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  1. Has anyone still got this PDF? It seems funny and full of profound design and usability insight!
  2. Two words: quality control Too many cooks spoil the broth 20 chefs all working on the same soup, makes a crappy soup Someone has to to be the ringleader to perform quality control on every pull request, rather than to just add it in because "it works and a net positive feature set" Unless you want it to be like other open source projects, where anything and everything gets added in, just because it works and provides a net positive for the feature set, like [[[----insert other CMS here ----]]] ??‍♀️
  3. Is it a good idea to wait for the documentation to be completed before us testing it?
  4. Nice find, that module didn't exist in 2017. I had to resort to the free open source "login register" module that's been discontinued and later replaced with that one.
  5. I've fixed the problem now. I forgot that I had coded a redirect in one of the template files I used, as I made it years ago so I expected it to only be in one file, not two. I spent 2 hours updating my code.
  6. Yes the 404 page appears in the page list and it is published No I don't use basic-page template, I use a template I made called error404. Changing the template back to basic-page doesn't work. No I have not modified any core code in processwire. The only file I modified was site/config.php Also turning on debug mode doesn't help Any other ideas?
  7. Error 404 File Not Found pages on my website to load due to infinite redirect. I believe it has something to do with this line of .htaccess ErrorDocument 404 /index.php Putting the following in site/config.php doesn't help. $config->http404PageID = 27;
  8. and Sorry but I'm not quite sure what this means. Can someone explain the difference of the old system of every page can be a product, and the new system of it not being that way and only pages with the padloper template can be a product? But people can decide what fields belong to each template, and with different types of products, it doesn't make sense to have the same template (ie. padloper) for each product. What are the advantages and disadvantages of the two? Can someone explain the difference of this further to me?
  9. Which PayPal API will be supported? Will it support PayPal IPN? I like PayPal IPN. Which Stripe API will be supported? Will it support Stripe Checkout or Stripe Payments? Will it support stripe.js v2 or v3 with elements? Will it use the embeddable stripe form that looks like this?
  10. It's been 2 years @kongondo Is there any updates on this???
  11. What does this mean? What's the reason for the change?
  12. "daurl" is a field I've defined in processwire myself
  13. Hello I've updated the code to if ($page->id != $config->http404PageID) { $session->redirect($page->daurl); } //redirect to link and it still doesn't work
  14. I've made my own redirect template for redirecting url's like http://hostingz.org/indicho I think this redirect template is conflicting with the error 404 page. <?php function bot_detected() { return ( isset($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']) && preg_match('/bot|crawl|slurp|spider/i', $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']) ); } if (bot_detected() === true){ //echo "is a bot"; } else { //echo "not a bot"; $hitcount = $page->views; $newhitcount = $page->views +1; //add 1 to the view counter $daview = $pages->get($page->id); $daview->of(false); $daview->views = $newhitcount; $daview->save(); //save the higher value onto the link page } $session->redirect($page->daurl); //redirect to link ?> and there's _init.php <?php $pages->addHookBefore('Page::path', function($event) { $page = $event->object; if($page->template == 'post') {// template used by 'post-a' // ensure that pages with template 'post' live off the root rather than '/posts/' $event->replace = true; $event->return = "/$page->name/"; } }); ?>
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