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Everything posted by heyCupcake

  1. I double checked all the folders to be sure and they're all writable. The permissions are all set to be able to do so anyways.
  2. I looked into the startup tutorial that a few lovely members have pointed me towards and I am very happy to get started as I was sooo confused with a lot being the PHP noob that I am. However, when I set up the new Planet.php template as suggested in the tutorial i have no problems. Then when I add a page this is the error I find: Cache path does not exist: /var/www/vhosts/samplesite.nl/httpdocs/processwire/site/assets/cache/Page/ Was wondering why I get that? //Adam: I moved this topic to general support (as it is support ticked) and edited title to be more descriptive
  3. Thank you both, Maruchan & Diogo. This, your advise, is the reason why I'd probably go ahead and figure it out by playing with it. It's more of a "Challenge accepted" thing rather than going to easy way out with a simple CMS that probably won't do what I want in the end I really appreciate the responses and will most likely keep on asking silly questions if this is the kind of helpfull feedback I can get in my journey to understanding everything. Thank you again!
  4. Hello hello! I don't normally design websites on a big scale and after a bit of a break I got offered to do a site for the company I currently work for. Yay me! However, one of the things my boss wants is a CMS, which is kinda obvious, except that I haven't used one before. I've googled, as you do, and this looks so promising that I'm hoping, as a PHP/CMS noob, I'll be able to understand how it all works. I know, it's a bit of a long story, but I do have a silly question. From what I understand, I can design a template and can use that with Process Wire to manage the content like text areas, pictures, forms, etc. Is that the right assumption? It's a little embarrassing to ask such an obvious question, but I just need to make sure of that before I go any further Hopefully someone awesome amongst you will explain it to me and somewhat ease my worries
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