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Frank Vèssia

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Everything posted by Frank Vèssia

  1. great module, I like the Alpine Front End solution. Questions: - any support for shipment cost with custom rules - discount code - any way to retrive all abandoned carts? - I guess all the customer part is up to the developer, any plan to expand in this direction?
  2. After some debug it looks like the image field is the problem, cloning the page without any image assigned works as expected, very strange
  3. no, just the title, which is by default.
  4. Hello, I have a template with 32 fields, one repeater and images and I added a function to clone a page via API. It worked since today when suddenly is throwing an sql error, never seen before: Error: Exception: SQLSTATE[HY000]: General error: 1116 Too many tables; MariaDB can only use 61 tables in a join and from now on, the clone function doens't work anymore. Any idea? Thsi si my clone function function clonePlate($plate){ $pages = wire('pages'); $copy = $pages->clone($plate); $copy->setAndSave('title', $copy->title.' (copy)'); }
  5. Hello, I'm having some trouble using the module inside another module. It looks like it can't process the "to" email, I'm always getting "Error in hnsmtp::send : it were not specified any valid recipients". I simply call the module as I call it inside a template $m = wireMail(); $m->to($email); $m->subject('my subject'); $m->bodyHTML($body); $numSent = $m->send(); I tried to change the call to $this->modules->get('WireMailSmtp') with no success...what I'm doing wrong? Edit: I solved it. Maybe it could be helpful for someone else...the send email address in the general setting of the module was wrong (different domain from the one set in the smpt) and somehow it didn't show any error when Wiremail sends an email from a template..
  6. mmm....I tried to update the module with no luck, at this point I don't know what it is...I also tried to deactivate some modules...anyway I will do some more test and let you know, thanks for now.
  7. I've been using WireMailSmtp since ages and for some clients we have microsoft exchange 365 emails. Recently Microsoft annouced they are deprecating basic stmp authentication in favor of OAuth 2.0...is there a way to configure WireMailSmtp with this method?
  8. Hi, I maybe just found a very strange bug. I'm using Processwire with a React front end and I setup it in a subdomain like so https://api.mydomain.com/ so just to avoid using api twice i changed the API endpoint into "v" using versions so my base api endpoint is https://api.mydomain.com/v/1/ Now, everything works fine except when I call a route with a GET parameter starting with "v", it cuts out the v from the slug, for example if I call https://api.mydomain.com/v/1/category/variety the get parameter I get it's "ariety" and this happens on all characters I put in the api endpoint, not just for one character This is the route I'm using 'category' => [ ['OPTIONS', '{slug:\S+}', ['GET']], ['GET', '{slug:\S+}', Blog::class, 'getCategory',['application' => 1]], ], and this is the function which receives the parameter public static function getCategory($data) { $data = AppApiHelper::checkAndSanitizeRequiredParameters($data, ['slug|pageName']); ... // $data->slug returns "ariety"
  9. So I got it...just removing "namespace Processwire" on top of the module
  10. Hello, I'm trying to get to work a getstream.io library inside a module. Since I'd like to avoid using composer I downloaded the library from php-download.com which makes it possible just to include the autoloader.php file and using the library directly. I tested it inside a template and it works well but I can't inside a module. This is what I wrote so far inside template: <?php require_once('./vendor/autoload.php'); $client = new GetStream\Stream\Client($key, $secret); Inside module I get error: class GetStream\Stream\Client not found <?php namespace ProcessWire; class ProcessSocial extends WireData implements Module, ConfigurableModule { ... public function init() { $file = __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php'; if (file_exists($file)) { require_once $file; } } protected function testFeed($user){ $client = new GetStream\Stream\Client($api, $key); $feed = $client->feed('User', $user); return $feed->getActivities(); } }
  11. Hello, I'm trying to put a watermark text on top of my image but I got strange result as you can see...any idea why the font is rendered like that? I'm using a simple Roboto font. Thanks
  12. Hello, I'm having a strange issue with the page autocomplete asmselect of a page reference field. Out of a sudden is returning a 403 forbidden error when I type something. From the console I find out the system doesn't like the %= operator, it's the only operator which isn't working, I tried others and the select works. Any idea why? Thanks
  13. I often duplicate a template in my projects and I spend a lot of time to edit all the field positions and sizes, I'd like to keep this settings when a template is cloned, if possible.
  14. I have this problem and I can confirm is the translation of the module the issue, it happens even in the default language, I tried to change the 2 main files for having the datepicker translated and it's not saving anything
  15. Can't believe it, it's not a dream. YEEEEES. How can I get the invitation? ?
  16. if I understood correctly your situation, you can simply use the numReferences of the pro_kategorie field
  17. man...I make the same mistake like 10 times a day...I'm so frustrated about it...but glad that I'm not the only one ahah
  18. I'm trying to change template on the fly (when there is a urlSegment in homepage) and I'm almost there (I guess), the behaviour is strange, the markup is working but if I print the template name I get the home page, something is not working properly The code is inside a custom module. Thanks for the help. I'm using v1 (can't use v2) public function ready() { $this->addHookBefore('Page::render', $this, 'hookProfiles'); } protected function hookProfiles($event){ $page = $event->object; if($page->template == 'home' && wire('input')->urlSegment1 != ''){ $page->template->set("filename","/site/templates/author.php"); $factory = $this->modules->get('TemplateEngineFactory'); $theme = $factory->load('author.tpl'); wire()->set('view', $theme); } }
  19. Strange behaviour recently...when adding or re editing an image (no matter what the edit is, add retina, or link the source image) inside the ckeditor, it disappers an get deleted fromt the code. It doesn't happen every time so there should be something that trigger this but I can't find what is it. PW 3.0.165 pw_images.webm
  20. I'm sorry but there is a new error showing up in logs: Fatal Error: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function bd() in /site/modules/FieldtypeImageReference/InputfieldImageReference.module:226 Stack trace: 1. /site/modules/FieldtypeImageReference/InputfieldImageReference.module(192): InputfieldImageReference->renderThumbnails()
  21. I just installed tracy and I got this error I'm using php settings not json [ 'name' => 'logotest', 'label' => __('Logo & Favicon'), 'type' => 'InputfieldImageReference', 'width' => '100', 'fromfolder ' => true, 'folderpath' => 'assets/imgs/', 'description' => __('image upload'), 'collapsed' => 0, ],
  22. still not working, I can only see the default image and nothing more
  23. Hi @gebeer I'm trying to use your module within the settingfactory module but I' having some issue initializing it, what are the mandatory parameters to make it work? I tried this config but it shows just the placeholder image. Thanks [ 'name' => 'logotest', 'label' => __('Logo & Favicon'), 'type' => 'InputfieldImageReference', 'width' => '100', 'fromfolder ' => true, 'folderpath' => '/site/templates/', 'description' => __('description'), 'collapsed' => 0, ],
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