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Everything posted by Juergen

  1. Hello @marie.mdna I am sorry that the module installation does not work as expected in your case. It seems that there has been something going wrong. I have installed the module on my localhost without problems. What I can say for sure, is that all the error messages that you have mentioned are caused by the missing installation of the templates. For me it seems that you had troubles during a first installation attempt, and then you have tried to install it once more. This is a typical error message if an entry with the name "fl_registerpage" is still present in the database at the moment during you have tried to install the module again. So it must have been stored during a previous attempt to install the module. This entry in the database is the "root cause" for your problem. I do not know the reason during the first module installation in your case, but you have to try to deinstall AND DELETE the module once more, to keep no orphans of the module inside the filesystem and inside the database. If the database is not "free" of FrontendLoginRegister entries, you will always get this or another error. So please try first to deinstall and delete the module the normal way. If it does not work, you have to go to directly to the database and delete the entries there. The sql error mentioned above results from an entry inside the table "templates" inside the database. Please try the deinstallation and the deletion of the module first and then download and install the module once more. Let me know if the problem persists. Do you have the possibility to go into the database (fe. with phpmyadmin)? Best regards
  2. Hello @dotnetic First of all, thanks for the detailled report and your suggestions. I am very busy at the moment, so please be patient, I will check all things that you have reported. Timeout issue: This could be possible solution. As I can rememeber, Ryan has also implemented queries for very large amounts of pages (like findMany) to prevent timeouts, but I have to dig into it a little bit more. Placeholder issue: From the first view it seems that everything is ok, but I will test it on my local installation. A few time ago, I have helped another user by a form using placeholders and it has worked as expected. (Take a look here). So for the moment I have not find a reason why it should not work, but I have to dive in a little bit deeper. File size issue: You can always disable the php ini file-size validator by setting $field->removeRule('phpIniFilesize') This removes the php.ini file-size validation, but this does not solve the wrong conversion of 10M to 100kb. I guess there is only a simple calculations issue responsible for this mistake. I will check out the function which is responsible for the conversion and I guess I can solve this problem very soon.? Only to mention: It is going very busy at the moment, so I have not the time to react within a short time and offer a solution promptly, but I will try to solve all these issues until the end of this week and give you an info here. Best regards and thanks for reporting this issues!! Jürgen
  3. Hi, here is the new code for your contact form: <?php declare(strict_types=1); namespace ProcessWire; /* * File description * * Created by Jürgen K. * https://github.com/juergenweb * File name: contactform-2.php * Created: 15.02.2023 */ $content = ''; $form = new \FrontendForms\Form('contact'); $form->setMaxAttempts(0); // disable max attempts $contacttype = new \FrontendForms\InputRadioMultiple('auswahl'); $contacttype->addOption('Einzelperson (Jahresbeitrag 50,00 EUR)<span class="asterisk">*</span>', 'Einzelperson (Jahresbeitrag 50,00 EUR)')->setAttribute('data-value', '1'); $contacttype->addOption('Doppelmitgliedschaft (Jahresbeitrag 75,00 EUR)<span class="asterisk">*</span>', 'Doppelmitgliedschaft (Jahresbeitrag 75,00 EUR)')->setAttribute('data-value', '2'); $contacttype->alignVertical(); $contacttype->setRule('required')->setCustomMessage('Bitte wählen Sie die gewünschte Mitgliedschaft aus.'); $form->add($contacttype); // add the gender field $gender = new \FrontendForms\Gender('gender'); //$gender->setLabel('Auswählen'); // so Label setzen! $form->add($gender); // add the name field $name = new \FrontendForms\Name('firstname'); $name->setRule('firstAndLastname')->setCustomFieldName('Der Vorname'); $form->add($name); // add the surname field $surname = new \FrontendForms\Surname('lastname'); $surname->setRule('firstAndLastname')->setCustomFieldName('Der Nachname'); $form->add($surname); // check if $_POST value is present for "auswahl" and set "display" according to "auswahl" value $display = 'none'; if (wire('input')->post('contact-auswahl')) { $value = explode(' ', wire('input')->post('contact-auswahl')); if ($value != 'Einzelperson') { $display = 'block'; } } // add the name2 field $name2 = new \FrontendForms\InputText('firstname2'); $name2->setLabel('Vorname (zweite Person)'); $name2->setRule('firstAndLastname')->setCustomFieldName('Der Vorname der zweiten Person'); $name2->useCustomWrapper()->setAttribute('id', 'firstname-wrapper')->setAttribute('style', 'display:' . $display); $form->add($name2); // add the surname2 field $surname2 = new \FrontendForms\InputText('lastname2'); $surname2->setLabel('Nachname (zweite Person)'); $surname2->setRule('firstAndLastname')->setCustomFieldName('Der Nachname der zweiten Person'); $surname2->useCustomWrapper()->setAttribute('id', 'lastname-wrapper')->setAttribute('style', 'display:' . $display); $form->add($surname2); // Adresse $adresse = new \FrontendForms\InputText('adresse'); $adresse->setLabel('Straße und Hausnummer'); $adresse->setRule('required')->setCustomFieldName('Die Adresse'); $form->add($adresse); // plz $plz = new \FrontendForms\InputText('plz'); $plz->setLabel('Postleitzahl'); $plz->setRule('integer')->setCustomFieldName('Die Postleitzahl'); $plz->setRule('required'); $form->add($plz); // Ort $ort = new \FrontendForms\InputText('ort'); $ort->setLabel('Ort'); $ort->setRule('required')->setCustomFieldName('Der Ort'); $form->add($ort); // add the email field $email = new \FrontendForms\Email('email'); if ($user->isLoggedIn()) { $email->setDefaultValue($user->email); } $form->add($email); // add the phone field $phone = new \FrontendForms\Phone('phone'); $phone->setLabel('Telefon / Mobil'); $phone->setRule('required')->setCustomFieldName('Die Telefonnummer'); $form->add($phone); // add the Geburtstags field $geb = new \FrontendForms\InputText('geb'); $geb->setLabel('Geburtsdatum'); $form->add($geb); $einzug = new \FrontendForms\InputCheckbox('einzug'); $einzug->setLabel('Hiermit ermächtige ich den Museumsverein Celle e.V. widerruflich, die von mir zu entrichtende Beitragszahlung jährlich bei Fälligkeit zu Lasten meines Kontos mittels Lastschrift einzuziehen. Wenn mein Konto die erforderliche Deckung nicht aufweist, besteht seitens des kontoführenden Geldinstituts keine Verpflichtung zur Einlösung.'); $einzug->setRule('required')->setCustomMessage('Bitte bestätigen Sie die Einzugsermächtigung.'); $form->add($einzug); // Kontoinhaber $kontoinhaber = new \FrontendForms\InputText('kontoinhaber'); $kontoinhaber->setLabel('Kontoinhaber'); $kontoinhaber->setRule('firstAndLastname')->setCustomFieldName('Der Name des Kontoinhabers'); $kontoinhaber->setRule('required')->setCustomMessage('Der Name des Kontoinhabers muss ausgefüllt werden.'); $form->add($kontoinhaber); // Kreditinstitut $kreditinstitut = new \FrontendForms\InputText('kreditinstitut'); $kreditinstitut->setLabel('Kreditinstitut'); $kreditinstitut->setRule('required')->setCustomFieldName('Das Kreditinstitut'); $form->add($kreditinstitut); // BIC $bic = new \FrontendForms\InputText('bic'); $bic->setLabel('BIC'); $bic->setRule('required')->setCustomFieldName('Der BIC-Code'); $form->add($bic); // IBAN $iban = new \FrontendForms\InputText('iban'); $iban->setLabel('IBAN'); $iban->setRule('required')->setCustomFieldName('Der IBAN-Code'); $form->add($iban); // add the privacy field $privacy = new \FrontendForms\Privacy('privacy'); $form->add($privacy); // add the send copy field $sendcopy = new \FrontendForms\SendCopy('sendcopy'); $form->add($sendcopy); $button = new \FrontendForms\Button('submit'); $button->setAttribute('value', 'Absenden'); $form->add($button); if ($form->isValid()) { /** You can use placeholders for the labels and the values of the form fields * This is the modern new way - only available at version 2.1.9 or higher * Big advantage: You do not have to use PHP code and there are a lot of ready-to-use placeholders containing fe the current date, the domain,..... * But it is up to you, if you want to use placeholders or do it the old way * */ $body = '[[TITLE]] [[AUSWAHLVALUE]]<br><br> [[GENDERVALUE]]<br> [[FIRSTNAMELABEL]]: [[FIRSTNAMEVALUE]]<br> [[LASTNAMELABEL]]: [[LASTNAMEVALUE]]<br>'; // check if "Doppelmitgliedschaft" has been selected - otherwise do not add these 2 fields to the mail body if (str_contains($form->getValue('auswahl'), 'Doppelmitgliedschaft')) { $body .= '[[FIRSTNAME2LABEL]]: [[FIRSTNAME2VALUE]]<br> [[LASTNAME2LABEL]]: [[LASTNAME2VALUE]]<br>'; } $body .= '[[ADRESSEVALUE]]<br> [[PLZVALUE]]&nbsp; [[ORTVALUE]]<br> [[EMAILVALUE]]<br> [[PHONELABEL]]: [[PHONEVALUE]]<br> [[GEBLABEL]]: [[GEBVALUE]]<br><br> [[KREDITINSTITUTLABEL]]: [[KREDITINSTITUTVALUE]]<br> [[KONTOINHABERLABEL]]: [[KONTOINHABERVALUE]]<br> [[BICLABEL]]: [[BICVALUE]]<br> [[IBANLABEL]]: [[IBANVALUE]]<br><br>'; // send the form with WireMail $m = wireMail(); if ($form->getValue('sendcopy')) { // send copy to sender $m->to($form->getValue('email')); } $m->to('mail@mail.de')// please change this email address to your own ->from($form->getValue('email')) ->subject('Ein neuer Mitgliedsantrag von ' . $form->getValue('firstname') . ' ' . $form->getValue('lastname')) ->title('<h1>Neuer Mitgliedsantrag</h1>') // this is a new property from this module ->bodyHTML($body) ->sendAttachments($form); if (!$m->send()) { $form->generateEmailSentErrorAlert(); // generates an error message if something went wrong during the sending process } } $content .= $form->render(); echo $content; I have added some additional validation rules to certain fields, some data attributes for the Javascript and some custom labels. Please replace this code with yours (but backup your code first ? ). To show/hide that name fields for the second person, you will need this little JavaScript snippet. <script> let auswahl = document.getElementsByName("contact-auswahl"); if(auswahl.length){ // add event listener to these radio buttons auswahl.forEach(function(elem) { elem.addEventListener("click", function() { let selected = elem.getAttribute('data-value'); let firstname = document.getElementById('firstname-wrapper'); let lastname = document.getElementById('lastname-wrapper'); if(selected == '2'){ firstname.style.display = 'block'; lastname.style.display = 'block'; } else { // hide the fields firstname.style.display = 'none'; lastname.style.display = 'none'; } }); }); } </script> Please add it to your template (fe before the closing body tag). That is all -> the form should work as expected. So please try it out. What I have not done is to make the name fields of the second name required if "Doppelmitgliedschaft" has been selected. It does not work with the "requiredWith" validator. So for this usecase a new validator has to be developed. Maybe I will try to develop this new validator and add it to the next update. Best regards
  4. You do not need Ajax in this case - only JS is enough. I will try to write the JS for showing and hiding the fields and afterwards we will see further for setting the fields to required or not.? Thanks! I know these docs are just like more a book, so offering examples is often much clearer for the users.
  5. Ok, I will try to figure it out. I guess these 2 fields should be required if "Doppelmitgliedschaft" is selected, am I right?
  6. Ok, I see! Just to mention: To validate the form (including the hidden fields if they are displayed after clicking a certain radio button) all fields must be added to the form object. This means: You need to create ALL form fields first and add them to the form object (independent if the should be visible or not). Now all fields are visible. This is the point were you are now. To change the visibility of certain form fields, you need Javascript (Jquery or plain JS). Take an eventlistener and check if radio button 1 (Einzelperson) or radio button 2 (Doppelmitgliedschaft) has been clicked. Depending on that you hide or show the fields inside the form. The second part would be the validation depending on the radio button status. So you need to add a validator which has a dependency on the radio button value selected. To clearify: If you want to make some of the fields required, if they are visible, you need to add a required validator with dependency of the value selected in the radio button multiple. More in detail: Field A is only required if radio button A is selected, Field B is only required if radio button B is selected and so on. So we need a kind of "requiredIf" validator, but I am afraid that Valitron does not offer such a validator. There is only a requiredWith validator and I guess this is not the right one for your usecase, but I have not used it before, so I am not sure Maybe there is a need to create a custom validator for this scenario.? That does not matter - I am speaking German ? Can you post the complete form code here, so I can make an exact copy of your form on my local host for testing purposes. Please also write which form fields should be visible on the first and wich one on the second radio button.
