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Hari KT

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Status Updates posted by Hari KT

  1. RT @pmjones: @jose_zap Next minor release will have "enable/disable" but leave enabled by default; the one after that will disable by defau…

  2. RT @ralphschindler: @pmjones it’s only been a week and yet you’ve managed to step into the light so soon, congrats.

  3. I am not talking just Guzzle, but for any library it seems to be the version appended in namespace will help a lot. Eg Aura\Di1, Aura\Di2

  4. Thanks @TrueNorthPHP . I hope we can see some @auraphp talks in future / cc @zinyando . By the way what is CH ?

  5. "Let's agree to disagree" via Barry vd. Heuvel . Nice words.

  6. I just wondered how simple this DB wrapper is https://t.co/9E6GG4b7Di . A few drawbacks though, ignore the tests for now, but look the code.

  7. RT @shochdoerfer: @pmjones told one of my devs to look into #ADR this morning. He just came back to me and told me how awesome it is.

  8. RT @nomadphp: This Friday our sister project is hosting a free event. Still time to get your tickets and participatehttp://t.co/4pIkrIVqzp

  9. RT @old_sound: It's interesting how everybody seems to be ready to come and say "fix your library", but then I say "fix your PR" and people…

  10. It is time to practice now.

  11. RT @adamculp: Can't stop looking at the speaker page for @SunShinePHP. Can't believe it is so full of awesome! #ssp15

  12. RT @adamculp: Everyone! We need to help spread the word about @TrueNorthPHP happening next week! Register Now! http://t.co/UEJNQCCsZU #tnp

  13. Congrats to all @SunShinePHP speakers. Looking through the list, and topics. Nice. @pmjones your talk is not listed in speaker listing.

  14. I didn't noticed @auraphp intl passed 30K downloads. via @packagist https://t.co/rbYlSk50kw

  15. RT @murrion: Aura Input Form Inside Slim Framework http://t.co/EIvnJxszGy #php

  16. RT @pradeepto: Come on RBI. Rs 20 per transaction for more than 5 ATM transactions per month. Back to 1900s. http://t.co/LI0h9H180J

  17. Thank you @7php . I am just using the http-foundation. Doing https://t.co/bFmdHS2Vzh I feel all the session values will have same lifetime.

  18. RT @WyriHaximus: @grmpyprogrammer Can highly reccomend Sculpin, @beausimensen has done a great building it.

  19. RT @meHrishi: മലയാളം ഫോണ്ട് ശില്പശാലനവംബര്‍ 8, 9 തിയ്യതികളില്‍ തിരുവനന്തപുരത്തു്. https://t.co/Xgw5DMud1J#smcfontworkshop

  20. Send a PR to "Framework Kumbaya talk" https://t.co/hGwKf7lZJ6 #zendcon / cc @weaverryan

  21. RT @localdisk: hack 製のマイクロフレームワーク。Aura.Router を使ってる / “brtriver/Haku · GitHub” http://t.co/DjNgZVzikX

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