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Everything posted by pleini

  1. Okay thank you, first have to install the dev branch. How do you handle updating processwire / installed modules?
  2. @Macrura, thank you for your help. Do you mean the new module Table? What advantages / disadvantages do exist for doing it as virtual or real pages? @cstevensjr thanks for you help, it has to be different urls.
  3. Hi there, I'm new with processwire and we are planning a review site. To avoid building one big review page, we want to share the review informations accross multiple pages. The url structure is like /productname/test Sometimes there exist even more pages like /productname/costs /productname/alternatives /productname/features The page /productname doesn't consist of any informations, it always starts with /productname/test I cannot change the url strucutre, this one is given. Here are a couple of questions about how to structure Should I implement /test, /costs and /alternatives as parameters of /productname (and show parameter dependend content) or as real pages? Should I keep all the information for /test, /costs, /alternatives, /features inside /productname and fetch inside the subpages from the parent /productname? Thank you, Chris
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