  7. Hello @mjut Just to clearify: You have created a form and inside this form there is a radio multiple inputfield with, lets say 3 radio buttons (A,B,C). If the user clicks on radio button A, then some form fields will be displayed (added) to the form. If the user clicks on radio button B, then other form fields will be displayed (added). At the end the user submits the form and it should be validated. Is this the correct scenario that you want to achive? Can you post the form code, that you have so far?
  8. Version 2.2.0 is out! This version is a bigger update, so I have decided to change the version number from 2.1.xx to 2.2. Whats new? This version includes a new admin module called "FrontendForms Manager", which is an easy to use UI for entering as many questions as you want for the "Simple question CAPTCHA". At the moment this module is only for entering questions, but I have plans for the future to expand the functionality. That is the reason why I do not call it only "Question Manager" or something like that. The "Simple question CAPTCHA" is a CAPTCHA type that I have added not so long ago and it forces the user to answer a simple question before submitting the form. You will find a live example using this new module with the simple question CAPTCHA here: https://www.schulfreund.at/kontakt/ Unfortunately, this page is only in German, but you will get the idea how it works ? I have not so much real life experience with this CAPTCHA type, but @Andi from the forum uses this type of CAPTCHA very heavily and he had no problems with SPAM until now. So if you have troubles with SPAM, give this CAPTCHA type a chance to be your friend ?! The only disadvantage of this CAPTCHA type is, that you have to create your questions first. But the big advantage is that you can adopt the questions to your customer, so that the CAPTCHA has a more personal touch. The usage of this module is optional, so it will not be installed automatically during the update. You will need to got the module manager and install it like all other modules. I do not want to go to much into detail, because I have written a description of the FrontendForms Manager in the Readme file on Github. There you can find also more images about the Userinterface. So take a look there to get more information about it. Here is only a brief description about the funcionality of this module: Creates a new admin page under Setup called "FrontendForms Manager" After clicking the link you will be redirected to the "Dashboard" The Dashboard page contains some statistical data about the questions and a little statistical section with charts By clicking on a button on the "Dashboard page" you will be redirected to the next page which contains all questions inside a table (a kind of questions overview page) There you can select if you want to edit/delete or to add a new question Depending on your choice you will be redirected to an "edit" or "add new" page where you can enter the several data for the question Each question is highly customizable, which means that you can enter notes, description, error message, success message etc. individually for each question As always, this is a brand new module, so it is not recommended to try it out on a live site first. I have run several tests without problems, but I cannot cover all possible scenarios. If you discover any problems, please report it here or directly on GitHub. Special thanks goes to @bernhard for writing a fantastic tutorial on "How to create custom admin pages". This tutorial helped me a lot during the development of this module. Jürgen
  9. Hello @Andy The issue is fixed now inside Form.php Please replace this file with yours, if you do not want to wait until the next update: https://github.com/juergenweb/FrontendForms/blob/main/Formelements/Form.php BTW, the version on GitHub is actually 2.1.78 with a lot of new additions, but I have not updated the version number, because it needs a little bit more testing. So it is really cool, if users like you discover some problems before the version number will be updated ?
  10. OK i see, please comment out line 2019 and 2022 if you need a quick solution. It seems there is an if-condition missing that checks if a CAPTCHA is enabled. I am not at home at the moment, so I cannot fix it directly, but I will do it in the next hour and give you an info. There is a lot of new code inside this file and some issues will pop up, so thank you for reporting this.
  11. Hello @Andy I am a little bit confused at the error, because there is no declaration of the callback in line 1, but I will check this out. Please click on the tab " Markup and styling settings for the form" and at the bottom you will find the tab "Remove stylesheets and scripts". In this tab you can disable the embedding of the stylesheet and the Javascript file. Thanks for testing and reporting!! Best regards Jürgen
  12. Hello @Stefanowitsch I have updated the module and it should work now as expected. I have not the time to test all possible scenarios now, but I could not discover any problems on my local setup. For more information about the problem read the changelog.md. Please test it, if it works for you now. Best regards Jürgen
  13. Hello @Stefanowitsch I see that there is a problem with the HTML5 input and with the separate selects input. I am only using the Jquery UI Picker and therefore I have only tested it with this input and I have not recognized that the others does not work properly. For the moment, you need to switch from HTML5 to Jquery UI Picker and everything works as expected. I will check this out in the next time. Thanks for reporting this issue!!
  14. Version 2.1.75 is out! This version comes with a new CAPTCHA, a new validator and 2 new methods. Due to a user request from @Andi, I have now added a captcha that supports a question that the user has to answer. It's a perfect contrast to all the image captchas out there and can be personalized. For example, you can ask a personal question about the company or a person, depending on the page you are running. The user must answer this question by writing the answer himself, and not by selecting a radio input. This makes the CAPTCHA very strong against SPAM. This requires you to add several accepted answers that can be compared with the value entered by the user. During the development of this new CAPTCHA, I have also created a new validator and 2 new methods for CAPTCHAS. You can read about all significant changes in the changelog.md. As always, make sure that everything works as expected and please report any problems you discover. Jürgen
  15. I have fixed the bug now and bump up the version. Please be patient, in a few minutes, you can download a new version of FrontendForms, which should work. Jürgen
  16. I will check this on my site. There is a function to turn this off on per form base: $form->useAriaAttributes(false); But I do not know if it works in your case. If not, I can give you a zip file with a previous version for replacement. Jürgen
  17. Hi @Andi Yes its weekend... or so ?! I have updated the module with some code changes. What I cannot reproduce on my site is that both, the error message and the success message will be displayed side by side. I only get the error message OR the success message but not both at the same time. I have added a check if a value is entered inside a field. If not and no error has been occured, the the success massage and the aria attributes will not be added to the input field. Please try it and let me know if it works on your side. Best regards
  18. Version 1.2.70 is out! This version comes with support for the Pico CSS framework, a new method to output a success message under an inputfield and a file permission check for the root directory during the module installation. Thanks to @Andi for informing me about this CSS framework. I have never heard about it before. Also thanks to @Andy for reporting the issue with the file permission. Please read the changelog.md for more detailed information. Jürgen
  19. Great that it works as expected. Another idea comes to my mind. I have taken a look at the Pico CSS documentation and I find it very useful (and I think other user will find it useful too). I guess I would add this framework to the "Framework-Select" configuration in the backend. If you select PICO (in the future), then the ARIA attributes will be added by default and the error messages will be rendered with <small>. So no need to adapt it by your own or use a Hook. Everything will be rendered in a way that fits well with this framework. Fortunately this framework is so simple, that it does not need special markup treatment beside the aria attributes, so it can be realized fast without a lot of code additions. So the next version will include this new feature, but for now I will stop the work (its weekend ?). So have a nice weekend!! Jürgen
  20. Ok, I understand. Pico CSS sounds interesting. I have never heard about that. So I have added the Aria attributes to the code, but you have to replace the following file: FormElements/Form.php <?php declare(strict_types=1); namespace FrontendForms; /* * Class for creating the form element * * Created by Jürgen K. * https://github.com/juergenweb * File name: Form.php * Created: 03.07.2022 */ use DateTime; use DOMDocument; use DOMException; use Exception; use ProcessWire\Field as Field; use ProcessWire\HookEvent; use ProcessWire\Language; use ProcessWire\Module; use ProcessWire\User; use ProcessWire\Page; use ProcessWire\Wire; use ProcessWire\WireArray; use ProcessWire\WireData; use ProcessWire\WireException; use ProcessWire\WireMail; use Valitron\Validator; use function ProcessWire\wire as wire; use function ProcessWire\wirePopulateStringTags; use function ProcessWire\_n; use function ProcessWire\wireClassNamespace; use function ProcessWire\wireMail; class Form extends CustomRules { /* constants */ const FORMMETHODS = ['get', 'post']; // array that holds allowed action methods (get, post) /* properties */ protected array $storedFiles = []; // array that holds all files (including overwritten filenames) protected string $doubleSubmission = ''; // value hold by the double form submission session protected string $defaultRequiredTextPosition = 'top'; // the default required text position protected string $doNotReply = ''; // Text for do not reply to automatically generated emails protected array $formElements = []; //array that contains all elements of a form element as objects protected array $formErrors = []; // holds the array containing all form errors after submission protected array $values = []; // array of all form values (key = name of the inputfield) protected bool $showForm = true; // show the form on the page protected string $visitorIP = ''; // the IP of the visitor who is visiting this page protected string $captchaCategory = ''; // the category of the captcha (text or image) protected string $langAppendix = ''; // string, which will be appended to multi-lang config fields inside the db protected string|int $useDoubleFormSubmissionCheck = 1; // Enable checking of multiple submissions protected string|int|bool $useCSRFProtection = 1; // Enable/disable CSRF-Protection protected string $general_desc_position = 'afterInput'; // The position of the input field description -> beforeLabel, afterLabel or afterInput protected string|int|bool $useAriaAttributes = false; // use accessibility attributes // Mail properties - only needed if FrontendForms will be used to send emails protected array $mailPlaceholder = []; // associative array for usage in emails (['placeholdername' => 'text',...]) protected string $defaultDateFormat = 'Y-m-d'; // the default format for date strings protected string $defaultTimeFormat = 'H:i a'; // the default format for time strings protected string $receiverAddress = ''; // the email address of the receiver of the mails protected string $mail_subject = ''; // the subject for a mail sent after form validation protected string $emailTemplatesDirPath = ''; // the path to the email templates directory protected string $emailCustomTemplatesDirPath = ''; // the path to the email custom templates directory protected string $emailTemplate = ''; // the filename of the email template including the extension (fe. template.html) protected string $emailTemplatePath = ''; // the path to the body template protected string $emailCustomTemplatePath = ''; // the path to the custom body template protected array $uploaded_files = []; // array which holds all currently uploaded files with the path as value protected int|null $mail_language_id = null; // property for setting the language for mail templates manually protected int|null $site_language_id = null; // internal property containing the current site language protected string|int|null|bool $submitAjax = 0; // whether to submit the form via Ajax (1) or not (0) protected string|null $ajaxRedirect = null; // redirect to this URL after a valid form has been submitted - only for Ajax submission protected string $redirectURL = ''; // the URL for the redirect after successful for form validation protected string $validated = '0'; // the form is validated (1) or not (0) protected string|null|int|bool $showProgressbar = true; /* objects */ protected Alert $alert; // alert box protected RequiredTextHint $requiredHint; // hint to inform that all required fields have to be filled out protected Wrapper $formElementsWrapper; // the wrapper object over all form elements protected User $user; // the user, who views the form (the page) protected Language $userLang; // the language object of the user/visitor protected Page $page; // the current page object, where the form is used protected object $captcha; // the captcha object /** * Every form must have an id. You can set it custom via the constructor - otherwise a random ID will be * generated. The id will be taken for further automatic id generation of the input fields * @throws WireException */ public function __construct(string $id) { parent::__construct(); // set the path to the template folder for the email templates $this->emailTemplatesDirPath = $this->wire('config')->paths->siteModules . 