I would like to use ProcessWire for several websites.
Each website has its own customized template.
Each website makes extensive use of forms so that users can search for goods and services.
Members of the site can add their own goods and services and they can be contacted by other members of the site.
All websites will be accessible under the same domain (www.maindomain.com, www.maindomain.com/website2, www.maindomain.com/website3 and so on)
Domain mapping will be used so that the own domain of the website is displayed. The own domain of the website is the name of the website.
Users should not have to register on each website. Once the user has registered on one website, the member shall be logged in on all websites under the same username and password. Obviously, all websites need to share one and the same database.
Multiple websites at independent domains and subdomains from the same ProcessWire installation and web hosting account using the same database can be realized by installing the 3rd party module "Multisite module". This 3rd party module, however, means additional work through upgrades etc. and the ProcessWire API usage must be coded in recognition of the multi-site environment. Therefore this method is no option for me.
Luckily, multi-site support is built into ProcessWire's core and thus doesn't require installation of any module. Multiple sites are running on the same web account and ProcessWire installation. I want to make use of this method.
But as each site is maintaining its own database (and /site/ directory), I need a solution so that when a user is registered and logged in on one website, the user is automatically logged in on all websites.
The websites shall also be connected with a forum software (xenForo) and with a shopping cart (one that is similar to the architecture of PW). Both will be hosted in the same web account where PW is hosted.
User registration shall be on the main website accessible under the main domain (www.maindomain.com/register).
The user is free to log in on the website of his choice or in the forum or in the shop.
After logging in, the user would be logged in throughout the whole web property (websites, forum, shop).
As the database of the main website under the main domain (www.maindomain.com is displayed) contains the data for user registration, I may need a bridge to connect the login field on all other websites and forum and shop with that main database.
In that main database not only the simple user registration data is stored, but also other essential member data that is required by the forum software, by the shopping cart, by some websites.
All websites, the forum and the store are bridged with that main database so that they can make use of those additional data.
I'm sure that I am not the only one who prefers the multi-site support built into PW's core and therefore many PW admins would want such a solution.