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gmclelland last won the day on March 3 2022

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  1. Thanks @erikvanberkum! How were the mega menus modeled in the backend of ProcessWire?
  2. Great write up gebeer! Very nice looking pdfs. I would also be interested to see how the mega menu was created on that site.
  3. There is https://processwire.com/modules/repeater-images/, but that only works for images.
  4. How about this? https://processwire.com/modules/process-media-lister/
  5. @ryan while reading through https://processwire.com/blog/posts/text-blocks, I noticed the examples aren’t being shown: Example of using Text Block template files Here are processwire.com we use a Text Block template file for our ProcessWire download links. Below we've typed show_download and this in turn loads the file /site/templates/text-blocks/download.php. That file connects to GitHub, grabs the latest version information, and then generates these buttons you see below: reveal_download I think the reveal_download text should show the download buttons. I also noticed that the Requirements listing isn’t showing. Anyways, just thought you would like to know. Have a great weekend!
  6. Here's one place this was talked about in the past: https://github.com/processwire/processwire-requests/issues/142
  7. @kaz I posted a link to a tutorial in my post above. The difference is in that tutorial the templates exists in a “fields” directory and not in a views directory. Rendering fields template files are also described here https://processwire.com/blog/posts/processwire-3.0.7-expands-field-rendering-page-path-history-and-more/#field-rendering-with-template-files
  8. This tutorial might help? https://processwire.com/talk/topic/27499-something-like-gutenbergdrupal-paragraphs/#comment-226306
  9. Thanks for sharing BitPoet! I did notice a couple of typos as well: * echo "<div class='year'><h2>$year</h3>" . PHP_EOL; and <div class='year'><h2>2016</h3> Notice the h2 and h3 don't match up?
  10. Here's an article that talks about hot-reloading in Craft CMS using Alpine.js: https://aaronmbushnell.com/hot-reloading-content-in-craft-cms-live-preview/ It also references an article about Statamic's live preview as well: https://jacksleight.dev/posts/hot-reloading-statamic-s-live-preview-in-a-traditonal-mpa Just thought I would share in case it is relevant?
  11. Found this recently. Thought I would share. It provides a GUI in VSCode for DDEV. https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=biati.ddev-manager
  12. In case anyone runs into the same issue... After I upgraded Docker Desktop for Mac to the latest version, I started getting errors in DDEV on all of my DDEV projects. @rfay from DDEV - pointed me to the fix at https://github.com/docker/for-mac/issues/6677 Error response from daemon: Ports are not available: exposing port TCP -> failed to connect to /var/run/com.docker.vmnetd.sock: is vmnetd running? The fix for me was to run these two commands: /Applications/Docker.app/Contents/MacOS/install remove-vmnetd sudo /Applications/Docker.app/Contents/MacOS/install vmnetd
  13. Haven’t tried it yet, but it looks like there is a new fork of selectize at https://tom-select.js.org I just saw this and thought I would report it here in case it is relevant?
  14. Sorry, I just realized https://processwire.com/modules/files-rename-replace/ is only for file fields, not image fields.
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