'FrontendForms/email_templates/'; // set the path to the custom template folder for the email templates $this->emailCustomTemplatesDirPath = $this->wire('config')->paths->site . 'frontendforms-custom-templates/'; // set the path to the email template from the module config if ($this->frontendforms['input_emailTemplate'] != 'none') { $this->emailTemplate = $this->frontendforms['input_emailTemplate']; // set filename $this->emailTemplatePath = $this->emailTemplatesDirPath . $this->emailTemplate; // set file path $this->emailCustomTemplatePath = $this->emailCustomTemplatesDirPath . $this->emailTemplate; // set file path } // set the current user $this->user = $this->wire('user'); if ($this->wire('languages')) { // set the current site language as language for mails $this->mail_language_id = $this->user->language->id; // set the id of the current site language $this->site_language_id = $this->user->language->id; } // set Ajax form submission according to the configuration settings if (array_key_exists('input_ajaxformsubmission', $this->frontendforms)) { $this->setSubmitWithAjax((int)$this->frontendforms['input_ajaxformsubmission']); } // set show/hide progressbar during Ajax form submission according to the configuration settings if (array_key_exists('input_hideProgressBar', $this->frontendforms)) { $this->showProgressbar = !(($this->frontendforms['input_hideProgressBar'] == '1')); } $this->showProgressbar($this->showProgressbar); // set the current page $this->page = $this->wire('page'); // check if LanguageSupport module is installed and multi-language is enabled if ($this->wire('modules')->isInstalled('LanguageSupport') && isset($this->wire('user')->language)) { $this->userLang = $this->user->language; // the language object } $this->setLangAppendix(); // set the appendix for multi-language module configuration fields (fe. __1012) // instantiate all objects first $this->alert = new Alert(); $this->requiredHint = new RequiredTextHint(); $this->formElementsWrapper = new Wrapper(); // set default properties $this->visitorIP = $this->wire('session')->getIP(); $this->showForm = $this->allowFormViewByIP(); // show or hide the form depending on the IP ban $this->setAttribute('method', 'post'); // default is post $this->setAttribute('action', $this->page->url); // stay on the same page - needs to run after the API is ready $this->setAttribute('id', $id); // set the id $this->setAttribute('name', $this->getID() . '-' . time()); $this->setHtml5Validation($this->frontendforms['input_html5_validation']); $this->setAttribute('autocomplete', 'off'); // set autocomplete off by default $this->setTag('form'); // set the form tag $this->setCSSClass('formClass'); // add the CSS class $this->setSuccessMsg($this->getLangValueOfConfigField('input_alertSuccessText')); $this->setErrorMsg($this->getLangValueOfConfigField('input_alertErrorText')); $this->setRequiredTextPosition($this->frontendforms['input_requiredHintPosition']); // set the position for the required text $this->getFormElementsWrapper()->setAttribute('id', $this->getAttribute('id') . '-formelementswrapper'); // add id $this->getFormElementsWrapper()->setAttribute('class', $this->frontendforms['input_wrapperFormElementsCSSClass']); // add css class to the wrapper element $this->useDoubleFormSubmissionCheck($this->useDoubleFormSubmissionCheck); $this->setRequiredText($this->getLangValueOfConfigField('input_requiredText')); $this->logFailedAttempts($this->frontendforms['input_logFailedAttempts']); // enable or disable the logging of blocked visitor's IP depending on config settings $this->setMaxAttempts($this->frontendforms['input_maxAttempts']); // set max attempts $this->setMinTime($this->frontendforms['input_minTime']); // set min time $this->setMaxTime($this->frontendforms['input_maxTime']); // set max time $this->setCaptchaType($this->frontendforms['input_captchaType']); // enable or disable the captcha and set type of captcha // set the folder of the page in assets/files as default target folder for file uploads $this->setUploadPath($this->wire('config')->paths->assets . 'files/' . $this->page->id . '/'); // Global text for auto-generated emails $this->doNotReply = $this->_('This email was generated automatically. So please do not reply to this email.'); // create and set all general placeholder variables $this->createGeneralPlaceholders(); // set global description position according to the module configuration if (array_key_exists('input_descPosition', $this->frontendforms)) { $this->general_desc_position = $this->frontendforms['input_descPosition']; } // add a hook method to render mail templates before sending the mail $this->addHookBefore('WireMail::send', $this, 'renderTemplate'); // add a hook method after sending the mail to remove the session variable "templateloaded" $this->addHookAfter('WireMail::send', $this, 'removeTemplateSession'); } /** * Enable or disable the usage of ARIA attributes on form elements * Can be true/empty or false * If set to true then ARIA attributes will be added to input tags * @param bool $use * @return $this */ public function useAriaAttributes(bool $use = true): self { $this->useAriaAttributes = $use; return $this; } /** * Set the description position on per form base * @param string $pos * @return $this */ public function setDescPosition(string $pos): self { if (in_array($pos, ['beforeLabel', 'afterLabel', 'afterInput'])) { $this->general_desc_position = $pos; // set new position property } return $this; } /** * Create a new mail instance of a given custom mail module if set * Otherwise a new WireMail object will be instantiated * This method is only for other modules based on FrontendForms * @param string|null $class * @return \ProcessWire\WireMail|\FrontendForms\WireMailPostmark|\FrontendForms\WireMailPostmarkApp * @throws \ProcessWire\WireException */ //protected function newMailInstance(string|null $class = null): WireMail|WireMailPostmark|WireMailPostmarkApp|WireMailSmtp|WireMailPHPMailer protected function newMailInstance(string|null $class = null) { // if $class is null, set WireMail() object by default if (is_null($class)) return new WireMail(); // just to play safe - check if the given module is installed first if (!$this->wire('modules')->getModuleID($class)) return new WireMail(); // create a new instance of the given module switch ($class) { case('WireMailPostmark'): case('WireMailPostmarkApp'): return $this->wire('mail')->new(); break; case('WireMailSmtp'): return wireMail(); case('WireMailPHPMailer'): return wire("modules")->get("WireMailPHPMailer"); default: return new WireMail(); } } /** * Get all files that were uploaded */ public function getUploadedFiles(): array { return $this->uploaded_files; } /** * Enable/disable HTML5 form validation * @param bool $validation * @return $this */ public function setHtml5Validation(string|int|bool|null $validation): self { $validation = (bool)$validation; $this->frontendforms['input_html5_validation'] = $validation; if ($validation) { $this->removeAttribute('novalidate'); } else { $this->setAttribute('novalidate'); } return $this; } /** * Return if HTML5 form validation is enabled or not * @return bool */ public function getHTML5Validation(): bool { return $this->frontendforms['input_html5_validation']; } /** * THIS METHOD IS DEPRECATED - USE useAjax() METHOD INSTEAD * Enable/disable form submission via ajax * @param bool|int|null $ajax - true => form will be submitted via Ajax * @return $this */ public function setSubmitWithAjax(bool|int|null|string $ajax = true): self { $this->submitAjax = boolval($ajax); return $this; } /** * Submit a form via AJAX * @param bool|int|string|null $ajax * @return self */ public function useAjax(bool|int|null|string $ajax = true): self { $this->setSubmitWithAjax($ajax); return $this; } /** * Whether to show the progressbar during the Ajax form submission or not * @param bool|int|string|null $showProgressbar * @return $this */ public function showProgressbar(bool|int|null|string $showProgressbar = true): self { $this->showProgressbar = boolval($showProgressbar); return $this; } /** * Get the setting value if Ajax should be used to submit the form * @return bool */ public function getSubmitWithAjax(): bool { return (bool)$this->submitAjax; } /** * Enable/disable checking of double form submissions * True: enabled * False: disabled * @param bool $useDoubleFormSubmissionCheck * @return void * @throws WireException */ public function useDoubleFormSubmissionCheck(int|string|bool $useDoubleFormSubmissionCheck): void { $useDoubleFormSubmissionCheck = $this->sanitizeValueToInt($useDoubleFormSubmissionCheck); // sanitize to int $this->useDoubleFormSubmissionCheck = $useDoubleFormSubmissionCheck; // set the property if ($useDoubleFormSubmissionCheck) { // check if session exists if ($this->wire('session')->get('doubleSubmission-' . $this->getID())) { $this->doubleSubmission = $this->wire('session')->get('doubleSubmission-' . $this->getID()); } else { $this->doubleSubmission = uniqid(); $this->wire('session')->set('doubleSubmission-' . $this->getID(), $this->doubleSubmission); } } else { // remove the session if present $this->wire('session')->remove('doubleSubmission-' . $this->getID()); } } /** * Enable/Disable CSRF-protection check * @param int|string|bool $csrf * @return void */ public function useCSRFProtection(int|string|bool $csrf): void { $this->useCSRFProtection = $this->sanitizeValueToInt($csrf); } public function getCSRFProtection(): bool { return (bool)$this->useCSRFProtection; } /** * Method to disable some methods if form is used inside an iframe on a different domain (crossdomain) * @return void * @throws \ProcessWire\WireException */ public function useFormInCrossDomainIframe(): void { $this->useDoubleFormSubmissionCheck(false); // disable double submission check $this->useCSRFProtection(false); // disable CSRF-Attack check // disable the CAPTCHA because it does not work in crossdomain iframes $this->disableCaptcha(); } /** * Should the form be displayed after a successful submission (true or 1) or not (false or 0) * By default, only the success-message will be displayed after valid form submission and not the whole form * This prevents double form submissions * @param bool|int $show * @return void */ public function showForm(bool|int $show): void { $this->showForm = $show; } /** * Get the value whether the form should be displayed after successful submission or not * @return bool */ public function getShowForm(): bool { return $this->showForm; } /** * Method, that holds an array with all general placeholders * These placeholders can be used in mail templates or mail body templates/texts * The array contains the placeholder name as the key and its value (placeholder name => value) * @return array * @throws WireException */ public function generalPlaceholders(): array { return [ 'domainlabel' => $this->_('Domain'), 'domainvalue' => $this->wire('config')->urls->httpRoot, 'currenturllabel' => $this->_('Visited page'), 'currenturlvalue' => $this->wire('input')->httpHostUrl(), 'iplabel' => $this->_('IP'), 'ipvalue' => $this->wire('session')->getIP(), 'currentdatetimelabel' => $this->_('Date/time'), 'currentdatetimevalue' => $this->getDateTime(), 'currenttimelabel' => $this->_('Time'), 'currenttimevalue' => $this->getTime(), 'currentdatelabel' => $this->_('Date'), 'currentdatevalue' => $this->getDate(), 'usernamelabel' => $this->_('Username'), 'usernamevalue' => $this->user->name, 'browserlabel' => $this->_('Browser'), 'browservalue' => $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'], 'donotreplayvalue' => $this->_('This is an auto generated message, please do not reply.') ]; } /** * Create the default progress bar * @return string */ public function createProgressbar(): string { return ' <div class="cssProgress"> <div class="progress1"> <div class="cssProgress-bar cssProgress-active cssProgress-success" data-percent="100" style="width: 100%; transition: none 0s ease 0s;"> </div> </div> </div> '; } /** * Method to add all general placeholders als name => value pair to the placeholder array * @return void * @throws WireException */ protected function createGeneralPlaceholders(): void { foreach ($this->generalPlaceholders() as $placeholderName => $placeholderValue) { $this->setMailPlaceholder($placeholderName, $placeholderValue); } } /** * Set the appendix for usage in multi-language configuration fields * fe if user has default language, the appendix is an empty string * if the user has another language chosen, than the appendix consists of 2 underscores and the lang id (__1012) * @return void * @throws WireException */ protected function setLangAppendix(): void { if ($this->wire('languages')) { $this->langAppendix = $this->userLang->isDefault() ? '' : '__' . $this->userLang->id; } } /** * Special general methods for sending emails */ public static function checkForPath(string $pathfilename): bool { $pathInfo = pathinfo($pathfilename); if ($pathInfo['dirname'] !== '.') return true; return false; } /** * Include the template in the mail if it was set in the configuration or directly on the WireMail object * Takes the input_emailTemplate property to check whether a template should be used or not * @param Module|wire|WireArray|WireData $mail * @return void * @throws WireException * @throws DOMException * @throws Exception */ protected function includeMailTemplate(Module|Wire|WireArray|WireData $mail): void { // set email_template property if it was not set before if (!