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Posts posted by qtguru

  1. Any plans to add gravatar or avatar to comments and if not, am looking to implement one for my website, you don't mind pull-requests ?

    Hi Adrian are there any plans for comments to add Gravatar support, I really need it for my site, so I want to know if there's plan for it so I can look at your code and if not, so i can advance and integrate one with your comment and send you a PR. it makes me feel comfortable seeing avatars on my comments. 

  2. I Sephiroth Nord race of Skyrim disagree with this move to make it private and challenge opposers to a duel fight.... kidding

    But I think making it an Open group won't be bad, because it has means of spreading information to your friends and others who could take a sudden interest in it. I use to post on the group till i noticed two things.

    1. Lack of activities

    2. The audience seem to be mostly users and not Developers 

  3. Well the last time i check Wordpress references it via Media attachment so it will reference a media id not really an image specifically, how many images are you looking to import, I wrote some Command Lines to handle that, sadly am not sure if Command line plugins exists in Processwire 

  4. Thank You @cstevensjr, YouTube videos works now (after deleting [embed] but that's not a problem).

    Still no chances to import Wordpress featured images?

    There is no concept of Featured Images in Processwire, unless you created another field named 'featured image' and add to the post. Did you import all images i couldn't use that functionality (chose not to) as i had 4.3gb worth of images. Importing the feature image will require a dependency on a field. so might be a problem, instead it would import all images.  

  5. Hello,

    I have problem with MigratorWordpress. I'm using ProcessBlog and that works fine, import news from wordpress works fine, but then I can't see them on my site. There is none "view" button in admin page tree when I click on one of them. Copying direct link to that news i got 404 page error.

    What is the problem?

    Kind Regards,


    Any screenshot to see, so we can properly tell what could be the issue, but as long as it imports then you should be seeing your content, screenshot please ?

    • Like 1
  6. Hi  :) 

    I am currently experimenting with Google Polymer / Web Components, which relies on html-imports.

    I noticed that Processwire's .htaccess blocks access to .html files in the template folder.

      # Block access to any PHP or markup files in /site/templates/
      RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} (^|/)(site|site-[^/]+)/templates($|/|/.*\.(php|html?|tpl|inc))$ [OR]

    Is it safe to reallow access to .html-files in "/templates"? Or maybe just to a specific subfolder, like "templates/html-imports/*.html"?  ???

    I also had issues loading Dojotoolkit templates via Ajax. Well it depends if you know what you are doing then sure, I removed mine, no way I can work because my fragment are in external files loading via XHR that's just how Dojo Dijit works.

  7. I see. I knew how to do ajax in js/jquery.

    I supposed "Making an ajax call in pw" is without using js. PW will take care of it by some kind of indicator, similar as of Drupal 7 form api

    What have you done so far ?

    Making an Ajax call is always on the frontend it has nothing to do with ProcessWire just make an Ajax call to your page it's that easy. try it first Ajax call in Processwire is nothing complicated.

  8. If you prefer some type of delayed output, you also can use both (regular and ajax) very close together:

    $out = '';
    $out .= {html head part};
    $out .= {my menu content};
    $out .= {some other content};
    // her we come to the individual content
    if ($config->ajax) $out = ''; // delete all collected output til here and start new
    $out .= {my individual content};
    //... collect until individual content is complete, then
    if ($config->ajax) {
        echo $out;  // send it out as html
        exit();     // stop any further processing
    // if it isn't a ajax call you collect also footer etc.
    $out .= {my footer content};
    // send out the complete html page
    echo $out;

    I really loathe this "Strategy" it's not flexible and quite difficult to have logic in it, I prefer using this method, not sure what to call it


    it's highly flexible and you can have logic in it with ease and even swap out templates based on the condition.

    • Like 1
  9. That's my article, using Ajax is quite easy in PW, just make an Ajax call to your page, now the HTTP Header contains Ajax header in it, so $config->ajax will flag as true when it is an Ajax call and false if not, 

    Do this

    1. Make an Ajax Call to the Page

    2. var_dump something if Ajax and exit and you will see your result

    100% cleaner than WordPress and i stick to that statement, also thanks for reading my blog. If you have something you want me to write on please let me know, quite bored at home. 

    • Like 5
  10. At my job I was forced to use Wordpress for a recent project (wasn't my decision of course). We had to use ACF Pro, and let me tell you - in terms of rendering time / flexibility, and performance, ACF is a mess. In a debug report, I found that 2/3 of the performance loss was created by the ACF plugin. Some pages use over 130 queries and take up to 2 seconds to render. The whole WP architecture is just not made for custom-tailored sites, and I still don't agree when some people actually call it a CMS; to me, it's an article management system. (but maybe I digress - there's a big WP thread elsewhere that covers all of that)

    oh - also.... ACF created a whopping 40k records in the wp_postmeta table. For a relatively small website (local business). wtf?

    That's small am gonna show you a picture of my database of the post_meta fields for a site of 200 memebers am surprised how come we got so many post_meta, My PW database size is tons far less than my ex wordpress site. Wordpress is not a CMS i agree

  11. Hmmmmm maybe i should write an indepth article for developers comparing the two, because as a former avid WordPress developer, i wish i found PW earlier. My PHP5 Skills are highly put to the test, ave extended PW to insane limits and it's totally awesome. check my forum how to accomplish this feat  i document my adventures there

  12. That something that shouldn't be done before drafting will find it's way into the core. In my opinion content should never be overwritten automatically.

    Maybe a better way would be to have a store as a draft copy with the option of over-writing the main content. Oh well you do have a valid point overwriting a content is automatically feels weird though. 

  13. Well was writing an article on "Processwire and WordPress" and it seemed I hadn't committed them for a while, only for me to lose most of the content, it would be nice to have some feature that allows an Ajax call to be made periodically to save the content, better save what I don't need and later remove it manually. I just realized I hadn't saved and all those details gone. 

    However seeing I can do this maybe this is something I can take upon myself and do. But regardless just wanted to put it out here.

    Thanks and all the best, 

    P.S: The Article would be shared soon   :)

  14. Ratchet and Phonegap sound like they would play togther nicely. I always wanted a way to have the mobile web app look native and Ratchet looks ideal for that.

    All Phonegap adds is the ability to wrap it into an app and gives you access to some of the device APIs too (camera, contacts etc) whether iOS or Android, so I'm sure together they would be able to load the correct stylesheet for the correct device.

    Give Onsen.io a spin, it's way better, I use it for a financial institution for the company i work for, however it's in Angular assuming that's a bottleneck

    • Like 1
  15. I don't really develop Android Apps per se, I only Integrate some libraries with it, so am mostly doing non -UI related, your question is wrong, because as of now, Android Studio is the Defacto way to go about Android Development, Eclipse is not gonna get any future support from Google and Android Studio is way better, especially with Gradle as a way to run deployment codes and tests.

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