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  1. Thank you @Juergen! I will give it a try and let you know if there is any feedback. Sorry for silence even though you worked swiftly in order to add this feature, I was logged in to my other (work) account.
  2. No problem. Glad to know enabling it to work with other WireMail modules is a possibility. Looking forward to seeing the update on Github. Cheers!
  3. Huh, strange.. I tried on "Forgot Login data" page and it never managed to send out the emails through Postmark. To be clear, I do not specifically ask for it to work with Postmark, but any other WireMail modules (eg. SMTP, Mailgun, Gmail, etc.) So to clarify, were you able to send the two mails without making adjustments to the module or did you actually have to make changes to the code?
  4. Hello @Juergen – Thank you for developing this great module. It looks like the outgoing emails from this module cannot use WireMail() custom modules though. It is possible to make it work with custom WireMail module. I am specifically using WireMailPostmark for all outgoing emails. Thank you!
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