$mail->email_template) { $mail->email_template = $this->frontendforms['input_emailTemplate']; } // check if email template is set if ($mail->email_template != 'none') { // set body as placeholder if ($mail->email_template == 'inherit') { // use the value from the FrontendForms module configuration $mail->email_template = $this->frontendforms['input_emailTemplate']; } if ($mail->email_template != 'none') { // check if template name or template path has been added if (self::checkForPath($mail->email_template)) { $this->emailTemplatesDirPath = $this->emailCustomTemplatesDirPath = ''; } if ($this->wire('files')->exists($this->emailTemplatesDirPath . $mail->email_template)) { $body = $this->loadTemplate($this->emailTemplatesDirPath . $mail->email_template); } else if ($this->wire('files')->exists($this->emailCustomTemplatesDirPath . $mail->email_template)) { $body = $this->loadTemplate($this->emailCustomTemplatesDirPath . $mail->email_template); } else { throw new Exception(sprintf('Mail could not be sent, because the mail template with the name %s does not exist.', $mail->email_template)); } // add pre-header text (if present) right after the opening body tag if ($mail->title) { $doc = new DOMDocument(); $doc->loadHTML($body); $bodyTags = $doc->getElementsByTagName('body'); if ($bodyTags->length > 0) { $bodyElement = $bodyTags->item(0); $preheader = $doc->createElement('div', $mail->title . $this->getLitmusHack()); $preheader->setAttribute('style', $this->getPreheaderStyle()); $bodyElement->insertBefore($preheader, $bodyElement->firstChild); $body = $doc->saveHTML(); } } // if bodyHTML is set, set a body placeholder by default out of the content switch ($mail->className()) { case('WireMailPHPMailer'): $this->setMailPlaceholder('body', $mail->Body); break; default: // default WireMail class used $this->setMailPlaceholder('body', $mail->bodyHTML); } // render [[BODY]] placeholder if it is present and convert all placeholders inside it if ($this->getMailPlaceholder('body')) { $bodyPlaceholder = $this->getMailPlaceholder('body'); $bodyPlaceholder = wirePopulateStringTags($bodyPlaceholder, $this->getMailPlaceholders(), ['tagOpen' => '[[', 'tagClose' => ']]']); $this->setMailPlaceholder('body', $bodyPlaceholder); } $body = wirePopulateStringTags($body, $this->getMailPlaceholders(), ['tagOpen' => '[[', 'tagClose' => ']]']); // set the result as the bodyHTML of the email // if bodyHTML is set, set a body placeholder by default out of the content switch ($mail->className()) { case('WireMailPHPMailer'): $mail->Body = $body; break; default: // default WireMail class used $mail->bodyHTML($body); } } } else { // add invisible div with email pre-header to the top of the email body switch ($mail->className()) { case('WireMailPHPMailer'): $mail->Body = $this->generateEmailPreHeader($mail) . $mail->Body; break; default: // default WireMail class used $mail->bodyHTML($this->generateEmailPreHeader($mail) . $mail->bodyHTML); } } } /** * Check if the form has at least one file upload field * Needs to be called after all fields were added * @return bool -> true: a file upload field was found, false: no file upload field found */ protected function hasFileUploadField(): bool { if (($this->hasAttribute('enctype')) && ($this->getAttribute('enctype') == 'multipart/form-data')) { return true; } return false; } /** * If file upload fields are present in a form - get an array of objects containing all file upload fields * @return array */ protected function getFileUploadFields(): array { $fields = []; if ($this->hasFileUploadField()) { foreach ($this->formElements as $uploadfield) { if (($uploadfield instanceof InputFile) || (is_subclass_of($uploadfield, 'InputFile'))) { $fields[] = $uploadfield; } } } return $fields; } /** * Render the mail template: replace placeholders and use HTML email template if set * @param \ProcessWire\HookEvent $event * @return \ProcessWire\Module|\ProcessWire\Wire|\ProcessWire\WireArray|\ProcessWire\WireData * @throws \DOMException * @throws \ProcessWire\WireException * @throws \ProcessWire\WirePermissionException */ public function renderTemplate(HookEvent $event): Module|Wire|WireArray|WireData { $mail = $event->object; // do not add a template if template is set to "none" if ($mail->email_template !== 'none') { // set the placeholder for the title if present $this->setMailPlaceholder('title', $mail->title); // set the placeholder for the body if (($mail->bodyHTML) || ($mail->bodyHtml) || ($mail->body)) { // set HTML as preferred value if ($mail->bodyHTML) { $content = $mail->bodyHTML; } else if ($mail->bodyHtml) { $content = $mail->bodyHtml; } else { $content = $mail->body; } $body = wirePopulateStringTags($content, $this->getMailPlaceholders(), ['tagOpen' => '[[', 'tagClose' => ']]']); $this->setMailPlaceholder('body', $body); $mail->bodyHTML($body); $mail->body($body); } if ($this->wire('session')->get('templateloaded') != '1') { $this->includeMailTemplate($mail); // include/use mail template if set $this->wire('session')->set('templateloaded', '1'); } } else { // populate Placeholders even if no template is used to send emails switch ($mail->className()) { case('WireMailPHPMailer'): $mail->Body = wirePopulateStringTags($mail->bodyHTML, $this->getMailPlaceholders(), ['tagOpen' => '[[', 'tagClose' => ']]']); break; default: // default WireMail class used $mail->bodyHTML(wirePopulateStringTags($mail->bodyHTML, $this->getMailPlaceholders(), ['tagOpen' => '[[', 'tagClose' => ']]'])); } } return $mail; } /** * Set the mail body property depending on the custom mail module set * @param $mail * @param string|null $body * @return void */ public static function setBody($mail, string|null $body, string $mailModule): void { if (is_null($body)) $body = ''; // add support for WireMailPHPMailer - has a different name for the bodyHTML property if ($mailModule === 'WireMailPHPMailer') { $mail->Body = $body; } else { $mail->bodyHTML($body); } } /** * This method prevents the multiple embedding of the email template if there are multiple forms on one page. * @return void * @throws \ProcessWire\WireException */ public function removeTemplateSession(): void { $this->wire('session')->remove('templateloaded'); } /** * Load a template file from the given path including php code and output it as a string * @param string $templatePath - the path to the template that should be rendered * @return string - the html template */ protected function loadTemplate(string $templatePath): string { ob_start(); include($templatePath); $var = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); return $var; } /** * Set the recipient email address on per-form base * In this case, the recipient can be set/changed on per-form base instead of directly on the WireMail object * Needed in every case, where the WireMail object is not directly reachable * @param string $email * @return $this * @throws WireException * @throws Exception */ public function to(string $email): self { if ($this->wire('sanitizer')->email($email)) { $this->receiverAddress = $email; } else { throw new Exception("Email address for the recipient is not a valid email address.", 1); } return $this; } /** * Set the subject for the email on per-form base * In this case, the subject can be set/changed on per-form base instead of directly on the WireMail object * Needed in every case, where the WireMail object is not directly reachable * @param string $subject * @return $this */ public function subject(string $subject): self { $this->mail_subject = $subject; return $this; } /** * Get a date string in the given format as set in the config of the module * If no value is entered as parameter, the current date will be displayed * @param string|null $dateTime * @return string * @throws WireException */ public function getDate(string|null $dateTime = null): string { $dateTime = (is_null($dateTime)) ? time() : $dateTime; // get user language if ($this->wire('languages')) { $langID = '__' . $this->user->language->id; } else { $langID = ''; } $fieldName = 'input_dateformat' . $langID; $format = $this->frontendforms[$fieldName] ?? $this->defaultDateFormat; return $this->wire('datetime')->date($format, $dateTime); } /** * Get a time string in the given format as set in the config of the module * If no value is entered as parameter, the current time will be displayed * @param string|null $dateTime * @return string * @throws WireException */ public function getTime(string|null $dateTime = null): string { $dateTime = (is_null($dateTime)) ? time() : $dateTime; // get user language if ($this->wire('languages')) { $langID = '__' . $this->user->language->id; } else { $langID = ''; } $fieldName = 'input_timeformat' . $langID; $format = $this->frontendforms[$fieldName] ?? $this->defaultTimeFormat; return $this->wire('datetime')->date($format, $dateTime); } /** * Get a combined date and time string in the given format as set in the config of the module * If no value is entered as parameter, the current date and time will be displayed * @param string|null $dateTime * @return string * @throws WireException */ public function getDateTime(string|null $dateTime = null): string { return $this->getDate($dateTime) . ' ' . $this->getTime($dateTime); } /** * Set a new placeholder variable with a specific value to the mailPlaceholder array * @param string $placeholderName * @param string|array|null $placeholderValue * @return $this */ public function setMailPlaceholder(string $placeholderName, string|array|null $placeholderValue): self { if (!is_null($placeholderValue)) { $placeholderName = strtoupper(trim($placeholderName)); if (is_array($placeholderValue)) { // check if array is multidimensional like multiple file uploads if (count($placeholderValue) == count($placeholderValue, COUNT_RECURSIVE)) { // one-dimensional: convert array of values to comma separated string $placeholderValue = implode(', ', $placeholderValue); } else { $file_names = []; // multi-dimensional $_FILES array foreach ($placeholderValue as $file) { // adding all file names to the array - independent if the name exists or not $file_names[] = $file['name']; } // clean the array by removing empty array elements $placeholderValue = implode(',', array_filter($file_names)); } } // trim and merge it to the mailPlaceholder array $this->mailPlaceholder = array_merge($this->getMailPlaceholders(), [$placeholderName => trim($placeholderValue)]); } return $this; } /** * Remove a placeholder by its name from the placeholder array if it is present * @param string $placeholderName * @return void */ public function removePlaceholder(string $placeholderName): void { $key = strtoupper(trim($placeholderName)); if (array_key_exists($key, $this->getMailPlaceholders())) { unset($this->getMailPlaceholders()[$key]); } } /** * Get all placeholder variables and their values * For usage in body template of emails * @return array */ public function getMailPlaceholders(): array { return $this->mailPlaceholder; } /** * Get the value of a certain placeholder by its name * @param string $placeholderName * @return string */ public function getMailPlaceholder(string $placeholderName): string { $content = ''; $placeholderName = strtoupper($placeholderName); if (array_key_exists($placeholderName, $this->mailPlaceholder)) { $content = $this->mailPlaceholder[$placeholderName]; } return $content; } /** * Get all included classes of the form fields * For usage in body template of emails * @return array */ protected function getFormFieldClasses(): array { $classes = []; foreach ($this->formElements as $fieldObject) { $classes[] = $fieldObject->className(); } return $classes; } /** * Check if an input field with a specific name is present the current form (but not if it has a value) * @param string $fieldName * @return bool */ public function formfieldExists(string $fieldName): bool { $fieldName = (trim($fieldName)); return (in_array(strtolower($fieldName), array_map("strtolower", $this->getFormFieldClasses()))); } /** * Output the value of multilang fields from the module configuration * @param string $fieldName * @param array|null $modulConfig * @param int|null $lang_id * @return string */ protected function getLangValueOfConfigField( string $fieldName, array $modulConfig = null, int|null $lang_id = null ): string { $modulConfig = (is_null($modulConfig)) ? $this->frontendforms : $modulConfig; $langAppendix = (is_null($lang_id)) ? $this->langAppendix : '__' . $lang_id; $fieldNameLang = $fieldName . $langAppendix; if (isset($modulConfig[$fieldNameLang])) { return $modulConfig[$fieldNameLang] != '' ? $modulConfig[$fieldNameLang] : $modulConfig[$fieldName]; } return $modulConfig[$fieldName]; } /** * Method to sanitize string, integer or boolean value to integer value 1 and 0 * This is necessary, because configuration values of checkboxes are stored as integers in the db * @param string|int|bool $value * @return int */ protected function sanitizeValueToInt(string|int|bool $value): int { if (is_string($value)) { if ($value !== '') { return 1; } return 0; } else { if (is_int($value)) { if ($value >= 1) { return 1; } return 0; } else { return (int)$value; } } } /** * Set a custom upload path for uploaded files * If no path is selected, then the files will be stored inside the dir of this page in site/assets/files * @param string $path_to_folder * @return Form */ public function setUploadPath(string $path_to_folder): self { $this->uploadPath = trim($path_to_folder); return $this; } /** * This method is only for testing of ip addresses that should be banned * Enter ip addresses as a numeric array * @param string $ip * @return void * @throws Exception */ public function testIPBan(string $ip): void { if (filter_var($ip, FILTER_VALIDATE_IP)) { $this->visitorIP = $ip; } else { throw new Exception(sprintf($this->_('%s is not a valid IP address.'), $ip)); } } /** * Disable/enable the IP ban on per form base * @param bool $enabled * @return void */ public function useIPBan(int|string|bool $enabled): void { $this->frontendforms['input_useIPBan'] = $this->sanitizeValueToInt($enabled); } /** * Disable/enable and set type of captcha on per-form base * @param string $captchaType * @return void */ protected function setCaptchaType(string $captchaType): void { $this->frontendforms['input_captchaType'] = $captchaType; if ($this->frontendforms['input_captchaType'] !