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Everything posted by Peejay

  1. Hi, I only see the changes of my css file (templates/AdminCustomFiles/AdminThemeReno.css) when I'm logged-in as superuser, when I have an other roll I just see the default AdminThemeReno. Does anyone know what I'm doing wrong? *working with version: 3.0.59
  2. Hi all! Is it possible to use this module on your localhost (Mamp), for testing? Where do you place te folder? Cheers!
  3. Hi, I don't want to list pages that aren't listable by the current user in the menu. I fixt it by adding an if statement on line 192 of MarkupMenuBuilder.module: if($this->wire('pages')->get($m->pagesID)->listable()){ $menu->add($m); } Is there a better way to do this? In a hook or a setting that I have missed?
  4. Never mind, There's something wrong with the css of semantic-ui. It's not an processwire / module issue.
  5. Hi, I'm having a similar issue. (Version 3.0.15 of processwire) In the backend the google maps field loads fine (only when the field isn't hidden). But in the front-end I'm getting this: It's possible to drag, but the assets won't load (tiles, buttons). I have no clue why this is happening.
  6. It isn't imported that the timestamp match the exact time, the "Rename on Save" function did the trick! Thanks a lot!
  7. Hi Horst, thank you for your warm welcome My question indeed needed a little more details. I'm using processwire as an API for a backbone webapp. (artexis-app, best to view it in chrome ) I'm also port it to an Ipad application with Apache Cordova. It has to work offline, so I download all the assets to the Ipad. I included an update function and it checks the file name, I want to add a timestamp the the cropped image to see if it has changed. Like: image_1447076736.-thumbnail.jpg. I can't use the modified property of the image, because that's changed when it's downloaded on the Ipad. @Adrian: Thanks for your suggestion, but I think that only applies when the image is uploaded and not the cropped image. Is that correct?
  8. Hello, I have a small question: what's the best way to add a timestamp to the name of the cropped image?
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