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  1. I've created a new Github issue: https://github.com/ryancramerdesign/ProcessWire/issues/676 Are you running Linux or OSX? Cause maybe this is only happens with MySQL for Windows. I'll try to check this on my Linux production server. Edit: nope, the bug is also present on Linux.
  2. Maybe this is important: I found out that this happens every time I create a page from the parent's "Children" tab. If I create a child from the page tree, everything is fine. It looks like it creates 2 untitled pages and then goes to edit the second one, leaving the first behind. I should also mention that I have not installed any site modules yet, and only some very simple templates and fields are created. Edit: the bug is also present when creating pages from the "Add New" button in the Admin home.
  3. I'm using the latest 2.5.1 dev branch and I have a problem when using this option. Instead of trying to list the steps to reproduce the problem, I thought it would be better to capture a short video, so here it is:
  4. Wow, thanks guys! I was already using the dev branch but I didn't know it was already there.
  5. Hi! I've read the selectors documentation but I can't find how to deal with a situation where you need to do something like this, but with PW pages: SELECT * FROM products WHERE product_name = 'Computer' OR product_category = 'Electronics' There are 2 OR operators documented, "matching one field or another" ("field1|field2=value") and "matching more than one value in the same field" ("field=value1|value2"), but none of them can do what I need. I tried something like this: "field1=value1|field2=value2", but of course it didn't work. I know I could filter the resulting array, but I would be pulling unwanted data from the db and it would break the pagination system.
  6. I can confirm this bug, using PW 2.4, Apache 2.4.6, MySQL 5.6.12 and PHP 5.4.26 under Windows 8.1. I was also able to get it working again by adding the missing fields manually.
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