== 'none') { $this->setCaptchaCategory($captchaType); // $this->captcha = AbstractCaptchaFactory::make($this->getCaptchaCategory(), $this->frontendforms['input_captchaType']); } } /** * Public method to disable the captcha on per form base if needed * @return void */ public function disableCaptcha(): void { $this->setCaptchaType('none'); } /** * Get the captcha type set * @return string */ protected function getCaptchaType(): string { return $this->frontendforms['input_captchaType']; } /** * Set the captcha category (text, image) depending on the captcha type * @param string $captchaType * @return void */ protected function setCaptchaCategory(string $captchaType): void { $this->captchaCategory = AbstractCaptchaFactory::getCaptchaTypeFromClass($captchaType); } /** * Get the captcha category * @return string */ public function getCaptchaCategory(): string { return $this->captchaCategory; } /** * Get the captcha object for further manipulations * @return object|null */ protected function getCaptcha(): object|null { return $this->captcha; } /** * Check if the visitor is on the blacklist or not * @return bool - true if the visitor is not on the blacklist */ protected function allowFormViewByIP(): bool { if (!$this->frontendforms['input_useIPBan']) { return true; } if ($this->frontendforms['input_preventIPs'] === '') { return true; } $ipaddresses = $this->newLineToArray($this->frontendforms['input_preventIPs']); return !in_array($this->visitorIP, $ipaddresses); } /** * Convert the values of a textbox to an array * Will be needed for the list of banned IP in the module configuration * @param string|null $textarea - the value of the textarea field * @return array */ protected function newLineToArray(string $textarea = null): array { $final_array = []; if (!is_null($textarea)) { $textarea_array = array_map('trim', explode("\n", $textarea)); // remove extra spaces from each array value foreach ($textarea_array as $textarea_arr) { $final_array[] = trim($textarea_arr); } } return $final_array; } /** * Enable or disable the logging of blocked visitor's IP on per form base * True: logging is enabled * False: logging is disabled * @param string|bool|int $logFailedAttempts * @return void */ public function logFailedAttempts(string|bool|int $logFailedAttempts): void { $this->frontendforms['input_logFailedAttempts'] = $this->sanitizeValueToInt($logFailedAttempts); } /** * Convert post values to a string * @param bool $showButtonValues * @return string */ public function getValuesAsString(bool $showButtonValues = false): string { $postData = $this->flattenMixedArray($this->getValues($showButtonValues)); $dataAttributes = array_map(function ($value, $key) { return $key . '=' . $value; }, array_values($postData), array_keys($postData)); return implode(', ', $dataAttributes); } /** * Returns a numeric array of all available languages * Only for internal usage * * @return array * @throws WireException */ protected function getAllAvailableLanguages(): array { $path = $this->wire('config')->paths->siteModules . 'FrontendForms/lang'; $langFiles = $this->wire('files')->find($path); $languages = []; foreach ($langFiles as $lang) { $languages[] = basename($lang, '.php'); } return $languages; } /** * Enable/disable the wrapping of checkboxes by its label * This is useful for some cases where you need to add the label after the input (fe. some CSS frameworks * @param bool $wrap * @return void */ public function appendLabelOnCheckboxes(bool $wrap): void { $this->appendcheckbox = $wrap; } /** * Get the value of appendcheckbox * @return bool */ protected function getAppendLabelOnCheckboxes(): bool { return $this->appendcheckbox; } /** * Enable/disable the wrapping of radios by its label * This is useful for some cases where you need to add the label after the input (fe. some CSS frameworks * @param bool $wrap * @return void */ public function appendLabelOnRadios(bool $wrap): void { $this->appendradio = $wrap; } /** * Get the value of appendradio * @return bool */ protected function getAppendLabelOnRadios(): bool { return $this->appendradio; } /** * Set your own text for required fields * @param string $requiredText * @return RequiredTextHint */ public function setRequiredText(string $requiredText): RequiredTextHint { if ($requiredText === '') { $requiredText = $this->_('All fields marked with (*) are mandatory and must be completed.'); } $this->requiredHint->setText($requiredText); return $this->requiredHint; } /** * Get the required text hint object for further manipulations * @return RequiredTextHint */ public function getRequiredText(): RequiredTextHint { return $this->requiredHint; } /** * This method creates an inner wrapper over all form elements if set to true, or it removes the wrapper if set * to false So it adds a <div> tag after the opening form tag and a </div> tag before the closing form tag * @param bool $useFormElementsWrapper * @return Wrapper */ public function useFormElementsWrapper(int|string|bool $useFormElementsWrapper): Wrapper { $useFormElementsWrapper = $this->sanitizeValueToInt($useFormElementsWrapper); // sanitize to int $this->frontendforms['input_wrapperFormElements'] = $useFormElementsWrapper; return $this->formElementsWrapper; } /** * Return the wrapper object * @return Wrapper */ public function getFormElementsWrapper(): Wrapper { return $this->formElementsWrapper; } /** * Set the success message for successful form submission * Can be used to overwrite the default success message * @param string $successMsg * @return void */ public function setSuccessMsg(string $successMsg): void { if ($successMsg === '') { $successMsg = $this->_('Thank you for your message.'); } $this->frontendforms['input_alertSuccessText'] = trim($successMsg); } /** * Set the error message if errors occur after form submission * Can be used to overwrite the default error message * @param string $errorMsg * @return void */ public function setErrorMsg(string $errorMsg): void { if ($errorMsg === '') { $errorMsg = $this->_('Sorry, some errors occur. Please check your inputs once more.'); } $this->frontendforms['input_alertErrorText'] = trim($errorMsg); } /** * Static method to check if SeoMaestro is installed or not * returns the SeoMaestro object on true, otherwise null * @return Field|null */ public static function getSeoMaestro(): ?Field { if (wire('modules')->isInstalled("SeoMaestro")) { // grab seo maestro input field $seoField = wire('fields')->find('type=FieldtypeSeoMaestro'); if ($seoField) { return $seoField->first(); } } return null; } /** * Get the value of a specific formfield after form submission by its name * Can be used to send fe this value via email to a recipient or store it inside the db * You can enter pure name or name attribute including form prefix * @param string $name - the name attribute of the input field * @return string|array|null */ public function getValue(string $name): string|array|null { $name = $this->createElementName(trim($name)); if ($this->getValues()) { // first check if the name exists if (isset($this->getValues()[$name])) { return $this->getValues()[$name]; } else { if (isset($this->getValues()[$this->getID() . '-' . $name])) { // check if name including form id prefix exists return $this->getValues()[$this->getID() . '-' . $name]; } } return null; } return null; } /** * Add the form id as prefix to the name attribute * @param string $name - the name attribute of the element * @return string - returns the name attribute including the form id as prefix */ private function createElementName(string $name): string { $name = trim($name); $formID = $this->getID(); if (!str_starts_with($name, $formID)) { $name = $formID . '-' . $name; } return $name; } /** * Get all sanitized form values after form submission as an array * If there are sanitizers set for the form values, they will be applied * @param bool $buttonValue * @return array|null */ public function getValues(bool $buttonValue = false): array|null { if ($buttonValue) { return $this->values; } $result = array_intersect($this->getNamesOfInputFields(), $this->getNamesOfInputFields()); $values = []; foreach ($result as $key) { // check if inputfield is a file upload field $formElement = $this->getFormelementByName($key); if ($formElement instanceof InputFile) { $files = []; if ($this->storedFiles) { $pathFileArray = $this->storedFiles; $filesArray = []; foreach ($pathFileArray as $path) { // output only the basename without the whole path $filesArray[] = pathinfo($path, PATHINFO_BASENAME); } $values[$key] = $filesArray; } else { if (is_array($_FILES[$key]['name'])) { // multiple upload field foreach ($_FILES[$key]['name'] as $filename) { $files[] = strtolower($this->wire('sanitizer')->filename($filename)); } $values[$key] = $files; } else { // single upload field $values[$key] = $_FILES[$key]['name']; } } } else { if (array_key_exists($key, $this->values)) { $values[$key] = $this->values[$key]; } } } return $values; // array } /** * Get all Elements (inputs, buttons, ...) that are added to the form object * @return array - returns an array of all form element objects */ public function getFormElements(): array { return $this->formElements; } /** * Get a specific element of the form by entering the name of the element as parameter * With this method you can grab and manipulate a specific element * @param string $name - the name attribute of the element (fe email) * @param boolean $checkPrefix - true to check if form id is added for inputfield name or false to ignore this * @return object|bool - the form element object or false if not found */ public function getFormelementByName(string $name, bool $checkPrefix = true): object|bool { //check if id of the form was added as prefix of the element name if ($checkPrefix) { $name = $this->createElementName($name); } return current(array_filter($this->formElements, function ($e) use ($name) { return $e->getAttribute('name') == $name; })); } /** * Overwrite the global setting for the required text position on per form base * @param string $position - has to be 'top' or 'bottom' * @return void */ public function setRequiredTextPosition(string $position): void { $position = trim($position); $this->defaultRequiredTextPosition = in_array($position, ['none', 'top', 'bottom']) ? $position : 'top'; } /** * Get the alert object for further manipulations * @return Alert */ public function getAlert(): Alert { return $this->alert; } /** * If you want to disable it, add this method to the form object - not recommended * @param int|string|bool $honeypot * @return void */ public function useHoneypot(int|string|bool $honeypot): void { $this->frontendforms['input_useHoneypot'] = $this->sanitizeValueToInt($honeypot); } /** * Method to rearrange the multiple files array $_FILES * @param array $file_post * @return array */ private function reArrayFiles(array $file_post): array { $file_ary = array(); if ($file_post['error'] != 4) { $file_count = count($file_post['name']); $file_keys = array_keys($file_post); for ($i = 0; $i < $file_count; $i++) { foreach ($file_keys as $key) { $file_ary[$i][$key] = $file_post[$key][$i]; } } } return $file_ary; } /** * Internal method to store uploaded files via InputFile field in the chosen folder * @param array $formElements * @return array * @throws WireException */ private function storeUploadedFiles(array $formElements): array { $uploaded_files = []; if ($_FILES) { // create directory if it does not exist $this->wire('files')->mkdir($this->uploadPath); // get all upload fields inside the form foreach ($formElements as $element) { if (($element instanceof InputFile) || (is_subclass_of($element, 'InputFile'))) { $fieldName = $element->getAttribute('name'); // the name of the upload field if ($element->getMultiple()) { // multiple files $files = $this->reArrayFiles($_FILES[$fieldName]); foreach ($files as $file) { if ($file['error'] == 0) { // sanitize file name and convert it to lowercase to prevent problems on certain servers $filename = $this->wire('sanitizer')->filename($file['name'], true); $target_file = $this->uploadPath . strtolower($filename); $uploaded_files[] = $target_file; move_uploaded_file($file['tmp_name'], $target_file); } } } else { // single file $file = $_FILES[$fieldName]; if ($file['error'] == 0) { // sanitize file name and convert it to lowercase to prevent problems on certain servers $filename = $this->wire('sanitizer')->filename(basename($file['name']), true); $target_file = $this->uploadPath . strtolower($filename); $uploaded_files[] = $target_file; move_uploaded_file($file['tmp_name'], $target_file); } } } } } return $uploaded_files; } /** * Convert the complicated $_FILES array to a simpler one * @param array $files * @return array */ protected function simplifyMultiFileArray(array $files = []): array { $sFiles = []; if (is_array($files) && $files['error'] != '4') { foreach ($files as $key => $file) { foreach ($file as $index => $attr) { $sFiles[$index][$key] = $attr; } } } return $sFiles; } /** * Internal method to put required rule always on the first place of validation * Checking if value is present is always logical the first step before checking for other things * @param array $rules * @return array */ protected function putRequiredOnTop(array $rules): array { if (count($rules) > 1) { if (array_key_exists('required', $rules)) { $rules = ['required' => $rules['required']] + $rules; } } return $rules; } /** * Process the form after form submission * Includes sanitization and validation * @return bool - true: form is valid, false: form has errors * @throws WireException * @throws Exception */ public function ___isValid(): bool { // set WireInput array depth to 2 because auf multiple file uploads $this->wire('config')->wireInputArrayDepth = 2; $formMethod = $this->getAttribute('method'); // grab the method (get or post) $input = $this->wire('input')->$formMethod; // get the GET or POST values after submission $formElements = $this->formElements; //grab all form elements as an array of objects // check for file upload fields inside the form $file_upload_fields = $this->getFileUploadFields(); if ($file_upload_fields) { foreach ($file_upload_fields as $field) { $name = $field->getAttribute('name'); if (!empty($_FILES)) { if ($field->hasAttribute('multiple')) { // convert $_FILES array to a simpler one $input[$name] = $this->simplifyMultiFileArray($_FILES[$name]); } else { $input[$name] = $_FILES[$name]; } } } } // instantiates the FormValidation object $validation = new FormValidation($input, $this, $this->alert); // 1) check if this form was submitted and no other form on the same page if ($validation->thisFormSubmitted()) { // 2) check if form was submitted in time range if ($validation->checkTimeDiff($formElements)) { // 3) check if max attempts were reached if ($validation->checkMaxAttempts($this->wire('session')->attempts)) { // 4) check for double form submission if ($validation->checkDoubleFormSubmission($this, $this->useDoubleFormSubmissionCheck)) { // 5) Check for CSRF attack if ($validation->checkCSRFAttack($this->getCSRFProtection())) { /* START PROCESSING THE FORM */ //add honeypotfield to the array because it will be rendered afterwards if ($this->frontendforms['input_useHoneypot']) { $formElements[] = $this->createHoneypot(); } //add captcha to the array because it will be rendered afterwards if ($this->getCaptchaType() !