together using file selects and custom field visibility. And RockFrontend, just by getting latte in the mix, makes everything a lot more polished and professional. The project is a fresh start from the previous old Wordpress solution they had, taking care as to not harm the SEO standing this site had built up with all its content. I started out by writing a content import script that took hundreds of pages from the oh so messy WP export and turned them into neat PW pages. I also had to handle the URLs in the process, ensuring that the old unstructured WP links would be fed to the Redirects module. So the focus here was more on carrying over the content without having to rewrite everything, and now that we're here, when new programs come up we have a platform that can properly grow and add new layout solutions and features.
  19. Well, I can just do two searches. I'm just being stubborn assuming there's a straightforward solution for this ?
  20. Hey guys and gals. I have a page tree that I want to search, where the second level has an "archived" checkbox. Something like this: Home Products Category ('archived' checkbox field is here) Product (these also can have subpages that I want to catch too) Product Product And now that I'm making the search engine for this site, I want to query all product pages, and I want to sort them showing "non-archived" items first. I suppose there's a way I can incorporate something like 'sort=$page->parents[2]->archived' (not like this of course, but...) Any ideas?
  21. Of course it's that easy ?‍♂️ How did I not find that discussion? Who knows. Thanks Jan ?
  22. Hi guys. I'm making an import script for a weird site's content. I got to the point where I can successfully clean everything up and shepherd most data from the exported mess to their new home in page fields. I'm also finding file links and image urls that I want to upload to a new files field. I don't have them locally, so basically I need to start from an array of URLs and somehow upload them to the page's files field. But how? I just can't wrap my head around uploading stuff. It's always a pain
  23. Planets are sphere primitives with an image texture applied. The Voyager is a GTLF model from NASA (threejs has importers for that). There's a background that's basically a cube with inward facing images and the Saturn rings is just a plane with a PNG texture. You can also see some specs coming towards the camera that's a particle system. Basically 2000 randomly placed vertices that move and get reset once they're past the camera. It's a ton of fun to work with this stuff.
  24. Hey Ryan! This is basically a full-viewport Threejs scene on a fixed element behind the content. Planets have a static position, and the probe just moves along the Z axis with the camera attached to it. As the user scrolls, the scrollTop is translated to a Z position for the probe. I had to add a little compensation for the window size so that the probe's position matches the content the user is seeing as is intended. There's also an intersectionObserver detecting each slide coming into view, and depending on what's visible the camera changes position to look left or right. The flying logos are relatively simple. From PW I just generate a JSON with the list from an images field. The script that generates the scene loops through that array, adds planes and textures for each one. X and Y positions just cycle through an array with presets, and Z is incremented with a set distance between them. Content itself is basic Tailwind stuff. Although I have some custom made scripts handling entrance animations, like the typing effect on the dotted text. The game is the result of a conversation with ChatGTP. I had the basic idea of making the user spin the cursor around a dot, mimicking the probe's orbit around Earth, but took the opportunity to challenge the AI. It actually gave me a pretty decent script right off the bat that served as a proof of concept. Then I discussed how to make it challenging and it gave me a few ideas. I iterated over them, and eventually came to the solution of adding movement speed to a variable multiplied by the number of consecutive unbroken turns. Had to refactor the whole thing to make it work properly, but ChatGTP was pretty darn useful in the process.
  25. So I've just updated my personal website after some 7 or 8 years. It's a small one pager, but with some quirks that I hope you'll enjoy. Have a look: https://heldercervantes.com/ First, the approach was to somehow reinterpret my CV into a web experience. My last CV, along with my Supertiny agency's website share this space exploration / alien contact theme, so the idea here was to incorporate a journey through space as the user scrolls through the website. In the end you'll find a mini-game, where you can attempt to reach the far depths of space and discover what's out there. Most content is static, but I'm using PW to manage the logos you'll fly by at some point and the projects, the game's highscores and SEO. I intend to improve it a bit in time. Sound is probably the next thing I'll add, and I have some ideas to make the game more interesting. Fun fact: Setting up PW for this one took about 2h.
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