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Everything posted by robobobo

  1. Please ignore my last post, i renamed the templatefile on the server and everything is ok.
  2. Another question: how can i remove the association between a template and an templatfile, if it already exists?? Sorry for this newbie questions...
  3. Oh, thanks... i have already done this (thats not the problem): $out .= $child->render(array('included'=>true)); // note: if there is no $option['included'] in the child-page then redirect... and checkt for $option['included'] in the sub-templatefile... I think i know what you mean: the solution is not to combine the template with the templatefile and then make a reference by parameter in the render function: $out .= $child->render("press-article.php", array('included'=>true)); My mistake is, that i associate the template with the templatefile in the PW-Backend. Thanks for your input!
  4. Hi Soma, thanks for your reply. I know about the option 'template without templatefile' but in this case i can't use the render function, isn't it? Would it be better to write my own function to render the subpages and include it, or generate the output directly on the parent page? Please help me to find a passable way to handle it.
  5. I found a very simple solution! foreach ($page->children('template=press-article, check_access=0') as $child) { $out .= $child->render(array('included'=>true)); } It is quite simple: the solution is check_access=0 PW seems to have the right answer to any question! Thanks for PW!
  6. Hello, i tried to include subpages in a parent page... The subpages should not be shown/accessible to any users especially for guests... I built a page tree and some templates with user rights like this: - Home -- Page (template -> access to all users + template-file: press-overview.php) --- SubPage1(template-access: no access to guest + template-file: press-article.php) --- SubPage2(template-access -> no access to guest + template-file: press-article.php) --- SubPage3(template-access -> no access to guest + template-file: press-article.php) --- SubPage....(template-access -> no access to guest + template-file: press-article.php) Then I wrote something like this to include the pages in the press-overview.php: foreach ($page->children( template=press-article') as $child) { $out .= $child->render(array('included'=>true)); // note: if there is no $option['included'] in the child-page then redirect... } ... this way the content of the subpages isn't shown in the parent page for guest users ... in the frontend. Is there a way to show pages 'included' by the 'page render function' even though the current users have no page-view-access to them" I want to exclude these pages e.g. for sitemap.xml... To hide the pages in the page tree is not an option! Thanks in advance... Robert
  7. Hi RJay, thanks for your efforts! Perhaps you can find a solution for that... I really hate this empty tags in wysywig editors Robert
  8. Hi RJay, i loaded this Version (2.5.2) one week ago from this website... I think the settings are ok... ---- Details ---------------------------- Text-Formatting-> blank | Inputfield Type -> CKE | Content-Type -> Markup/HTML ---- Input ---------------------------- ...(no special settings) ... Editor Toolbar: Format, -, Bold, -, RemoveFormat BulletedList, PWLink, Unlink, Anchor SpecialChar PasteText, PasteFromWord Scayt, -, Sourcedialog Editor Mode: Regular Use AFC -> Yes Use Purifier -> Yes Beautiful Markuptools -> checked all Format Tags -> p;h3 Custum Editor CSS File -> /site/modules/InputfieldCKEditor/contents.css Pugins -> pwimage (recommended) | pwlink (recommended) | sourcedialog ...and that's it. -------------------------- Beautiful Markuptools aren't working if i check Purifier... There is no error msg... but the blank tags like <p> </p> will not be deleted after saving... If nobody else has this problem i maybe it's a problem with my server settings...
  9. Hello! It's my first question and i am new in Processwire. I'm using PW 2.5.2 and tried to set the options (see above) for CKE. When i activate HTML Purifier the options "Convert div tags to paragraph tags", "Remove empty paragraph tags" and "Remove non-breaking spaces (nbsp)" doesn't seem to work... Is there a solution, what I am doing wrong? Thanks for your help!
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