== 'none') { $formElements[] = $this->getCaptcha()->createCaptchaInputField($this->getID()); } // Get only input field for user inputs (no fieldsets, buttons,..) $formElements = $validation->getRealInputFields($formElements); // Run sanitizer on all POST values first $sanitizedValues = []; foreach ($formElements as $element) { // remove all form elements which have the disabled attribute, because they do not send values if (!$element->hasAttribute('disabled')) { if ($element instanceof InputFile) { $file_upload_name = $element->getAttribute('name'); if ($element->getMultiple()) { $sanitizedValues[$file_upload_name] = $this->reArrayFiles($_FILES[$file_upload_name]); } else { $sanitizedValues[$file_upload_name] = [$_FILES[$file_upload_name]]; } } else { $sanitizedValues[$element->getAttribute('name')] = $validation->sanitizePostValue($element); } //$sanitizedValues[$element->getAttribute('name')] = $validation->sanitizePostValue($element); } else { // remove all validation rules from this element $element->removeAllRules(); } } $v = new Validator($sanitizedValues); foreach ($formElements as $element) { // run validation only if there is at least one validation rule set if (count($element->getRules()) > 0) { // add required validation to be the first $rules = $this->putRequiredOnTop($element->getRules()); foreach ($rules as $validatorName => $parameters) { $v->rule($validatorName, $element->getAttribute('name'), ... $parameters['options']); // Add custom error message text if present if (isset($parameters['customMsg'])) { $v->message($parameters['customMsg']); } if (isset($parameters['customFieldName'])) { $v->label($parameters['customFieldName']); } else { if ($element->getLabel()->getText()) { // use the label if present, otherwise use the name attribute $v->label($element->getLabel()->getText()); } } } } // add honeypot validation if honeypot field is included if ($this->frontendforms['input_useHoneypot']) { if ($element->getAttribute('name') == $this->createElementName('seca')) { $v->rule('length', $element->getAttribute('name'), 0)->message($this->_('Please do not fill out this field')); } } // add captcha validation if captcha field is included if ($this->getCaptchaType() !== 'none') { if ($element->getAttribute('name') == $this->createElementName('captcha')) { $v->rule('required', $element->getAttribute('name'))->label($this->_('The captcha')); // captcha is always required $v->rule('checkCaptcha', $element->getAttribute('name'), $this->wire('session')->get('captcha_' . $this->getID()))->label($this->_('The CAPTCHA')); } } $this->setValues(); } if ($v->validate()) { $this->validated = '1'; $this->alert->setCSSClass('alert_successClass'); $this->alert->setText($this->getSuccessMsg()); $this->wire('session')->remove('attempts'); // remove attempt session $this->wire('session')->remove('doubleSubmission-' . $this->getID()); // remove the session for checking for double form submission $this->showForm = false; // check if files were uploaded and store them inside the chosen folder $this->uploaded_files = $this->storeUploadedFiles($formElements); // remove session added by matchUser or matchEmail validation rule if present $this->wire('session')->remove($this->getAttribute('id') . '-email'); $this->wire('session')->remove($this->getAttribute('id') . '-username'); // finally add the files including the overwritten fielnames to the array if ($this->storedFiles) { $this->uploaded_files = $this->storedFiles; } return true; } else { // set error alert $this->wire('session')->set('errors', '1'); $this->formErrors = $v->errors(); $this->alert->setCSSClass('alert_dangerClass'); $this->alert->setText($this->getErrorMsg()); // add a max attempts warning message to the error message if ($this->getMaxAttempts() && isset($this->wire('session')->attempts)) { $attemptDiff = $this->getMaxAttempts() - $this->wire('session')->attempts; if ($attemptDiff <= 3) { $plural = $this->_('attempts'); $singular = $this->_('attempt'); $attempts = $this->_n($singular, $plural, $attemptDiff); $attemptWarningText = '<br>' . sprintf($this->_('You have %s %s left until you will be blocked due to security reasons.'), $attemptDiff, $attempts); $this->alert->setText($this->alert->getText() . $attemptWarningText); } } // create session for max attempts if set, otherwise add 1 attempt. //this session contains the number of failed attempts and will be increased by 1 on each failed attempt if ($this->getMaxAttempts()) { $this->wire('session')->attempts += 1; // increase session on each invalid attempt if (($this->getMaxAttempts() - $this->wire('session')->attempts) == 0) { $this->alert->setCSSClass('alert_warningClass'); $this->alert->setText(sprintf($this->_('This is failed attempt number %s. This is your last attempt to send the form. After that you will be blocked due to security reasons.'), ($this->wire('session')->attempts))); } } else { // remove the session for attempts if set to 0 $this->wire('session')->remove('attempts'); } return false; } /* END PROCESSING THE FORM */ } // CSRF attack die(); // live a great life and die() gracefully. } //double form submission return false; } //max attempts were reached return false; } // submission time was too short or to long return false; } // this form was not submitted return false; } /** * Create a honeypot field for spam protection * @return InputText */ private function createHoneypot(): InputText { $honeypot = new InputText('seca'); $honeypot->setAttribute('name', $this->createElementName('seca')); $honeypot->setLabel($this->_('Please do not fill out this field'))->setAttribute('class', 'seca'); // Remove or add wrappers depending on settings $honeypot->useInputWrapper($this->useInputWrapper); $honeypot->useFieldWrapper($this->useFieldWrapper); $honeypot->getFieldWrapper()->setAttribute('class', 'seca'); $honeypot->getInputWrapper()->setAttribute('class', 'seca'); $honeypot->setAttributes(['class' => 'seca', 'tabindex' => '-1']); return $honeypot; } /** * Add the input wrapper to all fields of this form in general * @param bool $useInputWrapper * @return void */ public function useInputWrapper(bool $useInputWrapper): void { $this->useInputWrapper = $useInputWrapper; } /** * Add the field wrapper to all fields of this form in general * @param bool $useFieldWrapper * @return void */ public function useFieldWrapper(bool $useFieldWrapper): void { $this->useFieldWrapper = $useFieldWrapper; } /** * Internal method to add all form values to the values array * All sanitizers applied to an input element will be used before they will be added to the array * @return void */ private function setValues(): void { $values = []; foreach ($this->formElements as $element) { if ($element->getAttribute('value')) { // Run all sanitizer methods over the value if (method_exists($element, 'getSanitizers')) { $sanitizers = $element->getSanitizers(); foreach ($sanitizers as $sanitizer) { $value = $element->wire('sanitizer')->$sanitizer($element->getAttribute('value')); } } else { $value = $element->getAttribute('value'); } $values[$element->getAttribute('name')] = $value; // set all form values to a placeholder $fieldName = str_replace($this->getID() . '-', '', $element->getAttribute('name')) . 'value'; $this->setMailPlaceholder($fieldName, $element->getAttribute('value')); } } $this->values = $values; } /** * Get the success message * @return string */ protected function getSuccessMsg(): string { return $this->frontendforms['input_alertSuccessText']; } /** * Get the error message * @return string */ protected function getErrorMsg(): string { return $this->frontendforms['input_alertErrorText']; } /** * Get the max attempts * @return int */ public function getMaxAttempts(): int { return $this->frontendforms['input_maxAttempts']; } /** * Set the max attempts * @param int $maxAttempts * @return void */ public function setMaxAttempts(int $maxAttempts): void { if ($maxAttempts < 1) { $this->frontendforms['input_logFailedLogins'] = 0; } //disable logging of failed attempts $this->frontendforms['input_maxAttempts'] = $maxAttempts; } /** * Method to run if a user has taken too many attempts * This method has to be before the render method of the form * You can use it fe to save some data to the database -> you got the idea * @return bool -> returns true if the user is blocked, otherwise false * @throws WireException */ public function isBlocked(): bool { if ($this->wire('session')->get('blocked')) { return true; } return false; } /** * Set a redirect url after the form has been submitted successfully via Ajax * This forces a Javascript redirect after the form has been validated without errors * @param string|null $url * @return $this */ public function setRedirectUrlAfterAjax(string|null $url = null): self { if (!is_null($url)) { $this->ajaxRedirect = $url; } return $this; } /** * Set the URL for a redirect after successful form validation * @param string $url - the URL, where the redirect should go to * @return $this */ public function setRedirectURL(string $url): self { $this->setRedirectUrlAfterAjax($url); $this->redirectURL = $url; return $this; } /** * Get the URL for a redirect if set, otherwise NULL * @return string|null */ protected function getRedirectURL(): string|null { return $this->redirectURL; } /** * Check if the form contains an element from the given class * @param string $className * @return int -> the number of fields found */ public function formContainsElementByClass(string $className): int { $className = wireClassNamespace($className, true); $number = (count(array_filter($this->formElements, function ($entry) use ($className) { return ($entry instanceof $className); }))); return $number; } /** * If there are multiple instances of a given class, remove all except the last one * This is useful if only one instance is allowed, but there are multiple instances * Returns the key of the last item, which will not be deleted (unset) * @param string $className * @return int */ public function removeMultipleEntriesByClass(string $className): null|int { // there are too many PrivacyText elements, only one is allowed per form -> remove all except the last one $elements = $this->getElementsbyClass($className); $k = null; if ($elements) { foreach ($elements as $key => $e) { if ($key !== array_key_last($elements)) { unset($this->formElements[key($e)]); } else { $k = key($e); } } } return $k; } /** * Get all form element objects of a given class as an array * @param string $className * @return array */ public function getElementsbyClass(string $className): array { $elements = []; if ($this->formContainsElementByClass($className)) { $className = wireClassNamespace($className, true); $elements[] = array_filter($this->formElements, function ($entry) use ($className) { return ($entry instanceof $className); }); } return $elements; } /** * Move an array item from one to another position * @param array $array * @param $key * @param int $order * @return void * @throws \Exception */ protected function repositionArrayElement(array &$array, $key, int $order): void { if (($a = array_search($key, array_keys($array))) === false) { throw new \Exception("The {$key} cannot be found in the given array."); } $p1 = array_splice($array, $a, 1); $p2 = array_splice($array, 0, $order); $array = array_merge($p2, $p1, $array); } /** * Render the form markup (including alerts if present) on the frontend * @return string * @throws WireException * @throws \Exception */ public function render(): string { // redirect after successful form validation if set if ($this->getRedirectURL() && $this->validated && !$this->getSubmitWithAjax()) { $this->wire('session')->redirect($this->getRedirectURL()); } $out = ''; // if Ajax submit was selected, add an aditional data attribute to the form tag if ($this->getSubmitWithAjax()) { // check if a user has Javascript enabled, otherwise show a warning message inside an alert box $warningAlert = new Alert(); $warningAlert->setCSSClass('alert_warningClass'); $warningAlert->prepend('<noscript>'); $warningAlert->append('</noscript>'); $warningAlert->setText($this->_('You do not have Javascript enabled. This could cause problems. Please enable Javascript to submit the form without any problems.')); $out .