Hello Everybody!
I'm using a lightbox (fancybox) within a project site and stumbled over following problem:
I want to use Thumbs of the images, being scaled to 100px height. Aspect Ratio should be considert. So the Thumbs have all the same height and different widths.
This was easy to get by this code:
$options = array(
'quality' => 50,
'upscaling' => false,
'cropping' => 'center'
$thumb = $img->height(100, $options);
But, unfortunatly, I have some Thumbs with 100px heigt and 600px width. I want to crop these to 200px maximum width.
When using:
$thumb = $img->size(200,100, $options);
all the thumbs are scaled to 200px width. Now the portrait orientated Images are also 200px width and are croped at top and bottom.
You can have a look at the site here:
Thank you for you help