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Everything posted by hansdesmedt

  1. @inframe ik hou men hart vast voor volgende week :)

  2. Thanks to Benjamin we now have perfect SwiftLint warnings in XCode

  3. Duplication is better than the wrong abstraction. thanks to @nickdecooman https://t.co/VeeyceSOMY

  4. that akward moment you discover the debugger tool for #reactnative at the very end of a project. #nuclide https://t.co/8t363NKQhi

  5. RT @chriscoyier: Well that’s about the most fun I’ve ever had clicking. https://t.co/t4f3TvCuHy https://t.co/o7H4ME0WSY

  6. Just integrated @LearnBoost #socketio into a @openframeworks project with @CocoaPods. Imagine the possibilities! What did just happen?

  7. Node.js for iOS, what a crazy idea is this? #sciencefiction http://t.co/LbDoT9xJce

  8. RT @iamdevloper: ProTip: mask forcing your opinions down people's throats by calling it "best practices".

  9. RT @9elements: We have a spare Atom.io invite: http://t.co/kBAyawgWG8 - please follow, retweet and write why you need it the most.

  10. I tested it, it's because it's in a repeater... somebody knows how to solve this? Give repeater template access somewhere?
  11. I did that: http://cl.ly/image/1R1f1R2b433t http://cl.ly/image/1Q2Y393x2s3R This image-field is in a repeater maybe this has something to do with it?
  12. I am using this module: http://modules.processwire.com/modules/fieldtype-crop-image/ I am using different roles in my site: - guest - superuser - editor as superuser I can click on the "thumbnail" link to change the crop size and position, as editor I get this error: http://cl.ly/image/31073a02451y I already changed the permissions of this role, but this does not make any difference. How can I make editors also can change the crop of the image?
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