= $warningAlert->___render(); $this->setAttribute('data-submitajax', $this->getID()); // add special div container for Ajax form submission $out .= '<div id="' . $this->getID() . '-ajax-wrapper" data-validated="' . $this->validated . '">'; } // Check if the form contains file upload fields, then add enctype attribute foreach ($this->formElements as $obj) { if ($obj instanceof InputFile) { $this->setAttribute('enctype', 'multipart/form-data'); break; } } if (!$this->allowFormViewByIP()) { $this->alert->setCSSClass('alert_warningClass'); $this->alert->setText(sprintf($this->_('We are sorry, but your IP address %s is on the list of forbidden IP addresses. Therefore the form will not be displayed. If you think your IP address is mistakenly on the list, please contact the administrator of the site.'), $this->visitorIP)); // do not display form to banned visitors $this->showForm = false; } $out .= $this->prepend; $out .= $this->append; // allow only get or post - if value is not get or post set post as default value if (!in_array(strtolower($this->getAttribute('method')), Form::FORMMETHODS)) { $this->setAttribute('method', 'post'); } // get token for CSRF protection $tokenName = $this->wire('session')->CSRF->getTokenName(); $tokenValue = $this->wire('session')->CSRF->getTokenValue(); // remove all instances of form elements where only one instance per form is allowed, but there are multiple $singleClassObjects = ['PrivacyText', 'Privacy']; foreach ($singleClassObjects as $className) { $this->removeMultipleEntriesByClass($className); } // reindex array $this->formElements = array_values($this->formElements); $buttons = $this->getElementsbyClass('Button'); // get first button if ($buttons) { $refKey = key($buttons[0]); // add captcha field as last element before the button element if ($this->getCaptchaType() != 'none') { // position in form fields array to insert $captchaPosition = $refKey; $captchafield = $this->getCaptcha()->createCaptchaInputField($this->getID()); // insert the captcha input field after the last input field $this->formElements = array_merge(array_slice($this->formElements, 0, $captchaPosition), array($captchafield), array_slice($this->formElements, $captchaPosition)); // re-index the formElements array $this->formElements = array_values($this->formElements); } // sort the privacy elements that checkbox is before text, if both will be used $privacyElements = []; $privacyCheckbox = $this->getElementsbyClass('Privacy'); if ($privacyCheckbox) { $privacyElements[] = key($privacyCheckbox[0]); } $privacyText = $this->getElementsbyClass('PrivacyText'); if ($privacyText) { $privacyElements[] = key($privacyText[0]); } // get the position of the first button element if ($this->getElementsbyClass('Button')) { $firstButtonPos = key($this->getElementsbyClass('Button')[0]); if ($privacyElements) { sort($privacyElements); $newPos = $firstButtonPos - 1; $this->repositionArrayElement($this->formElements, $privacyElements[0], $newPos); if (array_key_exists(1, $privacyElements)) { $newPos = array_key_last($this->formElements) - 1; $this->repositionArrayElement($this->formElements, $privacyElements[1] - 1, $newPos); } } } } // create new array of inputfields only to position the honepot field in between $inputfieldKeys = []; foreach ($this->formElements as $key => $element) { if (is_subclass_of($element, 'FrontendForms\Inputfields')) { // exclude hidden input fields - add only visible fields if ($element->className() !== 'InputHidden') { $inputfieldKeys[] = $key; } } } // add honeypot on the random number field position if (($this->frontendforms['input_useHoneypot']) && ($inputfieldKeys)) { shuffle($inputfieldKeys); array_splice($this->formElements, $inputfieldKeys[0], 0, [$this->createHoneypot()]); } // create hidden Ajax redirect input if set // this value can be grabbed afterwards via Javascript to make a JS redirect if ($this->getSubmitWithAjax()) { if ($this->ajaxRedirect) { $ajaxredirectField = new InputHidden('ajax_redirect'); $ajaxredirectField->setAttribute('value', $this->ajaxRedirect); $this->add($ajaxredirectField); } } //create CSRF hidden field and add it to the form at the end $hiddenField = new InputHidden('post_token'); $hiddenField->setAttribute('name', $tokenName); $hiddenField->setAttribute('value', $tokenValue); $this->add($hiddenField); //create hidden field to prevent double form submission if it was not disabled if ($this->useDoubleFormSubmissionCheck) { $hiddenField2 = new InputHidden('doubleSubmission_token'); $hiddenField2->setAttribute('name', 'doubleSubmission_token'); $hiddenField2->setAttribute('value', $this->doubleSubmission); $this->add($hiddenField2); } //create hidden field to send form id to check if this form was submitted //this is only there for the case if other forms are present on the same page $hiddenField3 = new InputHidden('form_id'); $hiddenField3->setAttribute('name', 'form_id'); $hiddenField3->setAttribute('value', $this->getID()); $this->add($hiddenField3); //create hidden field to send the timestamp (encoded) when the form was loaded if (($this->getMinTime()) || $this->getMaxTime()) { $hiddenField4 = new InputHidden('load_time'); $hiddenField4->setAttribute('value', self::encryptDecrypt((string)time())); $this->add($hiddenField4); } /* BLOCKING ALERTS */ if ($this->wire('session')->get('blocked')) { // set danger alert for blocking messages $this->alert->setCSSClass('alert_dangerClass'); // return blocking text for too many failed attempts if ($this->wire('session')->get('blocked') == 'maxAttempts') { if ($this->wire('session')->get('attempts') == $this->getMaxAttempts()) { $this->alert->setText($this->_('You have reached the max. number of allowed attempts and therefore you cannot submit the form once more. To reset the blocking and to submit the form anyway you have to close this browser, open it again and visit this page once more.')); } } } // Output the form markup $out .= $this->alert->___render(); // render the alert box on top for success or error message // show form only if user is not blocked if ($this->showForm && (($this->wire('session')->get('blocked') == null))) { //add required texts $this->prepend($this->renderRequiredText('top')); // required text hint at the top $this->append($this->renderRequiredText('bottom')); // required text hint at bottom $formElements = ''; $elementsClassNames = (array_map("get_class", $this->formElements)); $position = array_search('FrontendForms\Button', $elementsClassNames); foreach ($this->formElements as $key => $element) { //create input ID as a combination of form id and input name $oldId = $element->getAttribute('id'); $element->setAttribute('id', $this->getID() . '-' . $oldId); // change the name attribute of the CSRF field if ($element->getID() == $this->getID() . '-post_token') { $element->setAttribute('name', $tokenName); } // Label and description (Only on input fields) if (is_subclass_of($element, 'FrontendForms\Inputfields')) { // set the description position on per form base if description text is present if ($element->getDescription()->getText()) { // set position from form setting if no individual position has been set if (is_null($element->getDescription()->getPosition())) { $element->getDescription()->setPosition($this->general_desc_position); } } // add unique id to the field-wrapper if present $element->getFieldWrapper()->setAttribute('id', $this->getID() . '-' . $oldId . '-fieldwrapper'); // add unique id to the input-wrapper if present $element->getInputWrapper()->setAttribute('id', $this->getID() . '-' . $oldId . '-inputwrapper'); $element->getLabel()->setAttribute('for', $element->getAttribute('id')); } $name = $element->getAttribute('id'); //Enable/disable wrap of the checkboxes by its label tag by appending the label after the input tag // by using the appendLabel() method if (($element instanceof InputCheckbox) || ($element instanceof InputCheckboxMultiple)) { $element->appendLabel($this->getAppendLabelOnCheckboxes()); } if (($element instanceof InputRadio) || ($element instanceof InputRadioMultiple)) { $element->appendLabel($this->getAppendLabelOnRadios()); } //add the form id as prefix to name attributes of multiple radios and checkboxes if (($element instanceof InputCheckboxMultiple) || ($element instanceof InputRadioMultiple)) { foreach ($element->getOptions() as $cb) { $brackets = ($element instanceof InputCheckboxMultiple) ? '[]' : ''; $cb->setAttribute('name', $name . $brackets); } } // add an element (progressbar, text,...) before the first button element for Ajax submit if ($this->getSubmitWithAjax()) { if ($key === $position) { // add it only before the first button inside the form if ($this->showProgressbar) { // create progressbar and info text for form submission $submitInfo = new Alert(); $submitInfo->setCSSClass('alert_primaryClass'); $submitInfo->setContent($this->createProgressbar() . $this->_('Please be patient... the form will be validated!')); $formElements .= '<div id="' . $this->getID() . '-form-submission" class="progress-submission" style="display:none">' . $submitInfo->___render() . '</div>'; } } } if (array_key_exists($name, $this->formErrors)) { $element->setCSSClass('input_errorClass'); // add Aria attributes if($this->useAriaAttributes){ $element->setAttribute('aria-invalid','true'); $element->setAttribute('aria-errormessage',$element->getID().'-errormsg'); } // set error class for input element $element->setErrorMessage($this->formErrors[$name][0])->setAttribute('id', $element->getID().'-errormsg'); //get a first error message } else { if($this->useAriaAttributes && $this->isSubmitted()){ $element->setAttribute('aria-invalid','false'); } } $formElements .= $element->render() . PHP_EOL; } // add formElementsWrapper -> add the div container after the form tag if ($this->frontendforms['input_wrapperFormElements']) { $this->getformElementsWrapper()->setContent($formElements); $formElements = $this->formElementsWrapper->___render() . PHP_EOL; } // render the form with all its fields $this->setContent($formElements); $out .= $this->renderNonSelfclosingTag($this->getTag()); } if ($this->getSubmitWithAjax()) { $out .= '</div>'; } return $out; } /** * Append a field object to the form * @param object $field - object of inputfield, fieldset, button, ... * @return void */ /** * Append a field object to the form * The 2 optional parameters are only for the creation of 2 new methods: addBefore() and addAfter() * These 2 methods can be used to add new form elements (inputs, text elements, fieldsets,…) to a formElements * array at a certain position These 2 methods are especially designed for the future usage in module dev - no * need to use it if you are creting the form by your own * @param \FrontendForms\Inputfields|\FrontendForms\Textelements|\FrontendForms\Button|\FrontendForms\FieldsetOpen|\FrontendForms\FieldsetClose $field - * the current form field which should be appended to the form * @param \FrontendForms\Inputfields|\FrontendForms\Textelements|\FrontendForms\Button|\FrontendForms\FieldsetOpen|\FrontendForms\FieldsetClose|bool|null $otherfield - * optional: another form field * @param bool $add_before - optional: current should be inserted before or after this (another) form field * @return void * @throws \Exception */ public function add( Inputfields|Textelements|Button|FieldsetOpen|FieldsetClose $field, Inputfields|Textelements|Button|FieldsetOpen|FieldsetClose|null|bool $otherfield = null, bool $add_before = false ): void { // add or remove wrapper divs on each form element if (is_subclass_of($field, 'FrontendForms\Inputfields')) { $field->useInputWrapper($this->useInputWrapper); $field->useFieldWrapper($this->useFieldWrapper); // create a placeholder for the label of this field $fieldname = $field->getAttribute('name'); $this->setMailPlaceholder($fieldname . 'label', $field->getLabel()->getText()); $this->setMailPlaceholder($fieldname . 'value', $field->getAttribute('value')); } // if the field is not a text element, set the name attribute if (!is_subclass_of($field, 'FrontendForms\TextElements')) { // Add id of the form as prefix for the name attribute of the field $field->setAttribute('name', $this->getID() . '-' . $field->getId()); } if (!is_null($otherfield)) { // check if another field exists if (is_bool($otherfield)) { throw new Exception("The reference field (argument 2) where you want to add this field before or after does not exist. Please check if you have written the name attribute correctly.", 1); } else { // check if the field with this id exists inside the formElements array if ($this->getFormelementByName($otherfield->getAttribute('name'))) { $ref_position = null; // get the key of this field inside the formElements array $this->formElements = array_values($this->formElements); foreach ($this->formElements as $key => $element) { if ($element == $otherfield) { $ref_position = $key; } } // insert field to the new position if (is_int($ref_position)) { if (!