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Everything posted by JoshoB

  1. Ah! Gosh, no wonder I couldn't find it. Thanks for the help; I will see how to solve this in a clean way, now that I know what the problem is.
  2. I feel like I am missing something obvious or that I somehow haven't been able to find it using the search here or via Google, but my question is, hopefully, a simple one. I have to translate a website running on ProcessWire (love it, by the way!) to another language. Everything seems to be going fine, but for the life of me I have no idea how to translate the little error messages that pop up when a form doesn't validate. (I am talking about the forms on the frontend.) I am using default ProcessWire settings and everything, but I cannot find where these strings are located and they don't turn up in any search through all the available files. If you're uncertain as to what I am talking about, it's the little balloons that pop up and say "Please fill out this field" and the like. Your help is much appreciated!
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