$add_before) { // add after $ref_position = $ref_position + 1; } $this->formElements = array_merge(array_slice($this->formElements, 0, $ref_position), [$field], array_slice($this->formElements, $ref_position)); } } } } else { // no other element is present -> so add it to formElements array as next element $this->formElements = array_merge($this->formElements, [$field]); // array must be numeric for honeypot field } } /** * Insert a form field before another form field * Can be used if you have not created the form by your own, but you need to add a new field to a created * formElements array at a certain position * @param \FrontendForms\Inputfields|\FrontendForms\Textelements|\FrontendForms\Button|\FrontendForms\FieldsetOpen|\FrontendForms\FieldsetClose $field - * the current form field * @param \FrontendForms\Inputfields|\FrontendForms\Textelements|\FrontendForms\FieldsetOpen|\FrontendForms\FieldsetClose|\FrontendForms\Button|bool $before_field - * the form field object before which the current form field object should be inserted * @return void * @throws \Exception */ public function addBefore( Inputfields|Textelements|Button|FieldsetOpen|FieldsetClose $field, Inputfields|Textelements|FieldsetOpen|FieldsetClose|Button|bool $before_field ): void { // if a field is present inside the formelements array, remove it first if (($field->getAttribute('name')) && ($this->getFormelementByName($field->getAttribute('name')))) { $this->remove($field); } $this->add($field, $before_field, true); } /** * Insert a form field after another form field * Can be used if you have not created the form by your own, but you need to add a new field to a created * formElements array at a certain position * * * @param \FrontendForms\Inputfields|\FrontendForms\Textelements|\FrontendForms\Button|\FrontendForms\FieldsetOpen|\FrontendForms\FieldsetClose $field - * the current form field * @param \FrontendForms\Inputfields|\FrontendForms\Textelements|\FrontendForms\FieldsetOpen|\FrontendForms\FieldsetClose|\FrontendForms\Button|bool $after_field - * the form field object after which the current form field object should be inserted * @return void * @throws \Exception */ public function addAfter( Inputfields|Textelements|Button|FieldsetOpen|FieldsetClose $field, Inputfields|Textelements|FieldsetOpen|FieldsetClose|Button|bool $after_field ): void { // if a field is present inside the formelements array, remove it first if (($field->getAttribute('name')) && ($this->getFormelementByName($field->getAttribute('name')))) { $this->remove($field); } $this->add($field, $after_field); } /** * Remove a form field from the fields array * @param object $field * @return void */ public function remove(object $field): void { if (($key = array_search($field, $this->formElements)) !== false) { unset($this->formElements[$key]); // remove the placeholders too if they are present $fieldname = $field->getAttribute('name'); $this->removePlaceholder(strtoupper($fieldname . 'label')); $this->removePlaceholder(strtoupper($fieldname . 'value')); } } /** * Get the min time value * @return int */ public function getMinTime(): int { return $this->frontendforms['input_minTime']; } /** * Set the min time in seconds before the form should be submitted * @param int $minTime * @return $this */ public function setMinTime(int $minTime): self { $this->frontendforms['input_minTime'] = $minTime; return $this; } /** * Get the max time value * @return int */ protected function getMaxTime(): int { return $this->frontendforms['input_maxTime']; } /** * Set the max time in seconds until the form should be submitted * @param int $maxTime * @return $this */ public function setMaxTime(int $maxTime): self { $this->frontendforms['input_maxTime'] = $maxTime; return $this; } /** Static method to encrypt/decrypt a string according to the encryption settings * @param string $string * @param string $method * @return string */ public static function encryptDecrypt(string $string, string $method = 'encrypt'): string { // encryption settings $encrypt_method = 'AES-256-CBC'; $secret_key = 'd0a7e7997b6d5fcd55f4b5c32611b87cd923e88837b63bf2941ef819dc8ca282'; $secret_iv = '5fgf5HJ5g27'; $algo = 'sha256'; // user define secret key $key = hash($algo, $secret_key); $iv = substr(hash($algo, $secret_iv), 0, 16); $methods = ['encrypt', 'decrypt']; if (in_array($method, $methods)) { if ($method === 'encrypt') { $output = openssl_encrypt($string, $encrypt_method, $key, 0, $iv); return base64_encode($output); } else { return openssl_decrypt(base64_decode($string), $encrypt_method, $key, 0, $iv); } } return $string; } /** * Create a required hint text element if showTextHint is set to true * @param string $position - has to be 'top' or 'bottom' * @return string */ private function renderRequiredText(string $position): string { if ($this->defaultRequiredTextPosition === $position) { return $this->requiredHint->___render(); } return ''; // return empty string } /** * Create a random string with a certain length for usage in URL query strings * @param int $charLength - the length of the random string - default is 100 * @return string - returns a slug version of the generated random string that can be used inside an url */ protected function createQueryCode(int $charLength = 100): string { $pass = new \ProcessWire\Password(); if ($charLength <= 0) { $charLength = 10; } // instantiate a password object to use the methods $string = $pass->randomBase64String($charLength); return $this->generateSlug($string); } /** * Generate a slug out of a string for usage in urls (fe query strings) * This is only a helper function * @param $string - the string * @return string */ protected function generateSlug(string $string): string { return preg_replace('/[^A-Za-z\d-]+/', '-', $string); } /** * Make a readable string from a number of seconds * @param int $seconds - a number of seconds which should be converted to a readable string * @return string|null - a readable string of the time (fe 1 day instead of 86400 seconds) * @throws Exception */ protected function readableTimestringFromSeconds(int $seconds = 0): ?string { $then = new DateTime(date('Y-m-d H:i:s', 0)); $now = new DateTime(date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $seconds)); $interval = $then->diff($now); if ($interval->y >= 1) { $thetime[] = $interval->y . ' ' . _n($this->_('year'), $this->_('years'), $interval->y); } if ($interval->m >= 1) { $thetime[] = $interval->m . ' ' . _n($this->_('month'), $this->_('months'), $interval->m); } if ($interval->d >= 1) { $thetime[] = $interval->d . ' ' . _n($this->_('day'), $this->_('days'), $interval->d); } if ($interval->h >= 1) { $thetime[] = $interval->h . ' ' . _n($this->_('hour'), $this->_('hours'), $interval->h); } if ($interval->i >= 1) { $thetime[] = $interval->i . ' ' . _n($this->_('minute'), $this->_('minutes'), $interval->i); } if ($interval->s >= 1) { $thetime[] = $interval->s . ' ' . _n($this->_('second'), $this->_('seconds'), $interval->s); } return isset($thetime) ? implode(' ', $thetime) : null; } /** * Return the names of all input fields inside a form as an array * @return array */ public function getNamesOfInputFields(): array { $elements = []; if ($this->formElements) { foreach ($this->formElements as $element) { if (is_subclass_of($element, 'FrontendForms\Inputfields')) { $elements[] = $element->getAttribute('name'); } } } return array_filter($elements); } /** * Output an error message that email could not be sent due to possible wrong email configuration settings * This is a general message that could be used for all forms * @return void */ protected function generateEmailSentErrorAlert(): void { $this->alert->setCSSClass('alert_dangerClass'); $this->alert->setText($this->_('Email could not be sent due to possible wrong email configuration settings.')); } /** * Return placeholders for email pre-header to prevent showing up other text * The Litmus hack adds empty spaces after the mail placeholder to prevent the display of other text inside the * pre-header * @return string */ protected function getLitmusHack(): string { return '&#847; &zwnj; &nbsp; &#8199; &#65279; &#847; &zwnj; &nbsp; &#8199; &#65279; &#847; &zwnj; &nbsp; &#8199; &#65279; &#847; &zwnj; &nbsp; &#8199; &#65279; &#847; &zwnj; &nbsp; &#8199; &#65279; &#847; &zwnj; &nbsp; &#8199; &#65279; &#847; &zwnj; &nbsp; &#8199; &#65279; &#847; &zwnj; &nbsp; &#8199; &#65279;'; } protected function getPreheaderStyle(): string { return 'display:none;font-size:1px; color:#ffffff;line-height:1px;max-height:0px;max-width:0px;opacity:0;overflow:hidden;'; } /** * Generate an invisible pre-header text after the subject for an email * @param \ProcessWire\WireMail $mail * @return string */ protected function generateEmailPreHeader(WireMail $mail): string { if ($mail->title) { // check if title property was set // generate an invisible div container return '<div id="preheader-text" style="' . $this->getPreheaderStyle() . '">' . $mail->title . $this->getLitmusHack() . '</div>'; } return ''; } } The Aria attributes will not be added by default, so you have to enable it on your form too: $form->useAriaAttributes(); After this changes the Aria attributes will displayed properly (only) after form submission. Instead of the aria-described-by I have used the aria-errormessage attribute, because I guess it is the better one for usage with error messages (Take a look here). Using an additional message if field has been filled out correctly, is not really necessary or makes not a better user experience in my opinion. <small id="valid-helper">Looks good!</small> So I am not sure if this is it worth to add it to the form class too, but it could be realized via a new setSuccessMessage() method which will be added to an input field. This method is not implemented yet, but could be. You can try my code above and if it works for you I can add it to the GitHub repositiory and it will be on the next update. Jürgen
  21. Hello @Andi I have discovered the same problem, but I know, that the Hook examples had worked before. This is very strange. Maybe something has been changed to Hooks since then. I know that Ryan has done some updates a while ago. Adding extra attributes only if field is not valid is not possible via a Hook, but I can add this feature directly inside the code. I am always open on suggestions that makes the module better. Adding the aria-invalid attribute to fields with errors is not a big deal, but I am not an expert for accessibility. Is adding the aria-invalid attribute enough or is the aria-errormessage attribute required too? Best regards Jürgen
  22. Hello @Andi Glad to hear that you are trying out my module. First point: prepend() and append() are not the right methods for what you try to achive. These methods will add content before and after, but they cannot replace content. So they are for adding extra markup not for changing something.? If you try to manipulate a single error message you can use the setTag() method directly on the input field. But please note: This will only change the error message on the given field and not on all fields: $name->getErrorMessage()->setTag('small'); You can add every tag you want inside the parenthesis - in this case I have added the "small" tag and it works. I guess what you are trying is to change the tag for all error messages at once. In this case, using a Hook inside ready.php should do the trick. I write "should", but I have tried it and I do not know why, but the Hook will not be triggered. At the moment, I have no clue why it does not work, but I show you the code for the Hook that should be used inside site/ready.php. wire()->addHookBefore('Errormessage::render', function (HookEvent $event) { $error_msg = $event->object; $error_msg->setTag('small'); }); So the render() method of the Errormessage class should be hookable (because I have made it hookable), but nothing happens. As written above, the Hook will not be triggered. Maybe it is a namespace problem, but I have also tried it with 'FrontendForms\Errormessage::render' without success. Another approach was to add the hook to the init.php instead of the ready.php, but same result. I am sorry, that I cannot tell you a general working solution at the moment except the first one, which is not very elegant, but I will try to trace the problem to its source. At the moment, you can use the first method until I can give you a working solution or you will try it by yourself to get the Hook working. Greetings from Linz
  23. Hello @Andy I have tried to change the file permission of the root directory with the $files->chmod() method, but it does not work in this case. In addition it is always a little bit risky if you are changing file permissions via API. It could be a serious security issue if something went wrong. For this reason I have decided to warn the user, if the file could not be copied to the root. It works on my local installation but I would be happy if you try it at your environment and give me a short feedback, before I push it to Github for a new version. All you have to do is to replace the old createRemoveCaptchaImageFile() method inside the FrontendForms.module with this new one. protected function createRemoveCaptchaImageFile(bool $install): void { $moduleFile = $this->modulePath . 'Formelements/Captcha/captchaimage.php'; $rootFile = $this->wire('config')->paths->root . 'captchaimage.php'; $from = $install ? $moduleFile : $rootFile; $to = $install ? $rootFile : $moduleFile; if($this->wire('files')->copy($from, $to)){ if(!is_writable($to) && $install) { // captcha file could not be copied to the root folder $warning_text[] = sprintf($this->_('The captchaimage.php file could not be copied to the root directory (%s), because the root directory is not writeable.'), $this->wire('config')->paths->root); $warning_text[] = sprintf($this->_('Do not worry! To fix this issue, please move the file from "/site/modules/FrontendForms/Formelements/Captcha/captchaimage.php" to "%s" by yourself.'), $to); $warning_text[] = $this->_('Otherwise you will get an error if you try to use the CAPTCHA on your forms.'); $this->wire('session')->warning(implode('<br>', $warning_text), Notice::allowMarkup); } } // try to unlink the file on uninstall try { // unlink the captcha.php file $this->wire('files')->unlink($from); } catch (Exception $ex) { $this->wire('session')->warning($ex); } } The method checks at first if the copying was successfull. If not, it checks if the root is writeable -> if not it outputs a warning with further instructions. This should solve the problem. Thanks Jürgen
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